Indonesia: 'green water navy'

x100 XKR

New Member

Put it in here instead Turkey Thread because it is the MIDLAS configuration that's being talk as choosen configuration for FMP.

View attachment 52309View attachment 52310

Also put image from one of Indonesian Enthusiasts id Omdhil as his poster shown suppliers that involve in FMP project.

The Midlas configuration shown above consists SAM missiles Hisar as Mid-Longrange and Siper Short range and SSM at the form of Atmaca. This is in line with PAL info that the VLS will have capabilities to use both SAM and SSM.

More potential Missiles that Roketsan try to put in MIDLAS, but so far for FMP those 3 kind of Missiles that being talk going to equip. With Hisar it is also means they are shown similarities with Army Trisula Missiles defense projects.
So one of the missile is quad-packed ala ESSM with Mk41? Which one is that?


The Bunker Group
The MIDLAS Missile profile that being offer for FMP, base on PAL information circulating before are Short Range, Med-Long Range SAM and SSM.

Short range to medium ones, could be Hisar-A or Hisar-O and it is basically equivalent to MICA and ESSM. I suspect Indonesia will go with Hisar-O Naval variance Hisar-D as shown commonality with Hisar-O that Will equip land base Trisula system.

Turkish forum and media have bit different information whether Hisar-D already quad pack capable but TCG Istanbul (F 515) Fires HİSAR-D RF Missile from MİDLAS | TURDEF seems indications so far they are in process on having Hisar-D as Blk 2. That version which will be quad capable, thus in sense at present quad capable Hisar-D still in development. The one that already equip I class Frigate still single pack Hisar-D.

Just as I heard Indonesia will also initialy will go with Aster-15 for Sylver on PPA. Hisar-O/D and Aster-15 and ESSM has similar on paper characteristic. Whether later on they are going with Aster-30 and Siper (Previously call Hisar-U) longer range SAM remain to be seen.

I suspect for time being and due to budgetary the SAM systems will still be SHORAD like Mistral or Starstreak and Short to Medium like NASAMS, VL Mica, Aster-15 and Hisar-O/D. Longer range Aster-30 or Siper is much more expensive.
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The Bunker Group

Put LinkedIn link from Italian Drass that sign legal agreement on Strategic partnership with Palindo yard which is now part of Republikorp Group. This is follow up on their previous MoU on developing Midget/Compact Submarine base on Drass DGK design (image from Naval Review). This is LinkedIn and ussualy means it is more serious then the like of X, Insta,or FB.


I honestly don't know where this Compact CONOPS will be in TNI-AL. Will this be TNI-AL part of Coastal Submarine? Will this be use as infiltration assets? For one thing, Midget subs design already come out from PAL and other Yard. Now seems Palindo in serious contractual agreement with Drass to develop this Compact Midget Submarine.

Republikorp seems as local MIC holding got some tractions recently. I suspect they already convince some brasses to give them green light on developing one. PAL also in process finishing their Midget UUV design, thus let's see how the environment of Compact Submarine progresing.


The Bunker Group



Another Light Corvette from local shipyard. This is call KRI Bung Hatta (370). This is classified as similar class with previous KRI Bung Karno (369) that's being consider Light Corvette optimized for VVIP duty.


Increasing number of Missiles Boats, OPV and Corvette from the size of 60m to 100m+ that's being churn out by local shipyard. Latest 60m Missiles Boat from other local Shipyard Tesco able to reach 35 knt speed with the help of 2 Hamilton water jets. Faster then 60m Missiles Boats from PAL that reach 28 knt.


Still even with 60-100m combatant vessels Increasingly being produce locally. Some lobbyists still manage to get overseas contracts for vessels on those size.

Mostly the arguments:
1. Tech Transfer agreement for further local productions,
2. Limited capacities of Local yards.

#2 arguments is being debated, and so far those 2 TAIS missile boats, are the only surface combatant vessels on that size range that being build on overseas yards. However rumours circulating that other sales lobbyists still try to get further order for that sizes vessels build on overseas yards. Let's see how they are going to provide political arguments on that, as politically it is clear that vessels that able being build locally has to be given the contract first.
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

View attachment 52335

View attachment 52340

Another Light Corvette from local shipyard. This is call KRI Bung Hatta (370). This is classified as similar class with previous KRI Bung Karno (369) that's being consider Light Corvette optimized for VVIP duty.

View attachment 52336

Increasing number of Missiles Boats, OPV and Corvette from the size of 60m to 100m+ that's being churn out by local shipyard. Latest 60m Missiles Boat from other local Shipyard Tesco able to reach 35 knt speed with the help of 2 Hamilton water jets. Faster then 60m Missiles Boats from PAL that reach 28 knt.

View attachment 52337

Still even with 60-100m combatant vessels Increasingly being produce locally. Some lobbyists still manage to get overseas contracts for vessels on those size.

Mostly the arguments:
1. Tech Transfer agreement for further local productions,
2. Limited capacities of Local yards.

#2 arguments is being debated, and so far those 2 TAIS missile boats, are the only surface combatant vessels on that size range that being build on overseas yards. However rumours circulating that other sales lobbyists still try to get further order for that sizes vessels build on overseas yards. Let's see how they are going to provide political arguments on that, as politically it is clear that vessels that able being build locally has to be given the contract first.
It's such a disgrace that they give these cheap second grade FFBNW patrolboats the names of the proklamators. These names should be used for at least destroyers or LHDs.

Anyway, here a nice video from Puspenerbal of the Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo 2025.


The Bunker Group

disgrace that they give these cheap second grade FFBNW patrolboats the names of the proklamators.
When Soekarno daughter gladly giving name for a VVIP Corvette (replacing that VVIP FPB57 from Soeharto era), then there's no way for Hatta namesake being given to something bigger. So why Soekarno and Hatta name only being given to Light Corvette like this, blame her.

Anyway the video from that FB link shown this Corvette shown similarities design with OPV-98 from Noahtu yard but shorter. Basically also shown design for RHIB launch at stren and overall charetistic. Seems this SIGMA influence design become standard toward local shipyard.

Some rumours talk about some parliament members talk with MinDef to giving namesake Soekarno and Hatta to Type 52D that's being negotiate with China. So lets see if it's happening.


57mm Bofors as temporary main gun for KRI Bung Hatta (Keris FB). I suspect from one of KRI that already retired.
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

When Soekarno daughter gladly giving name for a VVIP Corvette (replacing that VVIP FPB57 from Soeharto era), then there's no way for Hatta namesake being given to something bigger. So why Soekarno and Hatta name only being given to Light Corvette like this, blame her.

Anyway the video from that FB link shown this Corvette shown similarities design with OPV-98 from Noahtu yard but shorter. Basically also shown design for RHIB launch at stren and overall charetistic. Seems this SIGMA influence design become standard toward local shipyard.

Some rumours talk about some parliament members talk with MinDef to giving namesake Soekarno and Hatta to Type 52D that's being negotiate with China. So lets see if it's happening.

View attachment 52354

57mm Bofors as temporary main gun for KRI Bung Hatta (Keris FB). I suspect from one of KRI that already retired.
Yes, you are right, i am quite sure that it is taken from KRI Ki Hajar Dewantara 364, i don't think it is from KRI Rencong 622, because that one sank near Sorong in 2018.


The Bunker Group

Seems it is being prepare already to be launch, I suspect if already in launch possition like this, the ceremony will be conduct soon. The lay out in my opinion is better then it's sister ship which I sense have bit top heavy superstucture.

Talking Ki Hajar Dewantara as Cadet Training Corvette, it's replacement being launch before as smaller traning cadets Vessels at the size of Fast Patrol Boats. At that time I suspect the Navy Academy decide to goes with Quantity but smaller Cadet Training Vessels.


Now rumours circulating that Turkish Shipyard offer their Cadet Training Vessels at the size of Corvette/Light Frigates call CTS-90. This is similar Vessels being used by Qatar Navy. I don't know of this is the contract for direct procurement offer or license build by local yards.


The Bunker Group
tbh seeing the 30 yo canopy on the modern ship looks a bit off to me, but that's just cosmetic.
The 'rumours' say the Bofors Mk2 57mm is only temporary. The talk that Navy wants to standardise all Corvette with 76mm. However considering there're FMP that will get prioritise to get 76mm gun and also the OPV-98 (which considered by Navy as Light Frigates same with SIGMA PKR), it will be at least 3-4 years I suspect before this Light Corvette (OPV) got the intended 76mm main gun.


The Bunker Group


Even though this LPD Al Maryah is for UAE, but I put in in this thread as before all this infactuation with Light Carrier or LHD, this type of is the plan to have bigger Amphibious and Multipurpose assets then current Makasar Class LPD.

Question will be, is it more beneficial to have this Al Maryah type LPD, or 40 year old but refurbished Light Carrier ?


The Bunker Group

More from Keris FB and TNI-AL sources on this Corvette/OPV type class that today being launch. With this seems more capacity from local Shipyard especially the Private Shipyard to design/manufacture and integrate system-weapons for Corvette/OPV size Vessels. This can be call Karimun Yard 80m type.

Noahtu already launch 98m Vessels and now Karimun launch 80m Vessels of this type of Corvette-OPV. Both type have more or less similar max speed of 28 knts (Noahtu 98m) and 25 Knts (Karimun 80m) with Cruise speed of 14-16 Knts. All will have SHORAD SAM, SSM and SUT type torpedoes. Having more GP capability instead more specialist AAW or ASuW.

Still with this there're lobbies to try bring overseas yards product for this range of OPV/Corvette types. I don't mind the sales lobbies try for Frigates or Destroyer range, as the private domestic yards still have difficulties for that ranges, and PAL as the sole SOE yards that already work on Frigates range, and they have limited capacity. Thus Corvette-OPV should be given to domestic yards to enhance their economics scales.


Above the Noahtu OPV-98, and compare it with this Karimun 80, and clearly shown how Indonesia Private Yards have base much of their design with SIGMA influence.
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

There's a pic of it with the gun mounted on twitter. tbh seeing the 30 yo canopy on the modern ship looks a bit off to me, but that's just cosmetic.

Edit: woops I didnt see your newer posts with it mounted too.
It looks indeed horrible. But it could be worse: using an old Bofors 40 mm with open turret, which was common with previous ships.
The 'rumours' say the Bofors Mk2 57mm is only temporary. The talk that Navy wants to standardise all Corvette with 76mm. However considering there're FMP that will get prioritise to get 76mm gun and also the OPV-98 (which considered by Navy as Light Frigates same with SIGMA PKR), it will be at least 3-4 years I suspect before this Light Corvette (OPV) got the intended 76mm main gun.
This one is a Bofors 57 mm Mk1. The Mk2 are the ones installed on the FPB 57 patrolboats and Malaysian Lekiu class frigates.

As far as i know,an OTO Marlin 40 mm was planned for the KRI Bung Karno 369, it would be weird to install an OTO Melara 76 mm on the second ship of the class.


The Bunker Group
This one is a Bofors 57 mm Mk1. The Mk2 are the ones installed on the FPB 57 patrolboats and Malaysian Lekiu class frigates.
Thanks for the correction, I forgot that Korean Tacoma Missile Boats and Ki Hajar Dewantara using Mk1 instean more numerous Mk2 in FPB 57. Still as this Bung Hatta consider as Corvette while it's sister Bung Karno consider as VVIP Corvette, difference on armament including main gun is expected.

@deadlast before talk about difficulties for standardise armament in TNI-AL and I believe it is also overall TNI. However I do see base on recent trend procurement on effort to improve standardisation. Perhaps he knows better on latest standardisation, but I try to summarise base on recent procurement and what I gather:
  • 20mm mostly from Yugo Import for KAL type Lantamal (Naval Base) small patrol Boats.
  • 30mm mostly Oto Marlin or Aselsan SMASH for larger Patrol Boats (already classified as KRI) and Bakamla/Coast Guard Cutters.
  • 40mm mostly Oto Marlin type for 60m Patrol Boats.
  • 57mm either Russian Bureshnick or Bofors for 60m Missile Boats,
  • 76mm Oto or potential Aselsan origin for Corvette-OPV and Light Frigates,
  • 76mm to 127mm for Larger Frigates types.
Which is why this KRI Bung Hatta going to have 76mm main gun as intented one, as it is classified as Corvette-OPV type. There's talk and Rumours of Type 52D lobby being offer just like Thailand Naresuan deal. Chinese build the ships, and either done in China or Indonesia on integration of Weapons and Sensor system including VLS of non Chinese origin. This as effort to standardise the system as much as possible with either Euro or Turkish origin.

Well off course as happening in Indonesia, all intention can be go differently depending on sales lobbies effort.


The Bunker Group

PT. PAL CEO claim in parliament that the first FMP (Arrowhead 140 derivative) will be launch in June this year. There're photos including the one that I have put in this thread on the condition of FMP modules in last month (Post #2,937) and it is still far from ready to be launch. So if he say he is ready in four months to launch the first one, either the modules already ready and only need assembly or he got big pressure to shown progress of the FMP.

I suspect the later one, as the smaller private yards already shown progress on their Corvette/OPV program. He also claim that the UUV PAL prepared also going to be ready this year. This Submarine Drone is also completely new tech and in my opinion also big ambition to be launch it this year. Personaly private yards increasingly in my opinion shown better project management then SOE yards like PAL.
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The Bunker Group
The CONOPS for Indonesia Midget Submarine?

Something I have ponder and still not finding clear answer on this. What's will be the CONOPS for midget Submarines in TNI-AL? Try to look from media, enthusiasts forums and sources that I can talk. So far seems nothing that come out definitive, and mostly still perplexed.

For sometime local designs already come out on the midgets and seems they are lately focusing in to two project.

Repubilkorp and Italian Drass manned midgets:

PAL unmanned (call Autonomous Submarine/KSOT), which in my opinion still categorized as Midget Submarine capabilities.

Are they for Infiltration? Are they for choke points defense? Are those midgets especially the Autonomous ones going to be attach to reguler submarine? Those just few possibilities being raise by enthusiasts and media, but seems no clear information from TNI-AL themselves as user.

TNI-AL and MinDef seems so far talk more on Tactical/Litoral Submarine and Strategic/Longer Range Submarine as Prabowo's presentation put. Thus seems at least in my opinion they are still pondering on what will be optimize use on those midgets. In other words, perhaps those two project will come out with one each prototype as TNI-AL then use them as trial for their own assessment.
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The Bunker Group

PAL FB shown online news on their progress. One of them is recent (at least from what they claim) their Semarang Docks where FMP being assembly from modules that they are manufacture. Seems they already shown preparation for bridge modules to be assembly in to the rest of superstructure.

If this is latest image, personally I still have doubt that the first FMP will be ready for launch by June this year as PAL CEO claim in the meeting in Parliament. Perhaps if all modules are ready then they practically only going to do the assembly for next three months. Still it is tight schedule for a Frigate that's first product model for the Yard.

As comparison on PAL latest rendering poster for FMP:
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