My question is this. I've seen repeated reports that India is indeed opting for the additional 29 MiG-29Ks, on top of the initial 16. How accurate are these news? And if they are accurate, does Indian Naval Aviation have the budget and force org. to accomodate an additional purchase?
I suspect not. Especially granted how the contendents supposedly put forth are all highly unlikely, some flat out impossible. But I would appreciate commentary from someone who knows a little more about the Indian side of the question.
16 Initial one include 4 trainers and 12 single seat fighters for what would be INS Vikramaditya (someday), if the next IAC (Project 71) carrier has another 12 + 4, that takes the total up to 36 still leaves a space for 9, possibly land based attrition reserves, the sea harriers keep dissappearing @ 1 each year on account of accidents.
The next carrier from project 71 (as a post here stated) will have its own planes, so if the government has given the money for the carrier, i think they must have included the money requried to get some airplanes and helicopters.
What i made from the news reports and interviews of the admirals the old plan was to have the gorskov replace the current carrier and to keep it in service till three indigenous carriers were complete (one with each fleet and one under rapair in the dock), i guess with the gorskov being delayed the plans might have changed.
Another Interesting observation is that Indian Navy chose Israeli medirum range missile (Derby) for the sea harrier update and they have chosen the same missile for integration with the two naval Tejas (LCA program) prototypes they (the Indian Navy) have financed.
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