Previously AF talk in media those C-130J will be put in 31st sq in Halim/Jakarta AB, and put all remaining C-130H in 32sd and 33rd sq in Malang and Makassar AB. However the link that Sandhi put the AF spokesman seems indicate on disbursing those C-130J on all 3 sq.going to be a new squadron or replacing old airframes?
By distributing it amongst the three squadron, maybe the intent is to let all these squadrons gain some experience with the J version, in anticipation for further purchase in the future.Logically they should put all new C-130J in one sq, as previous indication talk. Let's wait on what will happen as Indonesian Journalists Known to often make wrong quotations. Especially those relates on technical matters.
Its still remarkable for me that they want to keep the C-130J-30 acquisition program under the media radar. Very not typical Indonesian, and there is also no reason to do that. Even the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the US Department of Defense cooperates with keeping it silent.Add that C-130J from website
Lockheed Martin Delivers First C-130J-30 Super Hercules to the Indonesian Air Force
The IDAF will receive a total of five Super Hercules tactical airlifters MARIETTA, Ga., Feb. 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) delivered the first of five C-130J-30
Rumour for 2nd batch of Five been circulate for some time. However perhaps just like the 1st batch it will be talk under media radar.
IINM, the requirement has been there since 2009-ish (with MEF planned projection & direct LM proposal for the 'J' version at the time), with the usual caveat of budget problem which resulted in Australian 'H' version buy & grant scheme.Its still remarkable for me that they want to keep the C-130J-30 acquisition program under the media radar. Very not typical Indonesian, and there is also no reason to do that. Even the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the US Department of Defense cooperates with keeping it silent.
I believe this is more likely related how the deal construct. If the deal using US financing (US Exim for example) or deal G to G to US, then it will be considered as US Defense surplus items. It will be on DSCA.I don't know why no DSCA notification announcement were made though, all big ticket items we bought (or planned to bought) from US does shows up on DSCA, except for this.
Looks like DCS scheme does not need to go through DSCA first, they go straight to state dept & dept of commerce, hence no DSCA notification, though FMS & DCS scheme both still need US Arms Export License which in turn also need Congressional notification, the same procedure for DSCA notification.I believe this is more likely related how the deal construct. If the deal using US financing (US Exim for example) or deal G to G to US, then it will be considered as US Defense surplus items. It will be on DSCA.
However if using non US financing or construct as direct commercial transaction, from my understanding it will not be classified as US Defense surplus items. Thus will not be calculated on DSCA.
Method of payment, whose financing and how the deal construct matter, is matter to be calculate under DSCA terms.
Well in 30 years or so LM will be launching the 100th anniversary edition of the Hercules…the likely timeframe a future Canadian government would consider replacing our RCAF C-130Js. Whether our countries still exist then is debatable.![]()
TNI AU Resmi Terima Pesawat Super Hercules C-130J Tahap Pertama
Tampak pukul 13.23 WIB, 8 awak pesawat turun dan dikalungi. Pada badan pesawat terdapat tulisan 'TNI ANGKATAN UDARA'
1st C-130J for TNI-AU (of present batch of 5), landed in Halim AB Jakarta. This is first brand new C-130 for close to 40 years. Last time in the 80's of Brand New C-130H (of batch of 10). After that TNI-AU got second hand L-100-30 ex State Owned Airline (Merpati and Pelita) and C-130H ex RAAF.
Yes, the C-390 would be a decent alternative and could have established by now if Boeing not broken their agreement with Embrear….then again perhaps Boeing did them a favour considering their recent performance.more close to 40 years on 100th anniversary of C-130. Whether there will be another C-130 derivatives after J, by previous track record on H operation, there will be some J still operating 40 years from now. By that, it is already achieved unparalleled threshold on any military transport (even by now).
C-130 already reach more operational time frame longer then DC-3 derivatives. More important C-130 still develop by its maker, not just being maintained by operators. AN-12 supposed be the rival of C-130, and as product C-130 already surpass it (in term of models continues development), and effort to replace it like by Embrear C-390 (which actually can be proper replacement) so far not gaining enough traction.
TNI-AU previously centralized types maintenance on sq level, to shorten maintenance foot print.
The C-130 is much like the B-52. They'll still be in service when Capt James Tiberius Kirk is sailing the NCC1701 USS Enterprise through space going where no homosapien has gone before.Yes, the C-390 would be a decent alternative and could have established by now if Boeing not broken their agreement with Embrear….then again perhaps Boeing did them a favour considering their recent performance.
In 2245 the B-52, C-130 and Tu-95 are probably powered by impulse and warp drives.The C-130 is much like the B-52. They'll still be in service when Capt James Tiberius Kirk is sailing the NCC1701 USS Enterprise through space going where no homosapien has gone before.