New Delhi, May 5: The government has listed five "defects" noticed in the Arjun tanks during user trials conducted by the Army. These are "failure of power packs, low accuracy and consistency, failure of hydropneumatic suspension units, shearing of top rollers, and chipping of gun barrels".
Thirty-four years after its launch, the Arjun Main Battle Tank project of the Defence Research and Development Organisation has proved to be a failure with the Army telling a parliamentary committee last month that "the tanks have performed very poorly" in trials conducted last winter.
In the standing committee on defence report submitted to Parliament last month, the Army had told the committee, "We (Army) have just carried out the trial in winter. The tanks have performed very poorly. There have been four engine failures so far ... There has been a problem. The defence minister has been apprised by the (Army) chief ... So, a lot of improvements have to be done before the Army will be satisfied on the Arjun tank."
The parliamentary standing committee on defence then observed, "The committee however (is) startled to hear now from a representative of the Army that the Arjun tanks have performed very poorly."