Operation Zombie:
KipPotapych said:
It appears to me that the pipe operation was quite successful for the Russians. From what I have seen since, the biggest confusion (not really a confusion, but a deliberate propaganda for the lemmings) comes from the fact that the Ukrainian media space posted the Russian claims that about 800 troops went into the pipeline and the Ukrainian claims that 100 came out and they allegedly killed most or all of them, showing some sparse shelling of a very limited number of troops and tree line(s) and reporting that 700 died during the travelling in the pipe (via suffocation and methane poisoning).
To be true, we don't know much about it. The number of 800 troops came from a Russian milblogger. IMO, this number is pure fantaisy. There is no evidence that an important number of soldiers got in or got out of the pipe, alive or dead.
But we do know from Pro-Russian sources (I post the link a few days ago) that some soldiers died of suffocation and others were sick. I'm not surprised because it's very difficult to properly ventilate a pipeline. Some pockets of gas may stay inside and not be noticed immediately. We don't know how many died or went sick from gas intoxication.
Some Ukrainian sources claim that they (the Ukrainians) opened the tap inside Ukraine to let gas flow into the tube when Russians were inside. It's also possible, but we don't have any evidence and it could be fake (I forgot the link and the origine of the source).
We know, also from prro-Russian source among others, that Russians soldiers were shelled shortly after getting out of the pipe. We don't know how many died or were wounded by this shelling. We also don't know if the shelling started at the beginning, when the first soldiers emerged (Ukrainian source) or at the end when the last soldiers went out while all the contingent was aleardy in position and sowing panic (Russian sources). The two sources are conflicting.
We know that Russian soldiers stayed 2 days (some sources say 4 days but I have doubts) inside the pipleline before getting the order to attack. My opinion, shared with former Wehrmacht marine and milblogger Heinrich Torsten, is that after two days or more inside the pipe, with poor oxygen supply, toxic gas remaining, no day light, no room to stand up and no toilet, these soldiers were not in their best shape to mount an effective assault.
We don't know the material effect of this operation. We know that there was a psychological effect, and if this intervew is representative, it
triggered panic and an early withdrawal of some Ukrainian troops (not all). We don't know the number of Ukrainian troops affected by the "panic" effect. It's possible that a commander hearing that Russians were in their back decided to retreat and that he was sort of surprised.
We don't know, until further information is provided, if these Russian
Pipeline Zombie troopers had even clashed with Ukrainians or if they inflicted losses on them. We have no idea what they actually managed to do there.