As long as the problems that occur are solved there is always room for future deals.
If someone looks the recent Greek Army's history he will find how many deals were made with German companies, especially KMW, so there is no doubt about KMW's reliability and the relations with Greek Army.
There was an article in a Greek newspaper about the suppliers of weapon systems for the armed forces.
According to the MBT's, when the Leo2HEL program will be completed and all the old MBT's are withdrawn then the percentages of the systems will be 60,60% German made and 39,40% US made.
According to the Artillery the percentages in 2007 were 88,69% US made, Czech 8,3%, German 1,72% , Italian 1,29%. Of course with the new artillery program, the percentages will change, i hope in favour of Germany.
Another interesting information is that the BMP-3 IFV's, that were bought by Greece, will be produced in Greek industries, in a percentage of 30% of the whole vehicle. And the Russian side have offered 40 BMP-3F's amphibious vehicles to be used with the Greek Marine Corps.
Finally, Cyprus will buy 41 new MBT's. This program begun about 1 year ago and now the offers are in the final stage of valuation. The MBT's offered are the Russian T-80, the French MX-30B2 and the Ukrainian T-84UD. Cyprus has in service T-80's and MX-30B2.
The surprise of this program was that KMW offered Leo-1A5! The offer was out of date and it wasn't counted.