I think the frigate fleet would rise to at least 12, these Kortenaers will be procured cheaply and upgraded; I don't think the unit cost of these frigates would rise beyond $100mn USD. They will serve the PN up to 2025 (45 years of service).contedicavour said:Very interesting - so the Ex-Dutch ex-Greek Kortenaers (3000+ tons) would be a temporary solution before finding the money to order 4 new frigates, and the total frigate force would be fixed at 8.
I would be surprised is Germany were to win a contract in Pakistan, since France has always dominated new supply contracts for the Navy.
The Pakistan Navy may receive Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates from the U.S under EDA/grant; in fact, PN wanted 2 OHP FFGs instead of the Spruance DDG. For all we know, another batch of F-22Ps may be ordered?
As for new heavy frigates, they may come from China with the Type-054; but since the U-212/214 is being considered, I think the PN may push for a MEKO + U-212/214 + NH-90 deal with Germany.