Khadafi Finish ??
Why so many comment in this thread ( and I even peep to other forums also), that seems to say Khadafi is Finish, or the end of him already in sight ??
His Army still winning in the ground, and despites some 'little' fire crackers that the west already 'loob' from the air and sea to his possitions, no Western ground troops is imminent (ie, occupation forces).
I do hope nobody have illusions that just by 'no-fly zone' can pull down khadafi..Afterall even when Saddam still under a decade of No-Fly zone, he's still can crush rebbelions to him. Is still a long way from finish for khadafi's folks..
Now the West already play as Libyan Revolutionary movement Air Forces...will the west going to re-armed the Libyan rebels..or even go further by committing forces in the ground ?? I like to see if Sarkozy dare to send his ground troops in Libya, considering he's the only one that already acknowledge the Rebels as Legitimate Government of Libya