If you are reffering to the police force,they were a responsibility of the ministry of Public Safety,and now they are a responsibility of the ministry of Interior affairs,since the ministry of Publis safety was "deleted"Hi again friends,
Back from flu and Netherlands...
I will have to quote one of the books in my library regarding the armored and mech infantry brigades in the Aegean islands. Possible tomorrow. If i don't forget
What is the situation for Greek CG/Gendarmes , are they a part of MoD so their budget is included or are they also part of Interior ministry , thus that 6b€ doesn't include their procurements and spendings?
So the only special forces in the 2nd largest army in NATO(Turkey) are 600 soldiers of OKK/MAK?
I think we can all imagine Army Corps sized unit has more personnel than 600.Similarly Special Forces (Bordo Bereliler) which is a unit with size of an Army Corps is under direct command of General Staff not KKK (Turkish Land Forces Command).
@Swerwe ;
an LPD Rfi has been released and we will see an order for the LPD in the near future. However there are no plans for a light carrier for the mid-term. There are plans to locally produce AAW frigates with the know how gained from ingenious MiLGEM OPV corvette.....
"Aircraft carrier" has become a wet dream of many around here.On another forum, I've come across a claim that Turkey is planning to buy or build a light (STOVL) aircraft carrier. I've asked the person making the claim for sources. He claims that it's been widely reported in the Turkish press, but the only source he's provided is from a US website, dated 1999.
Does anyone know anything about this?
I'm skeptical. It isn't on the Turkish military procurement authority website, & he's made other claims (e.g. that the planned LPD has already been ordered) which are contradicted by that site. http://www.ssm.gov.tr/EN/Pages/default.aspx
Slight mistake here - an LPH (of which the US navy no longer has any) is a ship like HMS Ocean. It does not have a dock for landing craft. Turkey is seeking a ship with a dock, which means either an LPD (e.g. the Dutch Johann de Witt) or an LHD (e.g. the French Mistral). But the LPD/LHD/LPH etc designations are US navy, & not everyone uses them.Sorry if a confused anyone by LHP I mean LPH as in the USN designation Landing platform Helicopter and I used that because the designs that turkey seems to tend towards have more of an aviation capability (much larger flight decks) than modern LPD's