(From Turkish perspective ; demilitarization of Aegean islands, territorial waters, airspace, continental shelf, economical zones, SAR and FIR regions, rights of Turkish minority of Rhodes and Dodecanese islands and the gray zones)
To start with most of this matters are already dealt with. For example FIR Athens and SAR right in the Aegean have already been dealt with the treaty of Chicago and in specific with the decision of the general assembly of ICAO (article 3d, Annex 2, Annex 11, Annex 15, ICAO Resolution A 32-14) and it specifically states that military aircraft are not excluded from those rules. Moreover in Greece and in turkey there is no recognized minority as agreed by the Lausanne treaty and there are only Greeks of Muslim religion and Turks of Cristian religion (not that many left after you exterminated them in 1952-1956) and the demilitarized zones of he Aegean are also determined by Lausanne and there is no further need for discussion on that topic since it is on the disposition of each country on what it does on the remaining areas. Furthermore lets not claim whatever we want because lets not forget that the first time that any of this claims were made by turkey was in 1974 and in specific NOTAM 714 that was the first time that stopped acknowledging the treaties already signed by both nations. Finally no one indeed can restrict a country from something that is rightfully theirs and when someone is discussing economic zones and fishing right they are not discussing about their territorial waters but about the international waters between countries.
Next time you try to say some facts about treaties and international relations please bring some evidence to the table and not just random bs....Some of us do have evidence to actually back what we are saying...
BS you say?? Please some respect..
I will try to ignore political posts from now on.
The issue about FIR is NOT that we don't accept the boundaries of the FIR but the way Greece sees Athens FIR as Greek airspace. There is a big difference. State aircraft do not have to follow the ICAO rules. I bet you remember the Greek media made when US aircraft fly inside Athens FIR with out giving flight reports to Athens

.. Besides all Turkish Air Force flights over Aegean are reported at NATO headquarters BEFORE the flight...
The Turks of Rhodes and Dodecanese islands are not a part of Lausanne treaty since those lands were NOT a part of Greece during the period and the Turkish population there were exempt from population exchange. Do i need to teach you your own history???
Lausanne Treaty and Paris treaty clearly defines the Aegean Islands that MUST be de-militarized. (SECTION I. I. TERRITORIAL CLAUSES. Article 13
“With a view to ensuring the maintenance of peace, the Greek Government undertakes to observe the following restrictions in the islands of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria:
(1) No naval base and no fortification will be established in the said islands.
(2) Greek military aircraft will be forbidden to fly over the territory of the
Anatolian coast. Reciprocally, the Turkish Government will forbid their military aircraft to fly over the said islands.
(3) The Greek military forces in the said islands will be limited to the normal
contingent called up for military service, which can be trained on the spot, as well as to a force of gendarmes and police in proportion to the force of gendarmes and police existing in the whole of the Greek territory.”)
The second agreement that was made with reference to this issue is the 1923 the Convention of the Turkish Straits annexed to the Lausanne Treaty. According to the 4th article of the Convention, “in the Aegean Sea, the islands of Samothrace,Lemnos, Imbros, Tenedos and Rabbit Islands will be demilitarised” In the 6th article of the convention the conditions for demilitarisation and the status were determined.
Another treaty that dealt with the demilitarization of the Dodecanese Islands is the Paris treaty of 1947 “With reference to the 14th article of the Paris treaty and according to the XIII. Addendum, it is paramount that the 12 islands be demilitarised in the strictest sense of the word. It is forbidden for there to be any military base, facility to be built and also it is forbidden to produce arms and give military training."
The extent of Territorial waters and Air space ,which SHOULD be equal to the airspace, is NOT a right of sovereignty of a state if it blocks the access of other nations to high seas. Under 12 nm , Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia will loose FREE access to Mediterranean sea , which will subject their civilian and military vessels to Greek inspection or even confiscation. This will not be accepted by any of the said states. You can keep dreaming on but this wont happen.
As i said Turkey has previously stated that we are open to negotiate this as long as we have access to high seas. The earlier Greek Govt and The Govt of Turkey were on the brink of coming to an agreement for this, which would give Greece 12 nm on most of Aegean islands , 9 on some and 6 on where there would be the need to preserve free passageways to international waters. However the elections in Greece ruined this agreement according to media reports and it has not been possible to make a fresh start with Karamanlis govt.
Anyway, our discussion here is one in vain. Its just the propaganda of both states. Neither i can change your minds nor you mine. So please don't go saying disrespectful phrases for i have shown respect to each and every contributor here and i expect the same for my thought and time that i take to reply. Lets hope after the elections Greek government takes the whole issue to Hague because with the current mindset of our two nations it is not very likely to solve these issues.
I will not write another political post on this thread , it is too much time consuming and really not worth the effort. So reply me if you will but dont expect an answer in return