The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread

VZ Code

New Member
I’m guessing after the US announced additional weapons aid to Ukraine, the Russian intelligence apparatus will dedicate a lot of time to keeping track of western arms shipments into Ukraine and hitting them at every chance. Similar to the intelligence gathering that took place to strike the military base in Lviv (180+ Mercenaries/soldiers KIA allegedly).

From what I can tell the current Ukrainian tactic seems to be hold as much civilians as shields as possible in the hopes that the Russians try to limit collateral. And it seems that the Russians have caught on to that and are adjusting to just choke off large cities and use stand off weaponry to soften them up. This is the best method for them since it will limit their losses in urban combat. It seems they will keep hitting Ukrainian positions with missiles and artillery until the scene is softened enough to be stormed. This will be a longer method but more effective. This military operation will probably be ongoing for several months, and we are just in the early stages at this point.

I was wondering if the Russians would also employ their SU-57 for a few test runs, but it seems they will only use it if Nato directly interferes.



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Cruise missile impact, location unclear, in Kiev.

Around Kiev.

Russian airstrikes near Kiev.

Fighting near Kiev.

Cruise missiles near Kiev.

Russian forces have allegedly crossed Irpen' river from Bucha to the Irpen' side.


Something burning in Kharkov.

Russian forces in Sumy region near Akhtyrka.

Old footage from the first day of the invasion, Russian forces after action near Kharkov.


Aerial images of a Ukrainian strike against Kherson airport. Allegedly at least 3 Russian helos were destroyed in addition to the trucks.

Footage from the Novo-Kahovskaya dam. Russian National Guards are in control of the facility.

The Vasiliy Bykov patrol ship returns to Crimea. No sign of the damage despite Ukraine claiming they hit it with a Grad strike.


An explosion in Zaporozhye.


Maps of the fighting in Mariupol', accuracy unclear, though in rough terms they do make sense.

Battle damage in Mariupol', from Zvezda, a Russian channel. It appears the rebels have taken some areas of the city and trapped residents are now able to get out.

A theater in Mariupol' was blown up, allegedly by Azov. It was allegedly being used as an HQ by Azov. This is likely the same as mentioned above housing civilians.

Satellite battle damage in Mariupol'.

Ukrainian T-64BM1 captured near Mariupol'. It looks damaged.

Destroyed BTR-70, allegedly Ukrainian, in Mariupol'.

The same DNR 9th regiment in Mariupol'.

A US made RPG-7 clone captured in Mariupol'.

Chechen fighters in Mariupol'.

DNR Sparta btln fighters somewhere north of Mariupol'.

Interviews with civilians out of Mariupol'. They tell similar stories of being prevented from leaving by Ukrainian forces. The note that Russian/rebel forces provided aid to civilians, while Azov fighters intentionally placed their positions near civilian shelters. It's interesting that some of them are clearly not thrilled with Russia, but have a lot of things to say about Azov...

Assorted footage north-west of Mariupol'. The Russian military and rebel forces appear to have set up improvised checkpoints, and are handing out chocolate at the checkpoints to keep people happy.

Over a hundred civilians made it out of Mariupol'.

LDNR Front.

A map of the front line in the DNR, grain of salt, etc.

Russian Su-25s near Gorlovka.

The rebels are getting captured Ukrainian and provided Russian vehicles. Note the BMP-3s, and NVGs. This batch of deliveries seems to be almost exclusively Russian equipment. I even suspect the T-64BV in question comes from Russian stockpiles, based on the paintjob.

Allegedly DNR forces learning to use NLAWs. I say allegedly because those white bands and the equipment and uniforms make me suspect these are actually Russian SoF or SpN.

The West.

Missile strikes against Sarny, near Rovno. There's a military storage facility there.

The Vinnitsa TV tower got hit.

Apparently Ukraine lost 21 KIA in recent strikes in Rovno, National Guard.

Ukrainian BMP on the streets of Odessa.

Territorial defense training in Odessa.


Allegedly a Russian Buk firing at a Ukrainian UAV, location unknown.

Ukrainian artillery firing from the yard of some building. Location unknown.

Footage of Russian airstrikes. Location unknown.

Ukrainian POWs, 1st one captured near Kharkov, second off is an officer from a volunteer btln describing the disorganization that led to his capture.

A US volunteer of the Georgian National Legion in Ukraine has some comments on the current war.


The US will deliver Soviet-made GBAD to Ukraine, likely gathered from all over Eastern Europe.

The US is sending more aid to Ukraine.

800 зенитных систем Stinger;
- 2000 Javelin, 1000 LAW, 6000 АТ-4;
- 100 UAVs;
- 100 grenade launchers, 5000 assault rifles, 1000 handguns, 400 machinegunes, 400 shotguns;
- 20 rounds for various weapon types;
- 25000 body armor;
- 25000 kevlars.



The Bunker Group
Thanks @Feanor for the work to provide video and photo's from 'other' side. Due to western media and online platform blackout on Russian sources, most of people outside Russia mostly got Information bias from Western Media. It is put difficulty from people like me, that want to gain as much as info from both side.

At least some media in Indonesia try to balance the input from both sides. This is an example of footage on Russian UCAV destroying Ukraine possition, downloaded by Indonesian media:

Western media pundits talk about Russian difficulties since first week, when it is getting clearer this will not be fast war as presumably Putin's initial plan. Only some analyst (at least that I see) in Fox and surprisingly BBC that from time to time remind their audience, that this already turn into grinding War of attrition.

War of attrition means has to look not just what Russia lost, but also how far Ukrainian lost. Many videos online shown how succesfull Western Javelin and NLAW destroying Russian Armor, however ommitted to shown how extensive the Ukrainian Armor lost. This is important to see not only how far Russia can progress (we have seen many western analysts claims), but also how far the Ukraine can still hold.

For me, that's the important on seeing information from both side, cause again the truth in this situation somewhere in the middle.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Thanks @Feanor for the work to provide video and photo's from 'other' side. Due to western media and online platform blackout on Russian sources, most of people outside Russia mostly got Information bias from Western Media. It is put difficulty from people like me, that want to gain as much as info from both side.

At least some media in Indonesia try to balance the input from both sides. This is an example of footage on Russian UCAV destroying Ukraine possition, downloaded by Indonesian media:

Western media pundits talk about Russian difficulties since first week, when it is getting clearer this will not be fast war as presumably Putin's initial plan. Only some analyst (at least that I see) in Fox and surprisingly BBC that from time to time remind their audience, that this already turn into grinding War of attrition.

War of attrition means has to look not just what Russia lost, but also how far Ukrainian lost. Many videos online shown how succesfull Western Javelin and NLAW destroying Russian Armor, however ommitted to shown how extensive the Ukrainian Armor lost. This is important to see not only how far Russia can progress (we have seen many western analysts claims), but also how far the Ukraine can still hold.

For me, that's the important on seeing information from both side, cause again the truth in this situation somewhere in the middle.
Thank you for sharing.
This UAV is probably a Forpost-R, maybe someone can confirm this.

According to the mayor of Melitopol is abducted by Russian troops a couple of days ago. And now he is rescued in a special operation by Ukrainian soldiers.
Are the Ukrainian commandos that good or the Russians so bad that they can't even guard a single man?

'Ontvoerde burgemeester Melitopol bevrijd'

De opgepakte burgemeester van de Zuid-Oekraïense stad Melitopol is vrij. Dat meldt een woordvoerder van de Oekraïense president Zelensky op Telegram. Ivan Fedorov zou tijdens een speciale operatie van Oekraïense militairen zijn bevrijd."|


Ukraine and Russia are positioning themselves for a negotiated settlement that is face-saving for both parties. In the case of Ukraine, significant investments in defense and implicit support by the West means Russia has less military leverage over the country. Sure, Russia will always be a threat but the cost of another round of war would likely deter direct military action. Putin can be duplicitious but it is something even he can't change.

For Russia and Putin, they will definitely need declare some form of "victory" to justify the death toil or sanction. That could be a statement that Ukraine will not be joining NATO, and the DNR being recongized etc for him to be able to step away.

The next few days will see more heavy fighting as both sides want to consolidate and strengthen their bargaining positions. Could be why the Ukrainians have launched a counter offensive, since the Russians are stretched, hitting them from the West would be a logical step, especially the forces at Kyiv. It would relief the pressure and give Ukraine a symbolic victory.
Western propaganda has created false expectations of Ukrainian success on the ground, at this point Ukraine has no bargaining power, they just have to do what Russians want. Russia has largely destroyed the Ukrainian military which is one of their objectives, they have surrounded major Ukrainian cities and they are slowly going to take them city after city, the Russian soldiers are under strict orders to minimise civilian casualties and property damage which explains their slow and steady advance but western media has mistaken this for weakness and incompetence…

Interesting article on when US and Ukraine started preparing for this war..

Russia will not stop until they are sure Ukraine won’t be a weapons dump for the west. All the announcements of new weapons package and more support will only make matters worse


Well-Known Member
Western propaganda has created false expectations of Ukrainian success on the ground, at this point Ukraine has no bargaining power, they just have to do what Russians want. Russia has largely destroyed the Ukrainian military which is one of their objectives, they have surrounded major Ukrainian cities and they are slowly going to take them city after city, the Russian soldiers are under strict orders to minimise civilian casualties and property damage which explains their slow and steady advance but western media has mistaken this for weakness and incompetence…

Interesting article on when US and Ukraine started preparing for this war..

Russia will not stop until they are sure Ukraine won’t be a weapons dump for the west. All the announcements of new weapons package and more support will only make matters worse
Comedy piece.
Mr Putin didn't invade the Ukraine did he? It's not his fault, is it? The war is going well for Russia! Mr Putin is a humanitarian.

Here is dreadful western propaganda showing destruction of Mariupol


Well-Known Member
The UK is sending Starstreak: Starstreak Missiles and MANPADS: How to Win the Air War in Ukraine? - 19FortyFive

Starstreak seems to have slightly longer range than some other similar systems, not sure if it's going to make a difference?

The US administration is now denoting Putin a war criminal: Biden on Putin: 'I think he is a war criminal' - CNNPolitics
The US Senate did the same yesterday: U.S. Senate unanimously condemns Putin as war criminal | Reuters

According to WHO, 34 healthcare facilities have so far been attacked in Ukraine, article about the impact of these attacks: Russia's bombing of Ukraine hospital reflects a terrible wartime pattern : Goats and Soda : NPR (when the article was written 31 attacks had been confirmed; now the number is 34: All Attacks ( )

Panama says that so far, 3 Panama registered ships have been attacked by Russia in the Black Sea: Panama says three ships hit by Russian missiles in Black Sea since start of Ukraine invasion | Reuters

Other ships have also been attacked: Two more ships hit in the Black Sea - Splash247

What is the justification for firing missiles at these ships?


Well-Known Member
Comedy piece.
Mr Putin didn't invade the Ukraine did he? It's not his fault, is it? The war is going well for Russia! Mr Putin is a humanitarian.

Here is dreadful western propaganda showing destruction of Mariupol
I cannot answer for the poster you are replying to, but the media is filled with excessive pro Ukranian propaganda, by that I dont mean news that point to Russia as an agressor, that is a fact.

I am talking about the operational situation on the ground. If you only went by western sources, you would think Russia has lost half its entire military and the Ukranians have hardly lost anything. On this forum alone in the Australian thread some posted about 68 Russian fighter aircrafft losses...

No one is denying that Russia is an agressor or an invader, but the combat reporting has been extremely shady on mainstream media.


The Bunker Group
Vasiliy Bykov patrol ship returns to Crimea. No sign of the damage despite Ukraine claiming they hit it with a Grad strike.

This kind claim of information will not be air by most of Western media or the online sources (if any). It will be shown that their Ukraine sources has give them false information, thus their reputation as reliable media.

For those who think that Western media is reliable sources or those who think Russian sources are the reliable ones, will not see that both media are bias and not immune on propaganda.

It's human nature that only want to believe what they want to believe. Not all people want to accept the gray area in the middle. Including what's reality in the ground. This is war of attrition, and in the reality in the ground will not be preety on both sides.


Well-Known Member
This kind of information will not be air by Western media or the online sources. It will be shown that their Ukraine sources has give them false information.

For those who think that Western media is reliable sources or those who think Russian sources are the reliable ones, will not see that both media are bias and not immune on propaganda.

It's human nature that onlt want to believe what they want to believe. Not all people want accept the grey area in the middle.
The shark of odessa has sadly done a terrible job, could not even sink one measly russian ship...

The deak snake island martytr, the dead kadyrov general, 15 aircraft destroyed in the kherson attack, its a worrying amount of false news being presented as news in mainstream media is too high. The retractions once proven false are very low key too.


Well-Known Member
The US estimate that more than 7,000 Russian soldiers have been killed so far. Ukranian estimate is almost double at 13,500, and Russian number was 498. As Russian Troop Deaths Climb, Morale May Be an Issue - The New York Times (

I believe the UK has also estimated around 7,000 Russian soldiers killed so far.

Four Russian landing ships are moving on the move in Japan straits, may be going towards Ukraine: Russian ships seen in Japan strait, may be carrying troops to Ukraine (


Well-Known Member
The US estimate that more than 7,000 Russian soldiers have been killed so far. Ukranian estimate is almost double at 13,500, and Russian number was 498. As Russian Troop Deaths Climb, Morale May Be an Issue - The New York Times (

I believe the UK has also estimated around 7,000 Russian soldiers killed so far.

Four Russian landing ships are moving on the move in Japan straits, may be going towards Ukraine: Russian ships seen in Japan strait, may be carrying troops to Ukraine (
Does the Uk and USA KIA number include the DNR and other rebels?


Comedy piece.
Mr Putin didn't invade the Ukraine did he? It's not his fault, is it? The war is going well for Russia! Mr Putin is a humanitarian.

Here is dreadful western propaganda showing destruction of Mariupol
So sad to see loss of life and property at this magnitude… yes Putin is guilty and is to blame for all this chaos but the west also shares this guilt and blame on equal proportion as Putin.. the failure to find middle ground in the diplomatic arena has resulted to this mess.. hope all parties can compromise and all this comes to an end


The Bunker Group

Russia already claim that proposed Neutral Ukraine with his own Army, can meet the solution. The Neutrality in here means Ukraine will not host any foreign military even for exercise in their soil, and not commiting on any alliances.

This as I suspect on what Neutrality that Russian will be accepting for Ukraine in one of my post yesterday. Complete demilitarisation after this war will be unreasonable to swallow by Ukraine. Now we still has to see what is the compromise that Ukraine will taking on Donentsk-Luhansk and Crimea.

Ukraine wants security guarantee, some kind of agreement on military intervention to help them in case being attack. I do suspect Russia will stick on Crimea still in their hand, and Donbas seperate (either totally seperate or wide autonomy that practically already quasy seperation). This as buffer to Russia, in case Ukrainian in future backing off from their Neutrality.

This will be interesting to see how they can sort out the details. Again The devil always in details.


Well-Known Member
So sad to see loss of life and property at this magnitude… yes Putin is guilty and is to blame for all this chaos but the west also shares this guilt and blame on equal proportion as Putin.. the failure to find middle ground in the diplomatic arena has resulted to this mess.. hope all parties can compromise and all this comes to an end
"the west" has made some mistakes, but I strongly disagree that it shares "guilt and blame in equal proportion as Putin." There are no excuses to justify invading a sovereign country unprovoked. It is a clear breach of international humanitarian law. The IJC agrees: UN international court of justice orders Russia to halt invasion of Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian

NATO, and in particular the US was willing to find a "middle ground" however Russia refused to accept the proposals of the US and NATO. Putin demanded too much and was not willing to enter serious negotiations. A combination of harsh economic sanctions and a war that is not going very well for Russia, has made them interested in sanctions.

Russia insist on her "red lines", but so does NATO. I have not seen any "red lines" from NATO that I strongly disagree with. I cannot say the same for Russia's "red lines".


Well-Known Member

Russia already claim that proposed Neutral Ukraine with his own Army, can meet the solution. The Neutrality in here means Ukraine will not host any foreign military even for exercise in their soil, and not commiting on any alliances.

This as I suspect on what Neutrality that Russian will be accepting for Ukraine in one of my post yesterday. Complete demilitarisation after this war will be unreasonable to swallow by Ukraine. Now we still has to see what is the compromise that Ukraine will taking on Donentsk-Luhansk and Crimea.

Ukraine wants security guarantee, some kind of agreement on military intervention to help them in case being attack. I do suspect Russia will stick on Crimea still in their hand, and Donbas seperate (either totally seperate or wide autonomy that practically already quasy seperation). This as buffer to Russia, in case Ukrainian in future backing off from their Neutrality.

This will be interesting to see how they can sort out the details. Again The devil always in details.
Russia already signed the Budapest memorandum in 1994: volume-3007-I-52241.pdf ( and broke it 10 years later. Ukraine will need something more "ironclad" than the Budapest memorandum from Russia.

What will prevent Russia from breaking also the next agreement with Ukraine?


The Bunker Group
What will prevent Russia from breaking also the next agreement with Ukraine?
And what make Ukraine will not break their agreement as they did on Minsk accord ? It work both ways. All has to be clear on the details. Ukraine want guarantee so does Russia.

Again is their blood in the ground now, it is both of them that has to reach compromise.


Well-Known Member
So sad to see loss of life and property at this magnitude… yes Putin is guilty and is to blame for all this chaos but the west also shares this guilt and blame on equal proportion as Putin.. the failure to find middle ground in the diplomatic arena has resulted to this mess.. hope all parties can compromise and all this comes to an end
This is Mr Putin choice, it's his responsibility alone, just as it was Hitler's when he began his rampage last century.
No one else shares any responsibility, every death goes on Mr Putins account.
This is an unnecessary. unjustified and immoral war.