We stuck with mu90 on the Hobart's even tho there would have been easier path using the also in inventory mk54.. I presume they have some unique and useful capability or it is being developed.
Mu90 has a very different propulsion setup which may make it very useful for some applications.
I suspect the reason the
Hobart-class DDG's were fitted with the MU90 instead of the Mk 54's which were more recent additions to the RAN inventory had to due with the DDG torpedoe magazine being designed for the MU90 and not the Mk 54. The MU90 being electric do not have the same fuel storage concerns that the Mk 54 does which IIRC triggered a need to redesign the helicopter magazine aboard the
Hobart-class once Australia selected the MH-60R 'Romeo' Seahawk & Mk 54 LWT combo as a replacement for the SH-2G(A) Seasprites and the S-70B-2 Seahawks.
Currently it does appear that the
Hunter-class frigates are to also be armed with the MU90 for ship-launched use but that could very well change with the FFG's not planned to enter service for nearly a decade. It will be 'interesting' to see what ends up getting fitted and integrated into the SEA 3000 GPF's.
What might be more telling is what (if any) LWT design Australia either orders more of, or establishes production facilities for. It appears that Australia spent some AUD$639 mil. purchasing MU90 torpedoes as well as supporting systems and integrating the LWT into the
Adelaide-class FFG and
ANZAC-class FFH under JP2070. Not sure (and the ANAO report indicates it is classified) what the actual number of MU90's purchased were. AFAIK no further or additional MU90's have been purchased either.
Meanwhile, back in 2010 Australia ordered some 200 Mk 54 LWT's to armed RAAF P-8A Poseidons, and later the MH-60R 'Romeos'
As far as I have been able to determine, the MU90 LWT has a price tag comparable to that of the Mk 50 LWT, so the per torpedoe cost is (was?) nearly triple for an MU90 vs. Mk 54.
I therefore tend to suspect that, barring a service need for capabilities specific to the MU90 like max speed, engagement depth, or possibly something with the onboard sonar, guidance and acoustic processors, Australia will retire the MU90 once existing stocks get expended or expired.