Well on the net you can find prices ranging from 385 mio € (~450 mio $) to 680 mio $. I assume the price of the ship w/o the weapons should be around 500 mio $ at the least. A country size of Turkey would need 2+(2) ships capable of AAW, which would require more than 2,5 billion $ (thats the estimated cost including R&D for 8+(4) Milgems btw)
I had the chance to see F-103 Blas de Lezo in Istanbul from close quarters and take its photographs. Its an amazing ship and looks quite like the OHPs which is one of my favorite ship designs..
I had the chance to see F-103 Blas de Lezo in Istanbul from close quarters and take its photographs. Its an amazing ship and looks quite like the OHPs which is one of my favorite ship designs..