As for Megali Idea , your Leftist (!) party is Pan Hellenistic (!!!) Socialist Party... And there are still a lot of people alive in Turkey and Cyprus who suffered in the hands of EOKA... So its natural people feel this way
Beleg you have a really good knowledge on many aspects on history politics military but please do not repeat this about PA.SO.K...Panhellenic (not panhellinistic) Sosialist Party (or they like to call it as a movement and not as a party) ..and it is not a leftist party anymore..i say that because you dont know well greek was leftist 30 yrs ago, now it pretends it is, just to gain voters

.that is why it lost two times and goes strictly for a third one in the future..

.the term Panhellenic do not have the meaning like pantouranism or panslavism harbouring a nationalist open a dictionary and look for its meaning..please. If the average Turk has these perception about a term of a greek party i wonder what happens for other issues..i really didnt believe in my eyes when i saw your comments on this issue..
As for Megali Idea its acceptance among the vast majority of our people and polititicians had died once and for all right after the Minor Asia debacle...if anybody tries to Greece to speak out about Megali Idea the vast majority will treat him like a lunatac..
On the other part of aegean go and tell to the greek citizens of the eastern aegean islands about de-militarisation. Most of these populations are descedants from the survived populations and refugees from the greek-turkish war of 1919-1922 and refugees from previous periods coming from the asiatic coasts..the presense of military there provides to them the sense of security that they arent defenceless in case of crisis -and last three decades we had 3 severe crisis- so it is a significant factor for their economic growth..if military abandons these areas like Turkey demands under todays circumstances a severe flee of population and economic stagnation will follow the very next day..
These are the populations that watches turkish f-16s flying above their heads almost in daily bases, they watch turkish air-naval exercises incircling their islands conducting drills with offensive we ll reach solutions first to the issues that provoke troubles built mutual trust and right after we may talk about it.
On the other hand General Staff is a serious organisation that knows well that the islands are militarised just for defence purposes and it makes me wonder while though they know the truth what target is behind this statement. A political one for sure and maybe it is said to back their efforts in order to put presure to Greece on the issue of the de-militarisation of the islands that Turkey demands. Or to put an other obstacle on Tagip Erdogan and his efforts and to provoke cause maybe on January 2008 Karamanlis visits Turkey..
100-120 F-35s for sure will help Turkey to regain upper hand to her air-balance towards Syria, Iran, Northern Iraq, and Armenia...