Kamil Reis on waffThere were some arguments about the numbers of T-129 that will be produced. To avoid confusion, I'm posting some info about this. From S&H magazine issue no:122
The agreement is to produce 51 choppers + 40 optional.
The 1st one of the 51 will be kept by the Ministry of Defence and used as a test-bed for systems development.
The remanining 50 will be delivered to the Army. The optional 40 more will be produced if necessary.
The 50 choppers will be in 2 different configurations, TUC-1 and TUC-2 (TUC: Turkish Configuration)
30 out of 50 will be TUC-1, and the following 20 will be TUC-2.
T-129 TUC-1 will have:
- Indigenous mission computer
- Indigenous EW and countermeasures
- AselFLIR-300
- Foreign helmet system (either Elbit or Thales)
- Foreign missile (either HellfireII or Spike ER)
T-129 TUC-2 will have:
- Indigenous mission computer
- Indigenous EW and countermeasures
- AselFLIR-300
- Aselsan AVCI helmet system
- Roketsan UMTAS missile
The first batch of 30 TUC-1 helicopters will use foreign helmet system and missiles so that they don't have to wait for the development of the indigenous systems.