The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


On various news outlets apparently Estonia, Latvia and possibly Poland are invoking article 4 of Nato. What does this mean
There's an explanation on wiki which.I imagine is ok for this kind of thing. Reading through it has been invoked quite a few times when members feel threatened (even back in 2014) but seems to just trigger a meeting on military matters.


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That means that they are feeling threatened and are requesting consultation with other members to strengthen the national defense with help of other member states.


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On the KA-50 is what appears to be a fuel tank next to the quad ATGW launcher.

On the T-80 video, I had no idea the Russians had reached Kharkov.


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CNN has a great footage of Russian airborne troops in Antonov airport. It seems they've taken the airport and are setting up a perimeter.

There's also videos of Russian column crossing the Dnieper.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for mentioning it, I had a look at it.

Like everyone else here I'm eagerly waiting for Feanor's next update. Fighting is ongoing in the Chernobyl area but there's no news on the situation at Odessa. On a link another member kindly provided it's confirmed that a KA-50 was brought down and a T-80 was lost, it's turret separated from the hull.


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Thanks for mentioning it, I had a look at it.

Like everyone else here I'm eagerly waiting for Feanor's next update. Fighting is ongoing in the Chernobyl area but there's no news on the situation at Odessa. On a link another member kindly provided it's confirmed that a KA-50 was brought down and a T-80 was lost, it's turret separated from the hull.

The big unknown is what’s going on in the wood line. We see the Kalibre, MLRS, and Arty strikes on the news, What’s going on ink the woodline? Are the Russians forces facing resistance from the Ukrainian Military? Light? Heavy?


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Still a bit early days but I expected the Russans to steamroll the Ukrainians and for many Ukranian units to collapse. Then again the Ukrainians were expecting an attack and the quality of some units has probably improved thanks to years of training assistance from the West. At a tactical level I have no doubt that the Ukrainians are giving a good account of themselves but at an.oper ational level the Russians will be dominating things. From an overall perspective whether or the Russian military is performing as well as the Russian political and military was hoping is question.
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Am I reading this wrong. First Putin recognised the independence of the 2 breakaway regions then in a televised speech he claims Ukraine was created by Russia. So these 2 regions have been played because they will never be independent.
Or Russia will go for regime change in Kiev, and the LDNR will still keep their independence. There's a lot of options.

3 helis were destroyed, but the paratroopers ran away in the forest. The Special Forces are trying to get rid of them
Do you have any sources or images on the destroyed helos?


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Still a bit early days but I expected the Russans to steamroll the Ukrainians and for many Ukranian units to collapse. Then again the Ukrainians were expecting an attack and the quality of some units has probably improved thanks to years of training assistance from the West. At a tactical level I Ihave no doubt that the Ukrainians are giving a good account of themselves but at an.oper ational level the Russians will be dominating things. From an overall perspective whether or the Russian military is performing as well as the Russian political and military was hoping is question.

WIll be interesting to see. they can disperse infantry into squad size teams, use Cover to mask their movements. Can be very effective with Javelin Teams vs advancing armor. Javelins cold launch and can be fired from enclosed spaces offering further concealment. Small teams are also less likely to be fixed by drone assets etc spotting for ARTY strikes. Javelin teams can also very effectively engage rotary assets. Can also add MAPAD assets with the same teams and disperse them
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Active Member
The big unknown is what’s going on in the wood line. We see the Kalibre, MLRS, and Arty strikes on the news, What’s going on ink the woodline? Are the Russians forces facing resistance from the Ukrainian Military? Light? Heavy?
At first, resistance was very minimal. But it looks like we're starting to see some heavy clashes. It appears some helicopters have been brought down and they've captured a few prisoners. The main-source on that though is actually coming from the Ukrainian MoD, and a lot of their reports are so far uncollaborated. Overall still looks to be going very unwell, and there's been quite a bit of non resistance especially from the border-guards.

It seems to me that no direct urban combat is taking place, it's like the Russians are just surrounding areas, controlling the bridges and outskirts.

Міністерство оборони України

I'm starting to see reports of some VDV landings via copters around several points along the Dniper. A lot of helicopter activity in general.

Киевское направление. Десант на Вышгород. | Военный Осведомитель | VK

Ка-52 в окрестностях Киева | Военный Осведомитель | VK

Ukrainian T-64BV tanks destroyed or abandoned along the Kherson direction. I'll just link one link in regards to that, the other I saw was extremely graphic.



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Or Russia will go for regime change in Kiev, and the LDNR will still keep their independence. There's a lot of options.

Do you have any sources or images on the destroyed helos?
Feanor. I’ve seen multiple photos of at least 2 KA-52s down. One damaged on the ground with what appears to be shrapnel marks from an aerial burst round, the other was smoking and plumetted into a body of water. Photos to follow


Active Member
Holy balls those Mi-8's are coming in low! @Steinmetz I have also seen those video's, one Ka-52 fell into the water at Vyshhorod near Kiev, one pilot ejected. @Feanor the three Mi-8's where reportedly (according to Ukr mod) shot down near Kiev during the assault of the airport this shows one helicopter going down but I can't see it well.

But it looks like at least some shorad is working. However I see reports of heavy fighting in the East and near Kharkov, but it looks like they're not doing well in the south in the Kherson region with Russians reaching the Dnjepr at kakhova dam and crossing/ seizing Antonovski bridge near Kherson.

I've been following on this website . They seem to keep up pretty well.
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
An airport 15 miles north from Kiev seems to be under control now by Russian airborne troops.
Also the airport of Gostomel seems to be in Russian hands now.

Some impressive amount of helicopters.

There is a possibility that the one and only An-225 will not survive the war.
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Well-Known Member

Given what we saw in the eastern Ukraine years ago, I'd imagine that Russian EW is playing havoc on Ukrainian comms and the ability to deploy UASs. If indeed the bulk of Russian armour are still lacking APS and are largely relying on older ERA modules, they'd be extremely vulnerable to Javelin and MBT LAW. I have no.idea if Western assistance to the Ukrainian military included arty locating radars which would come in extremely useful in countering Russian arty and MLRSs.


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Russian troops are advancing from the north-east into Kharkov and Sumy region, encountering some resistance. They are also advancing from the north into Chernobyl. There is a Russian air assault operation taking place around Kiev, the exact scale of it is hard to judge. There are also Russian troops advancing pretty slowly out of Crimea into Kherson region. The reports of landings in Odessa are so far unsubstantiated.

The fighting.

Allegedly footage of Bayraktars being used against Russian troops.

Allegedly a Ukrainian MiG-29 striking targets.

Combat action near Kharkov. According to the commentary Russian tanks took up a position on the road and Ukrainian troops are trying to destroy them.

A bridge in Genichesk was blown up, unclear by whom. A civilian car can be seen in the water.

Ukrainian sources are claiming two Russian prisoners were taken. However the red bands are the identifying markers of rebel forces. These are likely LDNR.

Apparently two Russian civilian ships were hit by Ukrainian missiles in the Azov sea. One sailor was wounded.

Russian helos striking the Gostomel' airport.

A Ukrainian An-26 was shot down in Kiev region.

Fighter jets are striking targets in Kherson region.

Unconfirmed reports of a Russian helo going down at Vyshgorod, and a pilot being taken prisoner.

Ukrainian troops on Zmeiniy island were given an ultimatum to surrender. The island is located off the coast of Odessa region, near Romania.


A Ukrainian troop column near Crimea, hit.

A Ukrainian BTR-4 and a Russian Tigr-M destroyed near Kharkov.

Another destroyed Tigr-M, likely unrelated to the one above.

Destroyed Ukrainian radars near Mariupol'.

A Russian Ka-52 that was hit. It apparently made a landing.

The Tripol'skaya powerplant south of Kiev was hit by an airstrike.

Ukrainian tanks, 5kms outside of Kherson near the Antonov bridge, some are destroyed others appear to be intact.

A Ukrainian troop column got hit. The person filming seems to think it a Russian troop column but the BMP-1s and the camouflage disagree.

Russia reports losing an Su-25 due to pilot error.

Russian Long Range Fires.

A tank brigades supply depot hit by strikes in Krivoy Rog.

The 204th aviation brigade in Lutsk got hit.

Alleged footage of missiles out of Transnetria hitting targets in Ukraine. Unverified at this time.

Russian missile launches somewhere near Ukraine.

A Russian missile strike hits targets near Odessa.

A Ukrainian airfield at Melitopol' was hit. Il-76s are based there.

Russian Troop Sightings.

Russian troops in the Kiev Antonov airport.

Russian helos operating from a road in Belarus.

Russian troops entering Kherson region.

Apparently a Russian and Ukrainian troop column just passed each other by on a road in southern Kherson region.

Russian troops in Kherson region.

Russian troops inside Novaya Khakhovka, Kherson region.

Russian troops spotted in Sumy.

Russian troops have taken the Kahovskaya hydro-electric dam. It sits at the top of the canal to Crimea. Pantsyrs are seen moving in, and a Russian flag now flies over the dam.

Russian helos landing troops in Kherson region.

Russian helos at Vyshgorod, north of Kiev, firing counter-measures. This is likely part of the air-assault operation.

Ka-52s near Kiev.

A Russian Ka-52 over Mezhigorye, firing countermeasures.

Russian Su-25s near Gostomel'.

Russian troops 10-15 kms from Kherson city.

Russian National Guard inside Genichensk, Kherson region.

The Rebels Troop Sightings.

LNR forces advancing.

The LNR has taken the village of Lopaskino. It's very close to the front line.

The rebels also claim Stanitsa Luganskaya and the town of Schastye. Again these are very small municipalities/settlements near the existing front line.

Ukrainian Troop Sightings.

Allegedly Ukrainian BMPs crushing civilian cars that are in the way.

A Ukrainian BTR-4 hiding inside a civilian house in Mariupol'.

A Ukrainian troop column is headed towards Sumy. They might be responding to the reports of Russian troops inside Sumy.

Ukranian MiG-29 over Kiev.

Ukrainian troops are in Odessa.

A Ukrainian Su-25 flying low altitude over Kherson region.


Allegedly a Ukrainian Su-27 landing in Romania.

And footage of that plane.

Ukraine has broken diplomatic relations with Russia.

The SBU is burning papers in Kiev.

Unknown fighter jets over Kiev.



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P.S. Events are happening very quickly so some of this info is getting old fast. For example the Antonov bridge right next to Kherson city where Ukrainian tanks were spotted, above, is now in Russian hands, and Russian troops were seen moving across it.

And a Russian engineers unit, from the looks of it, got hit in Sumy region and retreated or fled, abandoning some vehicles, possibly due to damage.
