Arms race: Greece & Turkey

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New Member
Atilla to me politics is as good as hearsy and gossip, i dont like politics, we need to produce more products, we need to invent new technologies, we need to sell more, we need to increase our wealth, we need to grow bigger.

Not political mumbo-jumbo that only hinders national growth.

I like Mustafa Kemal Ataturks words "Vatanini en cok seven, gorevini en iyi yapandir", so meaningfull and precise.

Look at USA, look at Greece and Turkiye., all the politicians in the world care for are their pockets (im not talking about curroption alone) and their extra-marital affairs :) .

Forget them, vote for me, vote for people!!! :hehe

Anyway jokes aside, lets go back on to defence matters.


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Good advice. I strongly suggest a return to defence related matters from now on...

Yeah but what mistakes have they don nothing plus the way we turks think that attaturk legacey was set it is not true at all CHP did not follow his legacey at all instead whent things with there own way


New Member
Dont ruin the threads.

The same thing at this link, as quoted below, applies in this post too:

it would suck if they didnt chose that designe i mean it will
Yasin why will the new Turkish mbt named Altay, that we are yet to see, thats undergoing and many of us dont have extreme details of its technology, capability and even what it looks like "suck" if the private concept you are referring to shown in this thread as an example was not to be the Altay?

What do you know of the developments of the Altay Tank?

What do you know of the multitude of the design concepts we see in the Turkish media including the one shown here?

How do you compare what you know and claim that it will "suck"?

Instead of posting coments just to post a comment and raising your post count pls contribue with your intellectual assest.

I'm sure its not just me as a Turk getting annoyed with such non-sensical postings but anyone and everyone that clicks on a thread to read/learn/get an insight into something they are interested in.

I dont mean to be rude, and I apoligize if reading this is a bit harsh, but this is for all of us, pls lets all pay some attention to this.

(im sorry i guess im grumpy today)



New Member
Today we had a military parade since it's our Independence day anniversary,for the first time Leo 2A6HEL was shown to public(I was there).It looks amazing,it really made a difference from the other MBTs that came along.I didn't notice any special armour on it,but there are rumours that we might add some(rumours exist for the same thing about BMP-3 also).I also like its camo,to be honest I never seen any other veh of our inventory using sth like that.


New Member
Sounds great JackGr, congrats on the Leo2A6Hel, it is a capable tank.

Did you manage to take some pics of the parada, including the leo's, if so would be nice to get a peek. :)



New Member
I am so unlucky I went there only to take pics,and the batteries of the digital camera depleted :( It was a big parade and many systems,vehs,groups appeared for first time.For example patrol boats of the Coast guard,boats of Greek "Seals",the new special forces team (MEE) etc.I'll try to find pics of Leo from elsewhere and post them.


New Member
I am so unlucky I went there only to take pics,and the batteries of the digital camera depleted :( It was a big parade and many systems,vehs,groups appeared for first time.For example patrol boats of the Coast guard,boats of Greek "Seals",the new special forces team (MEE) etc.I'll try to find pics of Leo from elsewhere and post them.
I'm sorry to hear that, it would have been a joy to see all that even here on this forum. :eek:hwell

Looking forward to you to post any fresh pics from the parade you may find.



Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Rumours about additional armour for the Leos?

Maybe Greece is thinking about getting the mine protection for some of their Leos or they are interested in the future development of the PSO.

I really doubt they are just adding some indigenious armour to them.


New Member
Maybe you would like to watch this, it's a video from the parade today in Athens [ame=""]YouTube - 2008 Armoured Cavalry[/ame]

I was also there, Leo-2A6 made a huge difference.

Leo 2A6HEL is based on the Leo2A6 EX, with some improvements demanded by the Greek Army,which already has better protection generally (and mines) and a longer gun from the rest versions of Leo2. I think that JackGR meant additional protection and not some indegenious armour.


Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
I know that the HEL got the upgraded frontal hull, frontal turret and top armor.
I am not aware that there are HELs which got the mine protection kit like some German and Swedish ones.

Maybe you are right and he meant the standard armor upgrades and not some possible indigenious armor upgrade.


New Member
I am so unlucky I went there only to take pics,and the batteries of the digital camera depleted :( It was a big parade and many systems,vehs,groups appeared for first time.For example patrol boats of the Coast guard,boats of Greek "Seals",the new special forces team (MEE) etc.I'll try to find pics of Leo from elsewhere and post them.
(MEE) sounds interesting.



New Member
I don't know what exaclty the upgrade will be,or if it will ever be,just rumours,when an army obtains a system rumours for upgrades always exist.About the MEE it's written like this in Greek,it's a sq that belongs to the airforce, in English it's the 31st Special Operations Sq that is capable of Search and Rescue missions,special combat operations etc(it's like the Navy Seals of the air ,sth like that).


New Member
For a rifle the infantry/navy/airforce uses the G3 but in special forces they use M16/M4 and some others.That HUMMER is not using TOW/Milan/Kornet or Stinger,it must be for communications or sth else special,I'm not so sure.In the pics the first one is a commando unit(marines,commandos,etc),the fifth is the "Navy seals",the third one is part of the "Evzonoi" battalion,wearing traditional clothes from independence times,their duty is to guard the Parliament they are like the guards of the Queen in UK.

@Attila what you said means "why you show the pics of Greek army my friend?" :p
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