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- #2,681
The North.
Two destroyed T-64BVs in Chernigov. Just as above, this is likely old fighting.
BMPTs are finally headed to the front, near Bryansk. They belong to the 90th Tank Division.
Some explanation of the recent incident where a Russian tank shot at Ukrainian soldiers point blank. It appears Ukrainian troops in the area found an abandoned BMP-2, and though the T-72B3 in question was also an abandoned and captured tank. In the first video you can hear them calling it a trophy. In the second link you can see the abandoned BMP-2 with V markings. The third link is the original video The fourth link contains graphic images of the aftermath (Warning footage of corpses). Note this is listed as Kharkov region so I placed it in this category, but this could very well have been in the Izyum salient which is also in Kharkov region, just the southern portion (towards Donetsk region).
Two Ukrainian T-64BVs captured in Kharkov region. As above regarding location and the Izyum salient.
Knocked out Ukrainian T-64BVmod'17, and BMP-1, Kharkov region. As above regarding location and the Izyum salient.
More shots of the same captured Saxon from Kharkov region.
The Izyum Salient.
A Ukrainian munition storage got hit near Izyum.
Smoke rising over the Dnepropetrovsk airport, likely a Russian strike.
Russian forces shot down a UAV near Melitopol'.
Ukrainian Tochka-U shot down near Melitopol'.
A large explosion in Nikolaev, Russian strike, target unclear.
LDNR Front.
Russian strike on alleged Right Sector camp in Novogrodovka, north-west of Donetsk.
Rebel forces engaged near Popasnaya.
Rebel infantry clearing houses, LNR area. Note the helmets and old body armor, these are reservists.
LNR artillery firing.
Russian mortar team, Donbass, firing.
Battle damage in Donetsk, allegedly from Ukrainian shelling.
Nikol'skoe, near Ugledar, was allegedly seized by Russian or rebel forces.
Abandoned Ukrainian 2S3 found in LNR area near Starobel'sk.
Russian forces in Volnovakha.
Russian T-72B3mod'16 BMP-3 near Popasnaya. A number of Russian units have entered the LDNR area to reinforce the rebel offensive. It's possible rebel forces are out of steam for further offensive action, especially against a well entrenched opponent.
Rebel reservists on a captured Ukrainian tank.
Fighting in Mariupol'.
Ukrainian APC destroyed by a Russian strike, Mariupol', likely near Azovstal.
DNR artillery firing.
Interesting video, likely Mariupol'. It shows what appear to be rebel crewmen operating a Russian T-72B3mod'16 (based on accent and uniforms). We also see a BTR-82A that took an RPG to the troop compartment but remains in action, likely because there was nobody and nothing inside, leading a clean through penetration.
Rebel sources report the entire seaport has fallen.
Rebel forces, Mariupol' seaport.
Russian and rebel forces in and around Mariupol'.
Ukrainian MANPADS team firing, location and context unclear.
Destroyed T-64, location, context, and which side, unclear.
Russian marines with V markings heading to the Donbass. Note based on this being Marines, and the V markings, these are likely Pacific fleet marines. Interesting point, the black yellow and white flag is an old Russian Empire flag.
Russian Iskanders operating as part of the war in Ukraine.
Captured BTR-82A getting repaired in Ukraine.
The North.
Two destroyed T-64BVs in Chernigov. Just as above, this is likely old fighting.

BMPTs are finally headed to the front, near Bryansk. They belong to the 90th Tank Division.
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БМПТ готовятся к бою
Some explanation of the recent incident where a Russian tank shot at Ukrainian soldiers point blank. It appears Ukrainian troops in the area found an abandoned BMP-2, and though the T-72B3 in question was also an abandoned and captured tank. In the first video you can hear them calling it a trophy. In the second link you can see the abandoned BMP-2 with V markings. The third link is the original video The fourth link contains graphic images of the aftermath (Warning footage of corpses). Note this is listed as Kharkov region so I placed it in this category, but this could very well have been in the Izyum salient which is also in Kharkov region, just the southern portion (towards Donetsk region).
"О, трофей едет"... "Еб...й случай, это русские..." Ну и закрывая тему с эпизодом https://t.me/boris_rozhin/41536 с БМП, танком и беспечными ВСУшниками. Чуть более подробное видео с непосредственными впечатлениями одного из участников.

Та самая брошенная БМП https://t.me/boris_rozhin/41458. Скорее всего наша (если только противник не наносил наши знаки на свою технику, как он это делает в Мариуполе). ВСУшники у нее беспечно толпились, после чего получили осколочно-фугасный снаряд из танка https://t.me/boris_rozhin/41527...
Под Харьковом российский танк выстрелил в целую группу украинских солдат. Почему украинцы стояли на месте - неизвестно, но возможно они думали, что это свои. Кадры 18+
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Two Ukrainian T-64BVs captured in Kharkov region. As above regarding location and the Izyum salient.
VK.com | VK
Knocked out Ukrainian T-64BVmod'17, and BMP-1, Kharkov region. As above regarding location and the Izyum salient.
VK.com | VK
More shots of the same captured Saxon from Kharkov region.
VK.com | VK
The Izyum Salient.
A Ukrainian munition storage got hit near Izyum.

Точным ударом российской артиллерии накрыт склад хранения стрелкового вооружения, ПТРК и гранатометов ВСУ в Изюмском районе. Большинство американских ПТРК «Джавелин» уничтожены, но есть и уцелевшие экземпляры. Почти не пострадали старые советские РПГ-7, также сохранилась партия выстрелов к...
Smoke rising over the Dnepropetrovsk airport, likely a Russian strike.
Russian forces shot down a UAV near Melitopol'.

В небе над Мелитополем силами ПВО России сбит очередной ударный беспилотный летательный аппарат ВСУ
Ukrainian Tochka-U shot down near Melitopol'.
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A large explosion in Nikolaev, Russian strike, target unclear.
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LDNR Front.
Russian strike on alleged Right Sector camp in Novogrodovka, north-west of Donetsk.
⚡️Момент удара ВС РФ по лагерю «Правого сектора»* в районе населенного пункта Новогродовка *«Правый сектор» - организация, запрещенная на территории РФ
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Rebel forces engaged near Popasnaya.
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Rebel infantry clearing houses, LNR area. Note the helmets and old body armor, these are reservists.
VK.com | VK
LNR artillery firing.
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Russian mortar team, Donbass, firing.
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Battle damage in Donetsk, allegedly from Ukrainian shelling.
Nikol'skoe, near Ugledar, was allegedly seized by Russian or rebel forces.

Никольское что под Угледаром наше. Храм в поселке ежедневно подвергается обстрелам со стороны ВСУ. Порядка 300 человек, в том числе грудные дети из всех окрестных поселков вынуждены прятаться от террористических действий ВСУ в подвалах храма.
Abandoned Ukrainian 2S3 found in LNR area near Starobel'sk.
Найденная в ЛНР 152-мм САУ "Акация" затрофеена прокуратурой Старобельского района.

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Russian forces in Volnovakha.
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Russian T-72B3mod'16 BMP-3 near Popasnaya. A number of Russian units have entered the LDNR area to reinforce the rebel offensive. It's possible rebel forces are out of steam for further offensive action, especially against a well entrenched opponent.
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Rebel reservists on a captured Ukrainian tank.
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Fighting in Mariupol'.
Хроники боев за Мариуполь. Как вы можете понять, стреляют не в пустоту, а в паникующих нациков. С нашими бойцами все в порядке, можете не переживать.
Ukrainian APC destroyed by a Russian strike, Mariupol', likely near Azovstal.
⚡️Кадры уничтожения бронетранспортёра ВСУ на огневой позиции в промышленной застройке Огневая позиция бронемашины была раскрыта и уничтожена ударом беспилотного летательного аппарата
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DNR artillery firing.
VK.com | VK
Interesting video, likely Mariupol'. It shows what appear to be rebel crewmen operating a Russian T-72B3mod'16 (based on accent and uniforms). We also see a BTR-82A that took an RPG to the troop compartment but remains in action, likely because there was nobody and nothing inside, leading a clean through penetration.
VK.com | VK
Rebel sources report the entire seaport has fallen.
⚡️Первые кадры освобождённого морпорта Мариуполя⚡️ Сегодня морской порт Мариуполя полностью перешёл под контроль Народной Милиции ДНР. Смотрите эксклюзивные кадры освобождённого Мариупольского морского порта с высоты птичьего полёта. @wargonzo *наш проект существует на средства подписчиков...
Rebel forces, Mariupol' seaport.
VK.com | VK
Russian and rebel forces in and around Mariupol'.
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VK.com | VK
Ukrainian MANPADS team firing, location and context unclear.
Рядовой на проводе
✔️ ВСУшник с ПЗРК "Игла-1M" пытается прицелиться пока авиация ВКС РФ крошит позиции противника. @Soldierline
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Destroyed T-64, location, context, and which side, unclear.
Russian marines with V markings heading to the Donbass. Note based on this being Marines, and the V markings, these are likely Pacific fleet marines. Interesting point, the black yellow and white flag is an old Russian Empire flag.
VK.com | VK
Russian Iskanders operating as part of the war in Ukraine.
VK.com | VK
Captured BTR-82A getting repaired in Ukraine.
Усиление и подкрепление
Трофейный БТР-82А усиливается по бортам некими экранами