Most of what you say is entirely true and the Ukrainian governments aren't and never have been anything close to high performers.
But there is ine fundamental part of your argument which I completely oppose.
You are basically stating that Ukraine had it coming because it is weak. They should have jumped through loops in order not to antagonize their powerfull "brotherstate" to the east.
The Ukrainian government's first duty is not to some abstract set of morals. Their first duty is to their own people. If jumping through hoops to keep Russia happy, saves the lives of several thousand of their citizen, then for fucks sake, they should have jumped through hoops.
And that's exactly what the thugs sitting in the Rzssian government think, too. What they really want is to sit down with the "West" and draw a line on the map defining each others "area of influence" and to hell with the shitty little countries caught in the middle.
What they want is not so much an area of their influence, as an area of where the west will not spread itself.
That's not how it works nor how it should work. Just ask the baltics, poles or Czech what they think about such a deal. We can't and we won't give Russia this line.
Hmm. No. Now it's not lines. It's grey areas. But if you think strong countries no longer screw over weak ones, you're living in a fantasy world. The west supported nutcase violent insurgents against a government in Libya, but France is busy helping the Malinese against a very similar insurgency. Don't try to tell me the west are some sort of good guys, trying to make the world better.
This has nothing to do with some imaginary fears about the west encircling russia or trying to contain it. It has to do with the fundamental right of any free country to decide with whom to allign.
Are they imaginary? The west started rolling eastward back when Russia was weak and wasn't menacing anyone. It was too busy trying not to fall apart at the seams. And it took a huge Russian effort to push US bases out of Central Asia.
Russia did better than Ukraine?
Belarus did.
They raked in unbelievable amounts of money for the last 15+ years. Keeping that in mind their achievments are rather pathetic to be honest. But instead of trying hard to bring up everybodys level of living Putin and his boys try to regain lost status and prestige by means of violence destroying even the better relationships, like to germany, in their wake and doing huge damagr to their own countries already fledging economy while they are at it.
Russia is a national oligarchy. So yes, Putin and company are not good for Russia. The problem is a lack of alternatives. But this is a simple case of the west sending a message to Russia
at the expense of Ukraine. Russia is in the wrong internationally, but the Ukrainian government is
wrong with regards to its own people.
Ukraine should tell the west to go to hell, negotiate with Russia, and get the best conditions they can for themselves. And let the west send a message to Putin at their own expense. If Germany and France wants to stop Russia, let German and French boys die for it, let Germany and French cities get shelled. It's nice to sit in Paris, or Washington, and talk about "dealing with Russian aggression". Not too nice to have your friends or family drafted against their will to fight a war they want no part in.
Of course this would imply a Ukrainian government that gives a damn about Ukraine and its people. So I guess it's not happening.
Russia did it's part in antagonizing the Georgians enough to lure them into this stupid attack.
Let's not re-write history. Saakashvili had a program of violently ending the breakaway republics. He got Russia to broker an autonomy agreement with Adzharia, then used militarized police to violate said agreement, and bring the place under complete control. He tried the same bullsh*t with South Ossetia in 2006, but it didn't fly. He then tried it again violently in 2008. Russia didn't provoke him into this. He had a program, and he was systematically pursuing it.
As for NATO pushing east. Swerve put it well and ai have only to add that one should have a look at the declining military capabilities in western europe in order to see what a threat the west is.
Military power is not the only type of threat.