sad news
from : STANDING COMMITTEE ON DEFENCE 07-08 Demend for grants
page : 73-74
Arjun Tanks
8.11 The project for the design and development of Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun was approved by CCPA in its meeting held on 26 Mar 1974, in order to give the required indigenous cutting edge to our mechanized forces. Fifteen pre-production series of Arjun tanks developed by DRDO are in service with one squadron of 43 Armored Regiment of Army.
8.12 Army HQ placed an indent for 124 MBT Arjun on Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) in Mar 2000. The first 15 Nos. MBT Arjun are being produced as Limited Series Projection (LSP) tanks. Army has planned to carry out extensive exploitation of these tanks through Accelerated User Cum Reliability Trials (AUCRT) before Heavy Vehicle Factory (HVF) is accorded clearance for the bulk production of the remaining tanks.
8.13 Government sanction for creation of infrastructure for production of MBT Arjun was accorded in May 2002 with a total outlay of Rs. 100 crore (65 crore for Ordnance Factory, Medak and 35 crore for HVF, Avadi). The infrastructure is in place with effect from Jun 2006 which included the following: -
(i) Assembly line
(ii) Tools, fixture and material handling facilities
(iii) Pre-fitment check facilities.
8.14 The production of MBT Arjun is regularly monitored through the quarterly Working Group Meetings held under the Chairmanship of Director General Mechanized Forces (DGMF) and the Steering Committee Meetings held under the Co-Chairmanship of Secretary (DP) and SA to RM. Hon’ble RURM reviewed the production of MBT Arjun in July 2006.
8.15 HVF Avadi has completed the assembly of 53 tanks. Out of these, 5 tanks have been handed over to the Army for user trails which were successfully completed in Jun 2006. Defects noticed during the trials have been rectified.
8.16 Nine tanks were tendered for Joint Receipt Inspection (JRI). Army has completed the JRI of 5 tanks and the JRI of next 4 tanks is underway. It has been decided that all the 9 tanks would be issued to Army simultaneously and Army would undertake AUCRT on 2 tanks.
8.17 The production target for year 2007-08 is 32 tanks, thus the cumulative total at end of year 2007-08 is likely to be 85 tanks. Production of remaining 39 tanks is likely to be completed during 2008-09. Raksha Mantri is periodically reviewing the production schedule of MBT Arjun.
8.18 During evidence before the Committee, a representative of the Army clarifying the position regarding performance of Arjun Tank submitted as under: -
“Sir, we have just carried out the trial in winter. The tanks have performed very poorly. There have been four engine failure so far. The tanks have done about 1,000 kilometre each. There has been a problem. The Defence Minister has been apprised by the Chief. I think, two or three days back, he has written a DO letter giving the exact position. So, a lot of improvements have to be done before the Army will be satisfied on the Arjun tank.”