thats patently ridiculous to do. they are nation states, sovereign states - its says more about the anti-russian view from ex warpac states. for gods sake they have every right to choose how their future evolvesNATO does have the ability to deny them membership though. Maybe don't make promises you don't intend to deliver on?
And if you do make promises, and then blatantly go back on them, not be so surprised at the latent hostility for years to come.
thats just trite nonsense
Honestly Russia has spent the first half of the 2000's trying to come to some sort of arrangement with the west about being included in the global architecture. However nobody was interested. Consequently Russia went out and pursued their own perceived geo-political goals by means similar to those they saw the USA and other major powers using. Imagine the shock and surprise when America can invade countries without a UN sanction, but Russia is demonized for doing the same. When America can support ethnic-based independence movements to create a new country (Kosovo) but Russia is ostracized for similar actions in Georgia. When the west builds a BMD on which they claim they want dialogue and partnership with Russia but then isn't really willing to do anything more then make promises. Again.
If you want to understand the Russian perspective, this is it. If you don't and simply expect Russia to start doing what the west thinks they ought to be doing, you will be surprised and likely angry by the outcome. And if you think Russian treatment of Eastern Europe is in principle different then US behavior in Latin America...![]()
wake me up when the US behaves like the russians in georgia, crimea and ukraine