India's MBT: Arjun and its standing among Tanks

Wil the Arjun be better than the T-90?

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mod edit: highsea: off topic comments deleted

is ajun india's first home-desnighed tank?

if it is, than i am pretty impressed , cuz no body expects a country's first home-desnighed tank to be world's best


New Member seems it is not one of the best...but it is already impressive
may be ajun 2 will be

i ve heard ajun is awefully expensive, 5 million each copy?

is that true?


New Member
I am not surprised if it's 5 mil per copy due to limited initial production.

Last I heard is that it's plagued with problems, from engine/transmission to armor to fire control.


New Member
Superbug in one of your earlier statements you said india's better of buying chinese newest tanks...let me enlighten you, you might be oblivious to the facts that tensions between china and india havent ceased from their border war until a few months ago...and none of chinas most advanced(although no where near that of western tanks)type-98/98G/99is not yet up for export..apart from the type-90II exported to pakistan and used there under the name of Al-khalid

And i dont believe Arjun is a home designed tank...i think israel and to some less extent, Germany since the arjun resembles the leo MK1


New Member
mod edit: highsea: off topic comments deleted.

There will be no more baiting on this thread.

This thread is about the MBT Arjun. It is not about India and China politics. Either you stick to the topic or the thread will be locked.


is Ajun a good one fighting moutain wars?


New Member
pfft no...Arjuns have dificulties scaling 35+degrees let alone fighting in mountainous regions due to its massive short..ive never seen a tank in more need of a diet :roll


New Member
come on...ajun is not that bad, it is not as heavy as otehr western tanks
59tons, not heavy not so light like some soviet "light-armour" heavy tanks


New Member
its not about the weight...its about the size and shape
and how much pressure there is per inch
the arjun looks like 2 boxes stacked up wif a chop stick protruding out of it...


New Member
Raven_Wing278 said:
Superbug in one of your earlier statements you said india's better of buying chinese newest tanks...let me enlighten you, you might be oblivious to the facts that tensions between china and india havent ceased from their border war until a few months ago...and none of chinas most advanced(although no where near that of western tanks)type-98/98G/99is not yet up for export..apart from the type-90II exported to pakistan and used there under the name of Al-khalid

And i dont believe Arjun is a home designed tank...i think israel and to some less extent, Germany since the arjun resembles the leo MK1
Can u enlight me with some published hard data showing 99G is no where close to the western tanks?

I have great faith that China and India will peacefully co-exist, neither party has too big of interests in occupying previous hot spots. Chinese and Indian share the same school thoghts when comes to civilization, as long as neither party is used by somebody else.


New Member
type-99 is a prototype upgraded version of the type-98 and is even lighter then the type-98 at 48tonnes ergo either china has figured out a way to minimise the weight of every thing onboard,i highly doubt that its performance/protection is any where near that of the western tanks OR they lack most of the high tech equipment on that of western tanks
At 20 tonnes lighter then the chally 2, m1a2..the type-99 still uses ERA while most western tanks use DU or chobham armour (which is considered the strongest armour availble as it withstood 7 RPG-7 hits in the rear in Iraq with out any mobility kills) while 1 RPG round would take out the ERA the 2nd weakening its compisite armour and the 3rd round destroying it


New Member
and another interesting fact...the chally 2 is the only tank to have registered a kill over 5kms and its also the only tank to kill 2 tanks with one hit(the round blasting off the turret of the first t-72 and straight in to the tank behind it)


New Member
Raven_Wing278 said:
type-99 is a prototype upgraded version of the type-98 and is even lighter then the type-98 at 48tonnes ergo either china has figured out a way to minimise the weight of every thing onboard,i highly doubt that its performance/protection is any where near that of the western tanks OR they lack most of the high tech equipment on that of western tanks
At 20 tonnes lighter then the chally 2, m1a2..the type-99 still uses ERA while most western tanks use DU or chobham armour (which is considered the strongest armour availble as it withstood 7 RPG-7 hits in the rear in Iraq with out any mobility kills) while 1 RPG round would take out the ERA the 2nd weakening its compisite armour and the 3rd round destroying it
You are still speculating without any hard evidence. I am all open to your argument and assessment if you can provide some backup.


New Member
man...just checkout and

"The Type 98 was first revealed to the public in the national day parade on 1 Oct 1999. A small number of the initial production model is in service with the Army for initial evaluations and tests. It is expected that the final production model of the Type 98 will join the service before 2004, depending on progress of the final modification work.

The original design target of the Chinese third generation MBT was as a counter to the Soviet T-72, but the changing requirements shifted the development towards a much more sophisticated machine."

then again u might've misundertood saying type-98/99 is still in its infant stages it'll at least take 5 years to perfect its design and maybe approach that of western tanks.

Im an Australian born chinese and belive me..i want china tohave the most sophisticated,if not the best tank in the world..but all that wont happen over night
"Rome wasnt built in one day"


New Member
Our ancestry is less of an issue here, as long as we stick to the topics and exchange of opinions base on rational, instead of emotion. I think we will have frank and hoenst exchane of opinions. The worst thing that one can do is being blinded by emotion and ignore short comings. China has a long way to go in order to wage a full sacle war similar to the one US is waging in Irap, make no mistake about it.


New Member
arjun weighs 3.5 million dollars per tank(autocar magazine) can negotiate a 60 degree slope and 30 degree side slope .by the way if you saw most western tanks (abrahms, or leo or leclerc)they all had box design when they first came onto the scene(arjun resembles a leopard in terms of shape).arjun is not the first tank to have been built in india(vaijayanta which arjun is currently replacing is the first one .it is based on the vickers design).doubts were raised about the vaijayanta too when it was first inducted however it proved itself during the 1971 war and upto 900 were inducted into the armed is currently in reserves.


Banned Member
i dont know much more about tanks but some problems like hit barrel and most big weight. is any one know about what india is doing to slow all this problems with arjun r they going to solve all this problem how they r going to cut weight r they making any other tank? as lighter tank?


New Member
All I am aware of is that they're coming up with Arjun-II and hopefully it will eliminate the problems that were abundant with Arjun-I.


New Member
aaaditya said:
arjun is not the first tank to have been built in india(vaijayanta which arjun is currently replacing is the first one .it is based on the vickers design).doubts were raised about the vaijayanta too when it was first inducted however it proved itself during the 1971 war and upto 900 were inducted into the armed is currently in reserves.
Vijayanta is not completely new design,Only the version Vijayanta Mk2 was redesigned but with same hull as Vickers I suppose but the initial version Vijayanta Mk1 is just a Licenced production of Vickers
Vijayanta Mk 1 - Licence produced copy of the Mk 1
<A href="">Vijayanta Mk 1 [Uparmoured] - Fitted with additional armour
<A href="">Vijayanta Mk 2 - Total redesign utilising modern laminate armours
In future if India develops any tank,they must make sure it must be equal or less than 40tons and buy some reliable Russian Engine as well as develop an indigenious one,so that the indigenious can be fitted in the future.
I have one doubt only US tanks are fitted with DU armor,why doesn't russians have the technology.
I suppose DU gives advantage for US tanks over the Russian ones.
and Surprising thing is DU can be used in armor penetration as well.


Banned Member
any one have pic of rajun II and any one have idea how much weight it have what is future of arjun and how it is batter then arjun I ?
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