I didn't know that the condition of a ship mattered when it came to owership issues, nor should whether or not much of the crew deserted, those are ukranian property unless you are saying that Russia has some right to seize the ships?
Russia wants to remove the Ukrainian Navy from the equation. Ukraine is too busy with internal politics to even protest. So they get away with it. Rights is an inherently Western framework. And while Russia or Ukraine sometimes talk within it, they certainly don't act or think that way.
Technically there are plenty of property issues still left from the divisions of the USSR. They were mostly crumpled into something convenient by the governments of the time period.
Yes, but who could conceivably come to power in the east? And where's the guarantee any new eastern leadership will be more stable than Kiev has been?
The main source of instability is the inherent divide on which Ukrainian oligarchs sit. They can't pander to national interests if half of the country sees these interests one way, and the other half the other way.
Overall the situation is looking a lot like the Russian provisional government a hundred years ago. The interim Ukrainian administration is probably going to go the same way.
That would be bad. Because the radicals are fascist. So if this was February, October will bring Right Sector into office.
However, I like the sound of an eastern Ukraine closely allied with Russia, that would calm things down. But if western Ukraine goes rouge, how will this affect Russia's pipelines to the EU? The pipelines will be the first thing the western Ukrainians go for to get back at Russia.
Sure. Cut off your nose to spite your face.
But if Odessa and Kherson end up in the East, then Western Ukraine gets bypassed.
Perhaps a broad Russia-EU settlement to resolve the Ukraine transit issue once and for all would be a good idea, with the western part of the country joining the EU as you mentioned.
It would be good to have the EU buy gas at the Russian border, and negotiate with the Ukrainians themselves.

Let them deal with a government that flip-flops on major decisions every 2 weeks.