Well-Known Member
Yes I did read what you wrote. Some I agree with and some I don't.You didn't actually read what I wrote did you?
Take your biased blinkers off and read it again.
I was pointing out that career paths for engineers and technical ( i.e. those with trades, post trade, technical, under graduate and even post graduate qualifications that are not four year engineering degrees) are far more limited than those of the non technical, non professional administration, contracts and project managers who seem to be advancing in many major projects.
I then made the point that engineers Australia are part of the problem because they have been allowed to dictate who is, and is not an engineer. There is actually a paper written by a former head of EA who states that EAs initial goal in restricting who was and was not an engineer was to reduce the pool of engineers and drive up wages.
They then actively campaigned to convert senior technical roles into professional engineer roles. There used to be multiple pathways for technical people, now there are almost none, they either go back to school and do a four year undergraduate degree ( which is a joke for those who have already completed postgraduate engineering degrees) or they switch to a non technical stream.
When government and industry outsourced professional recognition to EA, they, instead of assessing the the knowledge skills and experience of all of those working as engineers, put the four year degree as the arbitary entry requirements for assessment. The then introduced technical officer and technologist levels, again based on two, or three year qualifications.
Additionally, after being paid to do so, they began issuing recognition to individuals who had passed promotion courses within the ADF, without assessing the individual at all.
Worst was their agreement with INCOSE, who previously used a formula equating X years experience, to y years of study for entry into their certification process that included a course, an exam and a board. Now you just need a four year engineering degree and a certified work history
At least RINA still go case by case.
The problem is elitism, exceptionalism and a lack of intellectual diversity. When you have hierarchical structures where conformity of thought and behaviour is paramount, you are heading for failure.
As for taking off biased blinkers... HELLO POT THIS IS KETTLE, OVER!!!!
If tertiary institutions do not choose to RPL a candidate's relevant experience that is an issue with the specific institutions. When my military trade was combined with a technical trade I was given the option of doing 2 years of courses or applying for RPL. I applied for RPL and I was told I was overqualified and I would have to do the courses. The Head of Corps and the Trade Supervisor both decided otherwise.
Nothing I can write will change your entrenched view, so I won't bother replying further to this chain.