I quess that the coalition are hoping for the rebels/libyan people to rise up and throw Ghadafi out - with the help of a bomb "here and there."
I don't know how realistic that is. On the one hand we should not underestimate Ghadafi's ressourcefullness when it comes to "survival" on the other hand I don't think the remaining libyian army is much more than a run together of badly trained and undisciplined people, that btw needed the surport of mercenaries to hold on.
I think an important component in this is that France seems to be trying to make a diplomatic "comeback" in North africa after their diplomatic debacle in Tunisia, and France has always been willing to go quite far when it comes to defending own interests.
A second component in this is that certain European countries can't live with an refugee crisis and all the other "spill over" of a long drawn civil war in Libyia.
So my forecast;
After the creation of air superiority, a lull in the action to see if the rebels can defeat Ghadafi - maybe with a little bit of help from "above".
If not, the coalition (which will probably mostly be europeans relying on US for certain hardware surport) will step up the bombings, just like in Kosova (but with less US involvement).
If that doesn't work, then we will see ground invasion - or threath there off.
My guess is that Ghadafi will get ousted, to live in Saudi arabia, or Bellarus or something like that. With a fat bank account of the billions upon billions that he, his family and friends have stolen from the Libyian people.
(In regard to China and Russia, I think it's an independent aim to state that North Africa is a in a sphere where Russia and China doesn't have to be asked, and that's how they got the UN ressolution; had China or Russia vetoed, then the coalition would have attacked anyway.)