Can Russia regain it's Military Might?

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New Member
Good post Viktor , you stole all the questions xD

Btw id like to add 1 more thing.

Smerch range is 90km not 70km

And yeah the new Chinese system has range of 200km , but your forgeting its not even in service yet lol..

Besides Iskander outranges that system by far..
China WS-2 MLRS with 200km range is based on Russian FROG missile .. nothing new there.


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  • #82
Good post Viktor , you stole all the questions xD

Btw id like to add 1 more thing.

Smerch range is 90km not 70km

And yeah the new Chinese system has range of 200km , but your forgeting its not even in service yet lol..

Besides Iskander outranges that system by far..
The 9K58 Smerch 300mm Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) is designed to defeat soft and hard skin targets, artillery and missile systems. It is produced by the Splav State Research and Production Association, Tula, Russia, which also manufactures the Uragan, Grad and Prima rocket launchers. Smerch was developed in the early 1980s and entered service with the Russian Army in 1988.Smerch fires the 300 mm 9M55K rocket. This has a solid propellant rocket motor. Firing range is from 20 km to 70 km. Not 90KM. Sorry to be a little picky!


Active Member
viktor, do you have your sources for your last big post, on the russian naval assets (particularly anti shipping missiles)? im not disputing anything, i'm just interested in some of the info you posted.


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I must agree with some of the other people commenting on this thread. For Russia to be the super power that Xander so wants it to be it msut sell the majority of its 3rd and 4th generation aircarft to develop less but more effective hardware. ie carrying on developmet of the mig 1.44 etc. to comepte with western fifth generation aircarft. Russia connot go on upgrading old platforms to sucsefully compete with europe and america and must generate the money before sustaining seriouse development program. Russia has incredibly good engineers and it is clear that the nation can produce some very good hardwear, however, until the coluntry gains some much needed money, you cannot keep bigging them up so much Xander.


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  • #86
Thanks Victor fo the information. That must be a fairly recent upgrade as the my source of data is from JAnes book of armour which is quite old.:)


New Member
Range of fire:
- max 90 km
- min 20 km

Though you said 70km ? You were wrong..

2nd point , nobody is comparing Russia to USA or Europe in any field , we are comparing them to China , read the topic again before you attack other people for something they don't claim .


New Member
Yea right. MIG-31 is most potent platform ever to flown on the face of earth (except F-22).
Its R-37 missiles and newer R-37M are aerodynamicly unstable and provide great manervability against fighters. Its range was affirmed in 1994 whan it downed target drone at 300km distance. Than MIG-31 can carry R-33S SARH missile as well as R-27ER (130km range) and R-77 missile. Actualy MIG-31M can carry 6 R-37M missiles nad 4 R-77 and fly at 25km atitude and rain down at China fighter. With its atitude and max speed of Mach 2.83 (it has penetrated Mach 3) no CHINA R-77 or PL-12 stands a chance and guess what Russia at this moment has 40 MIG-31BM and all are being modernised on MIG-31M2 standard with mutch upgraded radar (on the basis of Irbis N035), longer supersonic range, new 200km missile etc.... so forget about those China Jxx fighter ... this is KING of all BVR fights.
Except that the fighter is not very maneuverable, has poor loiter and has a very low sortie rate. Anytime it slows down its a sitting duck. Lets not forget how many Syrian and Iraqi MiG-25s were shot down, either by Israeli, American and Iranian air forces.

Besides backbone of China airforce makes Russian fighters and Russian missiles. .... LOL
Yup and they bought most of the latest ones, which the RuAF cannot afford to buy.

Those are litoral missile boats or would you go venture out on the blue waters with them???? and so what Russia made such missile boats over 30-40 years ago.
And China was making small missile boats right about the same time too. None of the current Russian missile boats, unless you consider the Streregeuschy to be one, can be considered modern with radar cross section reduction. In fact, no Russian vessel except for the new corvette, features any radar cross section reduction.

Perhaps Borei SSBN is nothing new to you or two of the same class being build or new Grany class SSGN 4th generation that will hit the water in 2009. Ships are introducing slowly but as you see Russia has advanced plans with navy and dont think thiese will not come true.
Yes the Borei is new, although there is nothing state of the art with its technology. Don't talk about future subs and other stuff like that, the Russians have a horrible record when it comes to trying to fulfill schedules of new generation ships, planes and tanks. So all in all, I take only what is strictly achieved, not what is planned. And don't think the PLAN has its own new plans either, though they don't mention even at all, until the things are fully operational.

Perhaps for you .... but here take out the ships that where carring large naval excercise just recently (month ago)
Now lets see what subs are waiting to be dismantled or not.

As you see all rusty waiting in the shipyard to be dismenteled ..... yea right all upgraded and operational ...
And what about the subs? So only a handful of ships are out of mothballs what about the rest?

Russians are heavily upgrading its navy. Ad Nakimov of KIROV class is nearing back in operational service and is being fitted with 96 Yakhont missiles and navalised S-400. Does that seems rusty to you????
I am not surprised that the crown jewels would be the first to be restored, but the most important part here are the supporting ships.

No navy is even required .... Tu-22M3 are just as good doung the job with each carring 3 Kh-22 MACH 4 cruise missiles 400km range ...
Yup, a plane that is both rejected by the Indian Air Force and by the PLAAF.

and what has China for defence ... Russian systems or copied Russian systems .... LOL LOL
I don't see how the phase array systems on the 052C to be copied from the Russians, More like the Americans. In fact a lot of stuff the Chinese has are more or less inspired more from the West than from Russia. Look at the Song class, a single hulled sub with German engines, French inspired sonars, and a faint outline that resembles more of the Agosta or Type 209. The 093 looks much closer to an LA class than a Victor III. Right from the start, Chinese nuclear subs are fitted with single shaft designs rather than the double that frequent Soviet subs. The Jiangkai class frigates have a stealthy design that looks more like a Lafayette and sports even the same engines.

Yes Akula is overated, Oscar-2 is overated .. everything is overated ... dream on .... you have nothing to compare with thiese babies whitch are by they way ALL being upgraded extensivly.
Yes I do think the Akula is a bit overrated. The Oscar might be more interesting but then it has a bad safety record too (Kursk).

Granit overated ... how YOU. Right 700 km MAch 3 missile with different fly paths and ENOURMOS warhead able to perform evasive manuevres at supersonic speeds and with ability to "decide" what missile will atack what depending on the ships and geography witch atack in wolf pack ...... for sure I can not imagine what can be more overated than that.
Frankly, the use of big missiles (which means big radar, big gyroscope and atomic clock in the INS, big speed and mass which means less error in flight probabilities, and big warhead) are also meant to cover technological deficiencies in terms of electronics, radar guidance, midphase and inertial guidance systems. In other words, you are using brute force to replace 'smarts'.

Supersonic missiles have problems doing evasive maneuvers near the surface of the water anyway, because its likely to hit the water.

Besides Russia is introducing AMOUR class with VLS lounchers of Sizzler missile ... there you are brabing around again with Russian weaponary... LOL
Kasthans have being retrofited on numerous Russian ships ... I have pics of it.... bat because of mess dont want to spent few hours searching for it.... KIROVS/KUZNJECOV and SLAVAS have them for sure....and navalised version of S-400 is being fited on Ad. Nakimov as we speek.
Kashtans have only been retrofitted on the largest ships and the Neutrashimmys, not all the other ships. Amur class does not have VLS launchers. Its way too small, and Sizzlers don't need VLS launchers since they're meant to be launched from tubes. This is a sub smaller than a Kilo; you're talking very coastal. Indian and Chinese navies are heading out to the blue sea and don't fit those requirements anymore. Maybe you can sell it to Venenzuela or Indonesia or Iran.

I belive R-77D is ready because even Ivanov mentioned new Russian air-to-air missile of 200km range .. and what else could it be.
An anecdotal quote is not proof of operational service. When you see the missile on an operational plane with operational unit markings on an operational air force base that is not an air show, then its a good bet its operational.

R-37 as well as R-37M are meant for anti-fighter warfare as they are aerodynamicly unstable and have great manervability as well as K-100 Russia-India project based on 3M83 missile from S-300V system... so dream on about crapy PL-12.
The R-37 is not for antifighter but anti-bomber and anti-AWACS. Even the USAF got rid of large AA missiles because they're not that suited for anti fighter combat. There is a sweet spot in the design of these missiles, and the AMRAAM-R77-PL12 size is about right.

The PLAAF appears happy enough about their PL-12 that there is no additional contracts for R-77s. Furthermore, they're trying to get it on everyone of their aircraft, including a deeply redesigned J-11B with indigenous electronics.

This again is one big LOL... what are you talking... have you seen coastal Sizzler missile, have you seen 3E-54E, Yakhont, Brahmos, Sunburn ... new (1000km brahmos is in development as well as new HYPERSONIC universal missile (joint Indo-Russia development)) and there you go brabing about uran ---- LOL :eek:nfloorl:

Brahmos witch is based on Yakhont missile can in any weather day or night perform supersonic evasive manuevre and is universal missile able to be fired from any lounch pad and atack sea and land targets ...

3E-54M missile of CLUB-S system flys 4m abouve water line ....
Brahmos is also an Indian missile, and apparently, the Yakhont had software and computer issues that took the Indians to correct properly. The CLUB has a record of problems and not fulfilling its tests. The ones in the Talwar had problems, the ones in the Kilos had problems.

Of course Skhval is not in production...because Skhval-2 is in development ... :)
LOL, and suddenly Xander acts like its on service. That's the problem of the way you people like to argue. You take something in development---which nowadays in Russia means it needs money---then assume in arguments that its already operational. For that reason, why don't we just consider US and Chinese scramjet projects to be operational too.

Not true. Granit atacks in wolf pack and only one missile flys at 20km atitude geathering informations and sending it to other Granit missiles flying low above water line.
I think no one here is impressed with supersonic missiles anymore, considering the electronic speeds defensive measures like SAMs, CIWS, decoys can all operate.

If a missile flies at 20km altitude looking for targets, it would be detected by the targets in the first place.

PLAN bought 500 Sunburns that are old and have 120km range.
Probably only because the missiles are offered at fire sale prices.

The 3M80MBE with the 240km range is actually designed for the PLAN, and the only two vessels that can equip this are with the PLAN.

Navalised S-400, navalised TOR-M1, navalised BUK-M1-2 , Kortik-Kasthan are some of the systems that can be found on upgraded Kirov/Kuznjecov/Slava and some of the destroyers... besides development of the new Russian destroyer has being anounced.
The words "can be" means it is not. So this is more or less a projection wish list.

So you have 300k range missile .... good for you ... Russia had 700km range missile 30 years ago .. no big deal .... China has made excellent progress in recent decade but good portion of it has to be tanks to Russians who sold their weapons and tehnology to China when no one wanted it and Russian needed it as well as China mastery in copy-paste tehniqe.
No big deal either, since China does have its own independent cruise missiles like the DH-10 that are modeled after the Tomahawk. You're looking at least 1500km.

thrut is that Russian air force gived more priority to R-27ER than early R-77 .... and what make you think that Russian fighters can not carry it?
And unfortunately for you, the PLAAF also has the R-27ER, hundreds of them in fact, you can go check the Swiss SIPRI that tracks arms shipments. So the PLAAF knows R-77 and all R-27 signal intelligence, but the Russians don't know squat on the PL-12. Guess who is going to have the edge in EW.

That was true for to long period of time and has finaly came to an end. 190 Bin will be spend on modernization and new items by 2015.
We will see, considering you still have an economy not any larger than Mexico's.

Steadily increasing as economy progresses. Whats wrong with that in 1999 Russian defence budget was mearly 4 bin.
You have a resource based economy, not a finished goods economy. The problem of being a resource based economy is that resources eventually run out. Any economy that is based on this invests in the future in anticipation of this, so what they should do is invest to steer themselves in the direction of being a finished goods economy.

Which is not what Russia is doing.

Yes there is plans of RuAF to upgrade ALL airforce including strategic and tactical bombers as MIG-31/27 and Su-24/27 as well introduce new models.
Yes, plans and more plans, and more mouth service.

Yes I think new R-77 is in service and has done all testings at least Ivanov seid new 200km range missile is being introduced in RuAF.
I don't think it is,. and none of the major defense periodicals think either. If you have a better anecdote or evidence, you are welcome to show it.

200 new Su-35BM for RuAF is not based on Su-30MKK and that number will be produced until PAK-FA starts entering production.
No, the 200 numbers is not based on the Su-30MKK but a fantasy. Come back to us when all 200 is actually built and in service.

Check out new 200km missile Ivanov said about it, new K-100, R-37M, R-33S SARH , R-27ER ....
No need for another wish list, we have seen enough.

Russian T-90A is on worst on the same pair with Type-99 .... new gun, new engine, thermal sights, RELIKT ERA etc ... and has new tank in development besides Black Eagle .... greater and greater numbers of tanks are beaing upgraded each year and if you look at the specs and pictures you will see how extensive these upgrades are.
Really and how? The Type 99 is heavier, which is a good indication that it has more armor, and it has a 1500hp engine to back that up. All the T-90s are in the weight range of the Type 96. And how many T-90s are using squared welded turrets, which is superior for ERA placement, ceramic laminated and perforated armor designs. You are just starting to build such turrets. At least the Chinese knew about this quite early enough to implement this in great numbers for both their Type 99 and 96 tanks.

And Xander, the new Chinese WS-2 is up to 300km and is already being offered for export. The Chinese does not export something unless its already in service, and the export versions cannot go past the 300km range so not to beat the MTCR set limit.


Super Moderator
I hope so... if not perhaps you can enlighten me, or try again because this post wasnt very enlightening.

So your going to rebutt points on capability with arms transfers and making delivery dates???? That makes heaps of sence. But i'll humor you.
because it shows Russian incompetence, yes.
The three most potent naval platforms you have are russian built, sovmerny, kilo and grushov, and your baging their platfomrs???? Anyway their shipbuilding efficiency (and i dont see how its oohh so terrible) is irrelevent to this discussion. The russian navy is built, armed, manned, trained, and exersising as we type, and guess what, its plenty more capable than PLAN in practicaly every aspect, late deliveries or not...
Sov is no where close to being the most potent surface ship we got. Kilo is not the best diesel sub we got. Gorshkov is for IN. Why is it terrible? They can't build on ship schedule. They have fire accidents while building ships. And when we get them, they are not up to the specs advertised. The Russian navy barely even leave their yard. You can check rickusn's posts to see which Russian ships are still semi-operational. Their entire pacific fleet has one decently working ship.
Again you think late deliveries somehow shed some revealing light on russian capability. And again the russian air force is built, armed, manned, trained, and are being upgraded as we type, and again guess what... they have more combat viable 4th gen platforms than you do by a healthy matrgin, they have more support assets than you do, they have real strategic air power which you dont and they have a very mature EW capability which (i would bet my car on this) is more capable than yours. But somehow prduction problems at the factory negate all of this huh??????
Do you have any proof for what you are saying other than your stubborn beliefs? They barely even fly, how can they be well manned and trained. Do you have any idea how many Mig-29s are upgraded to the standard that can fire R-77, do you have an idea how many su-27SMs they have? Do you know how many su-34 they have in service? Do you realize su-35 (aka su-27sm2) is only making the first flight this year? plaaf has far more platforms capable of firing active radar AAMs than RuAF. The only thing plaaf lacks is strategic air force. But then again, why is that important in this argument?

As for mature EW capability, if you mean second rated, I'm okay with that. It might help you understand the superiority of the Chinese surveillence platforms if you look through this page.

Of cource they are outdated in concept, they are 1980's vintage. However so is much of the USN. The sov is in the same technological generation as a perry hazard class frigate which makes up the backbone of the USN CBG's. That generation of surface combatants is getting old and you'll never see anyone order a pery haz either. Does that somehow show how outdated and incapable the USN is?????? I dont think so...
compared to what we are building right now in 054A and 052C, Sov is simply not in the same league. You know, plan sailors like using Sov over 052B/C because they find the less advanced combat system on Sov to be easier to use. If all USN uses is OHP, that would make USN outdated. But obviously that's not the case.

Unlike PLAAF there isnt a desperae need for any new fighters because they have over 1000 4th gen platforms in service that are still not only combat viable but lethal. The MiG 29 and Su 27 are comperable to the F15 & F16, and they make up the mass of the russian air force, unlike PLAAF who's mass is comprised of J8's and IIRC J6's. Why on earth would you be producing new fighters with an air force that large and that capable????? Anyway the PAK FA is their next gen platform not an advanced flanker or MiG 35's (which mind you are both plenty more capable than a J10 or J11B) and it is fully funded. When it enters service PLAAF will be in a similar boat as the one they are in now vs the USAF, i.e. totlay f*%ked.....
plaaf doesn't use J-6 anymore, lol. How many Mig-29s and su-27s do you think are actually in active use? There are about 150 J-10s, 300 flankers, 150 JH-7A and a healthy number of J-8F that are PL-12 capable in plaaf. As for your statement about Mig-35 being more capable than J-10/J-11B, do you mind showing some proofs? As for the 5th generation plane, there is a reason China is not participating in that project. Their own programs are going pretty well. If you care to know, I can give you some of their developments.
Oh but because PLAAF isnt lining up at the russians door then their kit must be crap huh???? Well the indians are still, and with the quality of their platforms (russian made SU 30MKI & MiG 35) they stand to be holding a qualitative advantage vs PLAAF.
you obviously have no idea how good J-10 is. And btw, Mig-35 is no where in service. By the time it actually achieves IOC, J-10 will be better than it is right now.
Their A2G pgms and ASM's are underwhelming????? What just because they havent produced any entirely new models since the soviet breakup... Ahhh so what they have must be crap! I guess harpoon and exoscet are crap too then huh, since they're the same vintage. I wonder why so many first rate navies still use them?????
Air to surface missiles (ie: kh-29, kh-59, do you know any?) are used by air forces, not by navies. Yes, the reason why JH-7A is considered a better strike unit than su-30 is because the superiority in KD-88, YJ-91, LT-2 ... over the Russian ones equipping su-30.
And because PLAN is having problems with the launch systems for a missile system than the russians whole ASM capability must be crap then?? That sounds familiar, you know the USAF is having some real problems with JASSM, so that somehow sheds light on both USAF's standoff capability and the capability of the weapons system itself??? (which will be one of the most capable standoff and anti shipping systmes ever deployed) That makes heaps of sence!!! And your right sunburn must be crap, mach 2.5 sea skimming missile, useless!:rolleyes:
Club are only sold to PLAN/IN (Russians are not even using it) and both navies can't even launch the thing + it has serious accuracy issues. Not exactly the super weapon that China threat people would let you believe.
sunburn is the most overrated missile in plan by far. YJ-12, YJ-62, YJ-83 and Club are all in many ways superior to it. Speed is not the only factor, it has a 120 km range (less than the other ones), it's huge (large radar signature), flies at a relatively high altitude compared to other sea-skimmers, accuracy is an issue (low compared to the 98.5% for YJ-83).
Also i wouldnt use the fact that PLA isnt buying heaps of these weapons as some kind of indication on their capability. A more likely explenation is that they boght enough to reverse engineer and produce their own without paying for a lisence. I understand that practice has been the mainstay of cinese armament industry for the last 40 years.
care to point out which ones? And even the ones they are copying, they are only doing so because it's improved on original design. Things like ka-28/29, Mi-17 and IL-76, they did not buy license production or try to copy, because they are just simply cheaper to buy from the Russians.
Phased array platforms are more capable than classic radome assets in some area's, but 14 platforms is still an awesome capability and something that currently the chinese cant match.
There is at least 9 KJ-2000s. Then, there are still probably 3 KJ-200 and the other Y-8 surveillence platforms.

Really???? See thats not what i read. My understanding was that PLAAF outlined, publicly i might add, a clear intention to buy the platform, and (partially due to diplomatic pressure from th US) the russians refused the sale. Maybe the PLA's propaganda bureau says different? Ofcource the fact that the chinese "decided" to build H6's instead indicateds that an upgraded badger (but most importantly one that is upgraded by the chinese) is more capable than a Tu 22M... :eek:nfloorl: Mate your a laugh a minet...
search the news, they tried to offer it in 2005 and even showcased it in peace mission 2005, no interest by pla.
Tupolev officials would not answer questions as to whether their Tu-95 BEAR and Tu-22M3 BACKFIRE bombers might be purchased by China after their demonstration in the Peace Mission 2005 exercises. Russia has been marketing both bombers to China, and is slated to retire two regiments of Tu-22M3s. Tu-95s are also available for sale. Some sources interviewed after the show believe China is close to buying both bombers, modified to carry the new range of Russian heavy and light weight precision guided weapons, along with anti-ship—including anti aircraft-carrier—missiles.
there are other sources, but the gist is that unless it's tu-160, China is not interested.
So it must be chite then huh??????? The RAAF rejected F15E and EF 2000 so they must be crap then? This 'logic' of yours if far from logical or perswasive.
if it is better than what China will build in the near future, then it would be purchased, as simple as that.
More of this "logic" of yours. Just because a nation decides not to aquire a sertain platform or missile system does not somehow make it crap. There are plenty of reasons why a certain nation may chose one missile over the other. MBDA are continuing with the METEOR project and will phase out all AMRAAMs in (IIRC) its arsenal. So according to your logic AIM120D is worthless??? Thats total crap! Its clearly just a tactic you are using to discredit the russians and discredit what i'm saying and i'm afraid it just doesnt hold water in reality. Perhaps there is a realistic (and justified) desire to move away from dependance on foregin arms imports and designs towards an indigenous arms industry? Maybe thats why PLAAF are continuing to increase the numbers of "indigenous" systems in their arsenall, not because they are soooo much better than anything anyone else can design.
just mainly that the Russian missiles + torpedoes are really overrated.
You posted a quote of mine that made several points about russian air power in terms of numbers and quality of 4th gen platforms in comparison to PLAAF. Numbers, and in some cases quality, of russian supprot asstes such as AEW&C, tankers and other ISR asstes. Russian ISR capabilities especially spaced based stuff which is far superor to anything PROC has, not to mention sat comms and GLONASS (which may not have full coverage but its still miles ahead of china). Large and capable russian strategic air power which PLAAF completly lacks, you'd have a hard time argueing H6's counted. In addition to that very capable counter strategic air power such as MiG 31's. Tactical and stratgic nuclear forces in both chases the chinese are completely outmatched. Quality and quantity of naval forces, in terms of naval aviation, ASW, SW, SSW and amhibious capability, not to mention operational docrorine, the russians are far superior. Quantity and perhaps quallity of materiel for ground operations the russians are also far superior.

You replyed to these points by asking me if i knew what i was talking about and then outlining a chinese shopping list as some sort of rebuttal to these points. In essence you didnt adress a single thing i said. You just attemped to make the russians look incompetent without dealing with their actuall capabilities. So why dont you quit with the shopping list and actualy deal with the substance of the conversation?
glonass does not have the accuracy that is planned on beidou 2 unless it's going for 0.5 m.
Russian AEW platforms are simply outclassed by Chinese ones.
The only thing you mentionned where the Russians have clear advantage to is in strategic force, which I haven't tried to argue against.
I don't see why Mig-31 needs to be mentionned since it should be compared against fighters in plaaf like J-10/J-11B.
I simply don't have the time to go through every facet of PLAN modernization with you to explain which ones Russians can't provide that well, so China developed ones that matched its own requirements. If you want to know, go read my blog at
I don't go into ground force, since my concentration is on air force and navy.

As for answering you queries, the point of my reply originally was not to respond to it, but rather to object to your views and turn the conversation back to the futility of Russian MilInd.


Super Moderator
I have never said the weapons were badly designed. I have never said the Beidou satellites were badly designed. I have also never said Chinese weapons do not work without Beidou. Show me where I said these things. How do you read this into what I say?

I have said that constellation of the original three Beidou does not suggest they were intended to support nav of air launched weapons. This is not bad design - this is design with a different objective. ;)

The signal exists without proxy data, but is certainly not weapons delivery grade - it would probably do better with INS alone. This is a consequence of the layout of the three sat constellation. ;)

I have said that it is a regional system. I.e. border to Russia not supported. Again geometry. ;)

I have noted that with the launch of the fourth satellite, they will have windows of true sat nav in a specific region. ;)

Hence not an operational capability. China will have that when they launch more sats. This is what I am saying. They are moving towards a real, multipurpose sat nav system - Beidou 2.

And yes, as I have said all the time, Beidou can work without the use of a diff systems or a pseudolite - because it uses proxy data as a substitute - but sorry, I mistook one of the places where you used Beidou for satellite guided bombs in general. As for satellites, there are actually 5 right now, not 4. They launched 2 this year + 3 from previously. But considering plaaf's possible usage, that should be enough for the near future.

China WS-2 MLRS with 200km range is based on Russian FROG missile .. nothing new there.
it's 400 km. sinodefence is wrong. They've even offered export versions with 400 km range.

Granit overated ... how YOU. Right 700 km MAch 3 missile with different fly paths and ENOURMOS warhead able to perform evasive manuevres at supersonic speeds and with ability to "decide" what missile will atack what depending on the ships and geography witch atack in wolf pack ...... for sure I can not imagine what can be more overated than that.
oh, more fans of supersonic missile. Yes, when you have a missile travelling at high altitude, they get detected and engaged very fast. All recent PLAN ships are equipped with sensors + AD to handle anti-ship missiles up to mach 3.

I belive R-77D is ready because even Ivanov mentioned new Russian air-to-air missile of 200km range .. and what else could it be.

R-37 as well as R-37M are meant for anti-fighter warfare as they are aerodynamicly unstable and have great manervability as well as K-100 Russia-India project based on 3M83 missile from S-300V system... so dream on about crapy PL-12.
R-77D is not ready, it's not in service anywhere. Russians have been working on it forever, it's still not ready. R-37 have long range but not that effective vs 4th generation fighters.
his again is one big LOL... what are you talking... have you seen coastal Sizzler missile, have you seen 3E-54E, Yakhont, Brahmos, Sunburn ... new (1000km brahmos is in development as well as new HYPERSONIC universal missile (joint Indo-Russia development)) and there you go brabing about uran ---- LOL
why do you bring up these systems not in service anywhere? talk about it when they are actually going into service. I already explained the weakness of club + sunburn. And no, Club doesn't fly at 4 m altitude at any time.
ruise autonomously along a selected flight trajectory and, at a speed of 240 m/sec, at an altitude of 20 meters (70 feet), and when approaching the target, drops to a sea skimming level of 5 – 10 meters (20 - 30 feet).
missiles like exocet and YJ-83 are at about 3-5 m for the terminal stage.

The entire problem is that you keep on bringing up these new platforms in development and get excited about them. The reality as any pla follower would tell you is that the Russians promise a lot of stuff early, but don't deliver on them. We don't get excited by these promises anymore. You can simply look at zhuk-mse and see how long that took to get developed.


New Member
Except that the fighter is not very maneuverable, has poor loiter and has a very low sortie rate. Anytime it slows down its a sitting duck. Lets not forget how many Syrian and Iraqi MiG-25s were shot down, either by Israeli, American and Iranian air forces.
Even for dowing Mig-25 extensive preparations had to be done to shoot it down. It is a fighter that can supercruise at MACH 1.8 (with afterburners of course) and there has bein more than one ocasion wheneven 4-5 F-15 could not catch him or even its missiles.

I can tell you MIG-31 is the KING of all BVR fight and as one MIG-31M is armed with 4 R-77 and 6 R-37M nothing comes close and no one (except Raptor) stand a chanche to catch him.

Yup and they bought most of the latest ones, which the RuAF cannot afford to buy.
Not anymore.... clapse of SU carried economic dissaster for Russia but now is a different thing. ALL RuAF will be modernizet by 2020 and priority heads to who other than MIG-31M2

And China was making small missile boats right about the same time too. None of the current Russian missile boats, unless you consider the Streregeuschy to be one, can be considered modern with radar cross section reduction. In fact, no Russian vessel except for the new corvette, features any radar cross section reduction.
Wrong. Kirov class cruisers where designed with extensive RCS reduction measurments. And with Tu-95MS in the air and Tu-22M3 roaming throw the sky with Kh-22 do you thing those RCS will do any help ... dont think so.

Yes the Borei is new, although there is nothing state of the art with its technology. Don't talk about future subs and other stuff like that, the Russians have a horrible record when it comes to trying to fulfill schedules of new generation ships, planes and tanks. So all in all, I take only what is strictly achieved, not what is planned. And don't think the PLAN has its own new plans either, though they don't mention even at all, until the things are fully operational.

And tell me smart one what do you know about Borei sonar and other systems, what do you know about Russian sub systems whitch have recive upgrade thow out time but where same name..... until something is published we can only speculate or do you think that same old systems from 80s where instaled on new Borei and will be instaled on every other Russian vesel.... dont think so... secrecy as Chinese is also Russian thing.

Now lets see what subs are waiting to be dismantled or not.
Russia plans to dismentle some 140 subs most of whitch are nuclear and that proces is nearing its end... those where old class subs with old equipment and with expensive maintenence and with no benefits from it... its the only logical thing they could do.... Eventualy all Typhoon and Delta-4 class will be desmenteled as new Borei class enters service ...same thing will hapen to Akula and Oscar-2 class with new Graney atack sub....
Since you are talking about Russian subs take a look at Chinas sub .... designing even Delta-4 standard of 80s pose a great chalange to China engineers even with Russian Rubin design buiro.

And what about the subs? So only a handful of ships are out of mothballs what about the rest?
So you came to some reasunable conslusion about ships... do you want to see some pics of Russian subs to have same conclusion about subs!

I am not surprised that the crown jewels would be the first to be restored, but the most important part here are the supporting ships.

i agree.... but Im not fan of suport ships (althrow logistic is most important thing when conducting war) ...but dont have any ilusion Russian Navy chifs will overestimate such important question ... because I know nothing about it does not mena nothing is being done.

Yup, a plane that is both rejected by the Indian Air Force and by the PLAAF
LOL what a mean delusive argument....and jet you fly at old soviet Tu-16 LOL LOL suce me ... litle modernised called H-6K .... well suit yourself but I rather fly superconic MACH 2... bomber with grater range and payload passing modernization with 3 Kh-22 400km range MACH 4 antiship missiles.

besides India operates or will operate 4 Tu-22M3 ... I read the document but can not remember it exactly...

I don't see how the phase array systems on the 052C to be copied from the Russians, More like the Americans. In fact a lot of stuff the Chinese has are more or less inspired more from the West than from Russia. Look at the Song class, a single hulled sub with German engines, French inspired sonars, and a faint outline that resembles more of the Agosta or Type 209. The 093 looks much closer to an LA class than a Victor III. Right from the start, Chinese nuclear subs are fitted with single shaft designs rather than the double that frequent Soviet subs. The Jiangkai class frigates have a stealthy design that looks more like a Lafayette and sports even the same engines.
True that China has designed by itself some capable ships I dont intend to question but there are many china project in witch Russia provided theirs tehnical skils and weapons ... specialy in terms of constructing SSBM ( Type 094 = Delta-x) , SSK (YUAN CLASS = Kilo/Amour class) besides lool majority of China SSK makes Kilo class Russian subs. And you dont want me to start writing about Russian air-defence missiles and Chinas copies of them .....

Yes I do think the Akula is a bit overrated. The Oscar might be more interesting but then it has a bad safety record too (Kursk).

And why do you consider Akula overated when even USA admirals have great deal of respect towards them and some say its batter than Los Angeles class (improved one - I know it might be propaganda , alarm thing but STILL)

Safety record of the Kursk is something to talk about .... there was an intervju with some retired British armiral who said USA Los Angeles class sink it with MK48 ADCAP because they thought Kurs is baout to fire at them Skhval when it opened torpedo tubes duriang the excercise... acording to same admiral USA (during the Clinton) paide sum of 50 Bin to cover things up ... and if you see pics of the Kurs recovered you can see round hole by the section that was blown up... so this may not be true or perhaps can but thing is that there it lot we dont know and can only speculate.

Frankly, the use of big missiles (which means big radar, big gyroscope and atomic clock in the INS, big speed and mass which means less error in flight probabilities, and big warhead) are also meant to cover technological deficiencies in terms of electronics, radar guidance, midphase and inertial guidance systems. In other words, you are using brute force to replace 'smarts'.

Supersonic missiles have problems doing evasive maneuvers near the surface of the water anyway, because its likely to hit the water.

Thats your view of the point. Granit has active and pasive guidance at therminal phase, flight paths of it is closely guided secret and besides do you realy thing Russian will produce missile that will hit the water as it prepares to atack ship???? :eek:nfloorl:

if you look Brahmos missile its HUUUDGE but still most advanced in the face of the EARTH.

You are again catching by the strow!

Kashtans have only been retrofitted on the largest ships and the Neutrashimmys, not all the other ships. Amur class does not have VLS launchers. Its way too small, and Sizzlers don't need VLS launchers since they're meant to be launched from tubes. This is a sub smaller than a Kilo; you're talking very coastal. Indian and Chinese navies are heading out to the blue sea and don't fit those requirements anymore. Maybe you can sell it to Venenzuela or Indonesia or Iran.

I dont know where you get that crazy idea about AMOURS dont have VLS .... yes they have it and they have 10 of them..... and guess what in the near future they will be able to accomodate Brahmos missile besides CLUB-S.

Check out official Rubin design buiro page

and check out AMOUR 1650 10 VLS

True China has no plans to aquire any new Russian subs but will extensivly pay for tehnical assistance.

An anecdotal quote is not proof of operational service. When you see the missile on an operational plane with operational unit markings on an operational air force base that is not an air show, then its a good bet its operational.
Its a good enought prof... Sergej Ivanov said it more than once and same 200km missile has mentioned on few more articles about Su-35Bm and MIG-31M2.

Modernized MiG-31 test flights successful - company

NIZHNY NOVGOROD, November 8 (RIA Novosti) - Russia has successfully conducted test flights of a modernized MiG-31 Foxhound interceptor equipped with improved engines and electronics, a defense company said Wednesday.

Russia plans to modernize its whole fleet of MiG-31interceptors, which have been in service for 25 years, and extend their service life with the air force until 2015.

"Successful tests confirmed that the MiG-31 has strong potential," the press service of the Perm Engine Company said, adding that the interceptor's unique maneuverability and combat characteristics are largely based on the capabilities of a modernized engine developed by Russian designers.

The interceptor is equipped with two D-30F6 turbofan two-shaft engines with a common afterburner and variable supersonic nozzle, which allow the aircraft to fly at supersonic speeds of up to Mach 2.83.

The modernized interceptor will also feature unique air-to-air missiles capable of hitting targets at ranges exceeding 200 kilometers (125 miles), including aircraft with stealth capabilities, cruise missiles, and supersonic aircraft, Russian Air Force Commander Vladimir Mikhailov earlier said.
"Modernization of the fleet of MiG-31 interceptors will significantly increase the combat capability of air defenses, especially over remote areas of Northern Russia, Siberia and the Far East, where air defense contingents have been sharply reduced since the 1990s," Mikhailov said.

The MiG-31 modernization and overhaul program will be implemented at the Sokol aircraft plant in Nizhny Novgorod, in Central Russia.

Mikhailov said the modernized supersonic interceptor will become a formidable rival to all fifth-generation fighters, due to enhanced radar detection and tracking capabilities, and a wide array of advanced weaponry.

According to various sources, about 500 MiG-31s have been produced since serial production began in 1978, approximately 370 of which ...bla bla bla YOU GET THE POINT

The R-37 is not for antifighter but anti-bomber and anti-AWACS. Even the USAF got rid of large AA missiles because they're not that suited for anti fighter combat. There is a sweet spot in the design of these missiles, and the AMRAAM-R77-PL12 size is about right.

The PLAAF appears happy enough about their PL-12 that there is no additional contracts for R-77s. Furthermore, they're trying to get it on everyone of their aircraft, including a deeply redesigned J-11B with indigenous electronics.

R-33 and R-33S SARH is not anti-fighter missiles and is intended for shooting down bombers/AWACS/areal tanker ... but R-37 (and newer R-37M) as aerodynamicly unstable have great manervability thus providing HUDGE range and anti-fighter capability.

Than K-100 Russia-Indo project (previos known on KS-172) based on 3M83 missile from S-300V system is done and operational as you can see and look at requarement for that missile with 400KM range

India Starts Defence Exports : Joint Ventures Now yielding rich Dividends

KS -172

- Joint Venture between India's DRDO and Russias NPO Novator.

SpeciFications :

- It is an ultra Long Range AAM with a Development Range of 400KMs To Target AEW/AWAC Type High Value Aircrafts.

- Sole Carrier in the Indian AF will be the Su-30MKI

Features ( Dimensions) :

- 1.4 Meter long Rocket Booster

- Weight 748Kgs

- Core Diameter 0.40 Meter , Total Lenght 6.01 Meters , Span .61 Meters

- Launched by a Solid-propellant Tandem Rocket Booster

- The KS 172 will attack its Targets with an adaptive high explosive ( HE) fragmentation warhead.


- Secure Data-Linked Based inertial Navigation System for MidCourse Guidance ( This would probably be done by AWACS or the 2-3 MKIs Working in Tandem with their Mini AWACS Capability)

- Active Radar Homing for its Terminal Phase.

-The missile will be used against air targets flying at altitudes from 3m to 30km with speeds up to 4,000km/h and manoeuvring at up to 12g.


DRDO and NPO will jointly Develop:

- An Active Homing Radar Seeker with a Wide Lock-On Range Which is able to recieve targeting data from the launch AC.

- Design a combined Gas/AeroDynamic Control system with 3d TVC . Provides High Manoeuvrability irrespective of launch Conditions and allows for missle launch with AC in super Manoeuvrability flight mode.

- Create and Adaptive Rapid Reaction Autopilot Which Optimises with Missile Stabilization and control Parameters within the firing range.

- Development of Special Interaction Logic btween the KS-172 Explosive Fuse and Guidance system Which ( In addition to structural and config features) gurantees absolute immunity of the Warhead detonation system to Jamming

Get it .... and look at the pics of it

R-73 / R-77 / R-27 / K-100 / Kh-31P / R-37

( ALL this under half of plane SU-35BM - imagine firepower )

and here is missile on MAKS 2007

So stop talking about crapy PL-12 ... China has no means even to down enemy AWACS/areal tankers etc I guess you would be happy even with R-33S SARH not to meantion thiese BEASTS!

And agains J-11B is fighter based on Russian Su-27 airframe but with China avionics ... big deal

Brahmos is also an Indian missile, and apparently, the Yakhont had software and computer issues that took the Indians to correct properly. The CLUB has a record of problems and not fulfilling its tests. The ones in the Talwar had problems, the ones in the Kilos had problems.

Yea all Russian missiles have problems but none Chinese ... so what if little problems occured now they are corrected and missile is DEADLY as hell .... as you can see China/India/Iran (i belive not sure) and Venezuela will have it or has it already ... thats how bad they are ... LOL

LOL, and suddenly Xander acts like its on service. That's the problem of the way you people like to argue. You take something in development---which nowadays in Russia means it needs money---then assume in arguments that its already operational. For that reason, why don't we just consider US and Chinese scramjet projects to be operational too.

Skhval has no guidance .... Shval-2 will have it ...and thats a big diference ... money is another ... besides its not like Skval is the only Russian capable torpedo they have whole array of them.

I think no one here is impressed with supersonic missiles anymore, considering the electronic speeds defensive measures like SAMs, CIWS, decoys can all operate.

If a missile flies at 20km altitude looking for targets, it would be detected by the targets in the first place.
Yes i agree no one is impresed by supersonic missile anymore ... thas why Russia-India is building HYPERSONIC missaile to impres the world one more ...

And tell me whats the range of RIF-M Russian systems on your destroyers .... 150km perhaps ...and the range of the GRANIT ...700km ... so what if you detect it .. what are you going to do about it???? with tvelwe 7 Ton missiles flying supersonicly while performing evasive manuevres ..... I dont know about you but i give you small chanches of success...

Probably only because the missiles are offered at fire sale prices.

The 3M80MBE with the 240km range is actually designed for the PLAN, and the only two vessels that can equip this are with the PLAN.

Never the less of the price PLAN bought 500 120km range Sunburns ... its a good and bad thing at the same time ...

Besides those Sunburns are outdated for Russian navy and is carried only by small missile crafts only. Yakhont/Brahmos is the thing.

The words "can be" means it is not. So this is more or less a projection wish list.

Dont play with words ... i have pictures of it on my comp but because of mess can not afford at the moment few hours to find it for you .... have a patiente a little.

No big deal either, since China does have its own independent cruise missiles like the DH-10 that are modeled after the Tomahawk. You're looking at least 1500km.

I tought abou antiship missile... huh and Im glad , truly I am because China introducing DH-10 ... it is a very potent missile that will complicate things for the planers in Washinghton and Tokio.... but to compare it to Russian has no sence because of Kh-55 3000km range Russia is now introducing 3500km range Meteorit missile .... witch speeds up to 3000km/h

Meteorit missile at MAKS 2007

And unfortunately for you, the PLAAF also has the R-27ER, hundreds of them in fact, you can go check the Swiss SIPRI that tracks arms shipments. So the PLAAF knows R-77 and all R-27 signal intelligence, but the Russians don't know squat on the PL-12. Guess who is going to have the edge in EW.
Well good for you and you can keep those crapy signals for yourself couse you dont have signals of R-33 / R-33S SARH / R-37 / R-37M / new 200km range missile / K-100

We will see, considering you still have an economy not any larger than Mexico's

Well underestimation is your thing ... keep on rolling

Im not Russian but Croatian for that thing to be cleared.

You have a resource based economy, not a finished goods economy. The problem of being a resource based economy is that resources eventually run out. Any economy that is based on this invests in the future in anticipation of this, so what they should do is invest to steer themselves in the direction of being a finished goods economy.

Which is not what Russia is doing.

Witch is exactly what Russia is douing ... but you pay little attention Russian news unlike China so you sound little outdated ... no ofence ...

Yes, plans and more plans, and more mouth service.
Nothing without plans .... and there is not a greather thing but plans working smothly ...

No, the 200 numbers is not based on the Su-30MKK but a fantasy. Come back to us when all 200 is actually built and in service
Starting from 2009.. RuAF will produce 200 brand new Su-35BM marked Su-35M2 for itself. besides there is great potential that China will by this fighter as none of its fighter in its inventory can not matched it performance , missiles ..etc

No need for another wish list, we have seen enough

All China has is Russian missiles + PL-12 ... wow .... LOL
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Banned Member
I can tell you MIG-31 is the KING of all BVR fight and as one MIG-31M is armed with 4 R-77 and 6 R-37M nothing comes close and no one (except Raptor) stand a chanche to catch him.

Cut the crap, try an F-15E with the new AIM-120C7, I believe even the EF-2000 can do it with the MBDA Meteor when it achieves IOC in 2010 when cued with the CAESAR radar. "Catch" is a relative term, especially when it is done with modern BVR AAMs.

Not anymore.... clapse of SU carried economic dissaster for Russia but now is a different thing. ALL RuAF will be modernizet by 2020 and priority heads to who other than MIG-31M2

That is just your prerogative.

Wrong. Kirov class cruisers where designed with extensive RCS reduction measurments. And with Tu-95MS in the air and Tu-22M3 roaming throw the sky with Kh-22 do you thing those RCS will do any help ... dont think so.

Proof? Sounds like bulldust to me. I've been monitoring the Kirov for years before its decommission and I can tell you that its RCS is similar to that of the iceberg that sank the Titanic (figure of speech)-unmistakable:eek:nfloorl:

And tell me smart one what do you know about Borei sonar and other systems, what do you know about Russian sub systems whitch have recive upgrade thow out time but where same name..... until something is published we can only speculate or do you think that same old systems from 80s where instaled on new Borei and will be instaled on every other Russian vesel.... dont think so... secrecy as Chinese is also Russian thing.

And human for that matter.

Russia plans to dismentle some 140 subs most of whitch are nuclear and that proces is nearing its end... those where old class subs with old equipment and with expensive maintenence and with no benefits from it... its the only logical thing they could do.... Eventualy all Typhoon and Delta-4 class will be desmenteled as new Borei class enters service ...same thing will hapen to Akula and Oscar-2 class with new Graney atack sub....
Since you are talking about Russian subs take a look at Chinas sub .... designing even Delta-4 standard of 80s pose a great chalange to China engineers even with Russian Rubin design buiro.

Depends on the help Rubin is willing to provide-and how much the Chinese are willing to pay for Russian 'know how' from Russian engineers who are only too willing to give them this sort of stuff in return for cold hard cash. Take the recent case of the engineer sentenced to 13yrs for transferring BM technology (guidance systems) to the PLA No.27 Institute (Rocketry).

LOL what a mean delusive argument....and jet you fly at old soviet Tu-16 LOL LOL suce me ... litle modernised called H-6K .... well suit yourself but I rather fly superconic MACH 2... bomber with grater range and payload passing modernization with 3 Kh-22 400km range MACH 4 antiship missiles.

besides India operates or will operate 4 Tu-22M3 ... I read the document but can not remember it exactly...

In this slugging match the bomber doesn't matter-it's the cruise missiles-think 1500+ land based improved DH-10=the GLCM problem that bankrupted the USSR appearing again.

I shall leave the rest of the rebutting regarding the PLA to TP, who knows much more about the PLA than I do.


New Member
Except that the fighter is not very maneuverable, has poor loiter and has a very low sortie rate. Anytime it slows down its a sitting duck. Lets not forget how many Syrian and Iraqi MiG-25s were shot down, either by Israeli, American and Iranian air forces.

Oh so your comparing Mig-25’s and with Syrian pilots and inferior tehnology because Soviet Union sold monkey models , to new Mig-31M2 upgraded with the
advanced radars , ARE YOU JOKING????
First of all it wasnt easy to shot down the Mig-25 , it took alot of time to prepare..
Besides they didn't know on How to treat Interceptor aircraft..and that's not fighter....
DUCK FOR RUAF FIGHTERS AND A-50 , even though the RuAF missiles are more capable than PLAAF as prooven already before , China has basic inferior R-77 , and
from the facts the R-77D is already in production allthough not in huge numbers AND IT CAN be mounted on any fighter capable of carry the R-77..

Yup and they bought most of the latest ones, which the RuAF cannot afford to buy.

Stop living in the 90's

And China was making small missile boats right about the same time too. None of the current Russian missile boats, unless you consider the Streregeuschy to be one, can be considered modern with radar cross section reduction. In fact, no Russian vessel except for the new corvette, features any radar cross section reduction.

I know you gonna start bullshiting about those shit 120km range missiles from this little boat , so il be short and effective..
That little boat would get bombed with Backfire’s or sunk from Oscar’s , it has no defence against air or ASW at all , MANPAD has no chance of shooting
anything like that.
Don't forget Tu-142's.

Yes the Borei is new, although there is nothing state of the art with its technology. Don't talk about future subs and other stuff like that, the Russians have a horrible record when it comes to trying to fulfill schedules of new generation ships, planes and tanks. So all in all, I take only what is strictly achieved, not what is planned. And don't think the PLAN has its own new plans either, though they don't mention even at all, until the things are fully operational.

You seriusly have no clue do you?

The Borei is claimed to represent the state of the art in submarine design, incorporating characteristics that make it superior to any submarine currently

in service, such as the ability to cruise silently and be less detectable to sonar. Advancements include a compact and Integrated hydrodynamically

efficient hull for reduced broad band noise the first ever use of pump jet propulsion on a Russian nuclear submarine.

And if nothing else its certainly better than Jin class , thats a fact..

Now lets see what subs are waiting to be dismantled or not.

Thats old news , and besides look at China sub fleet , most of those scrapy old 70's diesel subs are a shame..

And what about the subs? So only a handful of ships are out of mothballs what about the rest?

9 Akula’s , 3 Sierra , 4 Viktor’s , 1 Alfa , makes 17 SSN.
1 Shang and 5 old Han’s ..
OK , I know where I wanna be

Yup, a plane that is both rejected by the Indian Air Force and by the PLAAF.

I think you have no perseption and understanding for weapon systems , Tu-22M is capable of destroying every single ship from PLAN and there is ABSOLUTELY

NOTHING that PLAN can do because Kh-22 is fired from 400km , but it wouldn’t be fired from that long , but rather beyond PLAN ships anti air defence , and
PLAN has no carrier with fighters to intercept the Backfire’s so WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY WILL DO ???

Yes I do think the Akula is a bit overrated. The Oscar might be more interesting but then it has a bad safety record too (Kursk).

Akula , especialy Akula II is 1 of the most silent submarines in the world , and there is nothing that PLAN has that can match it in every aspect its

better lmao...

The best SHANG class submarine ( 1 in service btw ) was launched in 2002 ?--- SEE
And the specifications and amarment make it comparable to no more than Viktor III which was introduced by Soviet Union in 70’s LOOOL...
So don’t even try comparing Akula or Akula II to any PLAN submarines because they are not anywhere NEAR..

Frankly, the use of big missiles (which means big radar, big gyroscope and atomic clock in the INS, big speed and mass which means less error in flight probabilities, and big warhead) are also meant to cover technological deficiencies in terms of electronics, radar guidance, midphase and inertial guidance systems. In other words, you are using brute force to replace 'smarts'.

What are you talking about dude , ICBM?
Russian missiles are 5-11m big , some of them fit in torpedo tubes..
Btw what Chinese missile has digital computer on board??

It seems that you know nothing about Granits or Yakhonts
I repeat again , salvo's of Granits or Yakhonts will sink even a carrier , there is nothing that any PLAN ship can do nubcake , its
against all logic....
1 Missile leads other if he got shot down another one will climbs and replace his role
and few kilometers from Target Granit will shot its Radar Jammer=Obsolete

Kashtans have only been retrofitted on the largest ships and the Neutrashimmys, not all the other ships. Amur class does not have VLS launchers. Its way too small, and Sizzlers don't need VLS launchers since they're meant to be launched from tubes.

This is a ROTFLMAO
No ship in PLAN is NEARLY CAPABLE of Kirov or Slava , especialy with the S-400 that they will have equiped , the PLAN ships can just say bye bye because
They are on large surface ship what do you expect coastal boats to go vs a fleet in a open sea..
YOu seem to miss alot of logic in naval warfare , coastal ships and missile boats are for shore defence.

not even US CSG would survive a barriage of volleys of Granits from Oscar SSGN’s yet alone some PLAN ships that are equiped with Russian systems btw lol..

The R-37 is not for antifighter but anti-bomber and anti-AWACS. Even the USAF got rid of large AA missiles because they're not that suited for anti fighter combat. There is a sweet spot in the design of these missiles, and the AMRAAM-R77-PL12 size is about right.
R-37M will be EFFECTIVE against fighters.
And PL-12 DOESNT stand a chance , and its not even in serius production.
And bye bye Chinese AWACS , like I told earlyer..
Without AWACS even if PLAAF has same range missiles A-50 will detect them and guide the missiles , PLAAF has no chance .
PL-12 is not even in service yet , or in really low numbers and its nothing spectacular .. PLAAF has no missile that has bigger range than any RUAF missile and no AWACS they can use since they will get shot down by Mig-31.
How do you like that odds?

Brahmos is also an Indian missile, and apparently, the Yakhont had software and computer issues that took the Indians to correct properly. The CLUB has a record of problems and not fulfilling its tests. The ones in the Talwar had problems, the ones in the Kilos had problems.

Granit , Yakhont , Club , Brahamos , all are much more capable than those PLAN anti ship missiles.
And so what if the Brahmos is a joint project , China doesnt have anything EVEN LIGHTSPEEDS close ..

LOL, and suddenly Xander acts like its on service. That's the problem of the way you people like to argue. You take something in development---which nowadays in Russia means it needs money---then assume in arguments that its already operational. For that reason, why don't we just consider US and Chinese scramjet projects to be operational too.

Oh , cry me a river , who cry’d that Ws-2 is in service? LoL
And I never said its in service , I said PLAN has nothing to compare to Shkval II..
Or even Shkval for that matter..

I think no one here is impressed with supersonic missiles anymore, considering the electronic speeds defensive measures like SAMs, CIWS, decoys can all operate.

If a missile flies at 20km altitude looking for targets, it would be detected by the targets in the first place.

Well Other Missile in the Salvo will climb up and replace his Role...Granit Salvo usually consist with 120 Missiles....
and Granit Have ECM and ECCM suite on her own.....
and i wanna know how that Chinese warship's CIWS can do against Armoured Missile that can choose target on its own
Volleys of Yakhonts or Granits are capable of sinking a Carrier , yet here you are claiming that PLAN ship can miraciusly defend against that kind of
attack ,thats not only ignoring the truth is also insulting to anti ship missiles lol..

Probably only because the missiles are offered at fire sale prices.

The 3M80MBE with the 240km range is actually designed for the PLAN, and the only two vessels that can equip this are with the PLAN.

Im not impresed with 240km , such missiles were made 40-50 years ago

The words "can be" means it is not. So this is more or less a projection wish list.

They are actualy upgraded or beeing upgraded with those systems .

No big deal either, since China does have its own independent cruise missiles like the DH-10 that are modeled after the Tomahawk. You're looking at least 1500km.

Did China have any plans for "delivery method" ?GLCM,SLCM or ALCM

Meteorit M Cruise Missile ranged 3000Km with Supersonic +plasma Stealth

DH-10 may work against "third world" country who doesn't have TOR-M1 or adequate SAM system..but when facing Russia...

besides DH-10 IS LACM , its a LAND ATTACK CRUISE MISSILE with a low speed lol...

You have a resource based economy, not a finished goods economy. The problem of being a resource based economy is that resources eventually run out. Any economy that is based on this invests in the future in anticipation of this, so what they should do is invest to steer themselves in the direction of being a finished goods economy.

Which is not what Russia is doing.
With your logic so will China run out of coal.

No need for another wish list, we have seen enough.

Wish list? Those are all missiles in service ?

And Xander, the new Chinese WS-2 is up to 300km and is already being offered for export. The Chinese does not export something unless its already in service, and the export versions cannot go past the 300km range so not to beat the MTCR set limit.

Its not in service , its planned to start production , don't mix that up , every source claims the same , get me some proof of otherwise till i belive it , Iskander i still better..

China is THE MOST OVERRATED Military in the world , but mostly in Chinese people heads , because of propaganda , you need to wake up and face the truth ..
We have seen Chinese performance countless times and it has been far from effective..
In Korean war , they managed to push US back but at what cost , look at their casualties , the vast amount of casualties involved to defeat a little US force was incredible...

Also remember Sino-Soviet clash , Chinese lost 10 times more soldiers , so far for effectivness..

on 2005 Peace mission Russians were unimpresed with China's performance ..

Face the fact

Russia is the 2nd most powerfull country in the world

And China might be the 3rd in size , but CERTAINLY NOT IN EFFECTIVNESS ...
There are other country's as UK and France , not to mention some more that are far more effective than China ..
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New Member
Cut the crap, try an F-15E with the new AIM-120C7, I believe even the EF-2000 can do it with the MBDA Meteor when it achieves IOC in 2010 when cued with the CAESAR radar. "Catch" is a relative term, especially when it is done with modern BVR AAMs.

You should check out range of AIM-120C7 for fighter in chase flying 5km abouve your head ..... I bet its not even 10 km.

Besides F-15 can not be compared to MIG-31 since it has higher fly atitude and mutch greater speed but the most crutial thing is that MIG-31 has 1500 km range at MACH 2.35 and no F-15 stands a chance to even try to folow it. So cut the crap about F-15.

Meteor is a different story and will make things a bit dificult but is in development jet.

That is just your prerogative.
Perhaps Putins prerogative but not mines.... and with the amount of money pouring in to it I have no doubts ... It is however differnt story for you beliving Russia will always be in 90ies.

Proof? Sounds like bulldust to me. I've been monitoring the Kirov for years before its decommission and I can tell you that its RCS is similar to that of the iceberg that sank the Titanic (figure of speech)-unmistakable

Kirov has smaler RCS than 9000 ton Spurance class ... for you being slapy whily monitoring Kirov is not my problem .... rather yours ... :eek:nfloorl:

about other things .... did not said mutch
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New Member
Thank you Crobato. You couldn't have proved Xander wrong any better. Thank you for realizing that Russia is NOT some great superpower. And that China is NOT a basketcase.
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New Member
With your logic so will China run out of coal.
I will prove you wrong only here, because I don't want to spend my day responding to your pointless remarks about Russia. China's economy is based on manufacturing... anyone would know that. China doesn't rely on coal to provide it with income. On the other hand, what would happen to Russia if there was no natural gas or oil in it? Russia would have no money to spend on anything. Russia would have no real source of growth and income.

If China ran out of coal... so what??? China still has billions and billions of dollars in exports of manufactered goods to use as income.

Xander, THINK about what you are saying. You claim many things about Russia's military that just aren't true. Learn from what Crobato is saying.


New Member
I will prove you wrong only here, because I don't want to spend my day responding to your pointless remarks about Russia. China's economy is based on manufacturing... anyone would know that. China doesn't rely on coal to provide it with income. On the other hand, what would happen to Russia if there was no natural gas or oil in it? Russia would have no money to spend on anything. Russia would have no real source of growth and income.

If China ran out of coal... so what??? China still has billions and billions of dollars in exports of manufactered goods to use as income.

Xander, THINK about what you are saying. You claim many things about Russia's military that just aren't true. Learn from what Crobato is saying.

crobato was prooven wrong , and you can think what you wan't , I already have a opinion about you because you never analyse and write anything comprehensive , you only think and claim , and thats why I think that you don't know very much about anything in the military , and until you proove me wrong I will continue to think that.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Man - what a interesting topic and I hope that it doesn`t turn into a pissing contest by a couple of you because then we stand the chance of getting it closed. Both sides have brought out some good valid interesting points.


New Member
MiG-31 king of BVR fight? How can that be? It has *enormous* RCS. When it uses its radar, its going to scream "I'm here, shoot me".

You want to know how to shoot down one of those things? Simple. Go head on. At Mach 3, it will have so little time to respond against a head shot by a BVRAAM. The combination of head on speeds means that a missile with a nominal range of 70km, can be launched as far as 100km because you are anticipating the incoming target velocity.

Mach 3? Who fights at Mach 3? All you can do at Mach 3 is *overshoot* everyone around you. The collective data by the USAF indicates that the most common speeds for air combat is actually below transonic.

200km missile? Well, all it does is give the target an enormous time warning to evade, and evasion will not be hard due to the size of the missile which makes easier to evade.

Higher altitudes do not mean anything. The majority of air combat is statistically proven to be in the low to medium altitudes. You want fly 60,000 fleet, while fighter bombers are going past you at less than 600 feet from the surface in a low altitude interdiction? *Ahem*.

Kirov has RCS lower than the Spruance class? Want to repeat that to all the members in this board who has at least some Basic Lesson 101 in Radar Cross Section reduction?

Where is the proof that the R-77D is in production?

How will an Oscar torpedo a wave piercing catamaran that runs on top of the water as fast as any torpedo?

How is the Borei state of the art in sub design? One of the measures for the next generation of submarines is to have a pump jet. The Sea Wolf has it. The Virginia class has it. The Barracuda has it. The Astute class has it.

The Borei doesn't use a pump jet. The shrouds covering the propeller is indicative of a skewed propeller, and all the art work I've seen so far on the Borei by Russian artists have a skewed propeller. Furthermore, its not proven and its not seen if the Borei uses much quieter natural circulation pressure water reactors like the Ohio Class. Funny thing is, the Borei is the first time ever for a Russian SSBN to use a single shaft design when the US has this for decades. Russian SSBNs and SSGNs like the Deltas and Oscars have been running on dual shafts and propellers which means obviously double the noise of one shaft and propeller.

PL-12 not in production? Then why do you have a lot of J-10, J-8 and J-11B pictures carrying it? PLAAF official journals describe exercises with active guided BVRAAM and they have been doing for some years now. PL-12 was first observed in photographs in 2004 with a PLAAF tactical and evaluation unit using J-10s.

Granit and Yakhont are not launched in torpedo tubes. Its odd for a guy like Xander accusing someone of not doing their homework when he in fact needs to read up a lot. Granit is in fact, launched from Oscar class subs through special angled tubes mounted flush on the back of the sub.

And you really need to know more about China's AshMs. Unlike Russia and the Soviet Union, where a myriad of designs means logistical nightmares and incompatibilities, China choose to follow the Western pattern by determining first the "sweet spot" size for a missile, then implement it as a standard so this one missile is the same for surface ship, shore based, aircraft and sub marine launched.

And you think PLAN ships are vulnerable now? The latest shows RCS reduction measures. In addition, they are fitted with at least two Type 730 CIWS, even with the Jiangkai frigates. The Jiangkai II frigates, which we now have four and counting, use the HH-16 which is inspired from the Shtil-1 through a hot launched Mk-41 style VLS launchers. That means in addition to the RIF-M and HQ-9 systems, the PLAN now has three VLS systems in operation.

Kh-22? Its not a sea skimmer, which means easy interception, and given that the PLA has bought the missile, they know its flight characteristics and electronics. Which means countermeasures.

China's sub numbers projected to 2010:

3 Hans 091 upgraded (flank sonar, asynchronous screw)
1 Xia class 092 upgraded
1 or 2 Jin class 094
4 093 Shang class SSN
12 Kilo SSK upgraded to SSG.
16 to 20 Song class SSG
4 to 8 Yuan class SSG
17 Ming class for training and mine laying.

The amazing thing about China's nuclear subs, while they're not certainly the best or aspiring to be, is that they're not floating Chernobyls and at least they have the conscience to contain the problem by not building and forcing sailors into dangerous subs. When problems arose in Han 401 and 402, they choose not to build lots of them, but rather try to fix the problems for the later subs even if it means refitting them as often as possible. Russia, the Soviet Union, despite knowing all the problems with their nuclear subs, still decided to build lots of them and willingly sacrificed sailor's lives in them. When they leased a Charlie class to India, even that sub (also called the Chakra) cost lives and irradiated sailors.

At least when China retired its first two Hans, they were not asking Japan or the US for money to scrap them.

The Chinese own noise numbers for the Shang class is not anywhere like the Viktor III but more lilke the early 688 class. People were expecting that the Shang would look like the Viktor III but when the pictures finally came out, it looks a lot closer to the 688 class. It has an asynchronous screw which the Russians only had with the Akula, and a turbine electric hybrid drive that is similar to the French Rubis. Even with noise levels approaching the 688 or 688I, this standard is obsolete however, so if the latest Akula reaches this standard, no big deal either which is why Type 95 is now being developed.

Sino-Soviet clash in the Amur? China never lost 10X more soldiers. That's all made up. PLA actually regards that as a victory with war trophies to show. The PLA border force in fact managed to capture T-62s, which the Russians tried to determinedly recover but were all pushed back. The T-62, which gave the PLA valuable inside look at Russian tank technology, is now at a Beijing museum.

Oh and Shkval? China bought that from a former Soviet Republic. I think that was Uzbekistan? And besides I would be surprised if they are actually working on it, because hydrogen peroxide torpedoes are banned in the current Russian fleet, and are also banned now in the USN, when that was determined to be the cause of the Kursk sub disaster.


New Member
Even for dowing Mig-25 extensive preparations had to be done to shoot it down. It is a fighter that can supercruise at MACH 1.8 (with afterburners of course) and there has bein more than one ocasion wheneven 4-5 F-15 could not catch him or even its missiles.
And he burned his engines that the engines would never be usable anymore in the process.

Iranian F-4s managed to nail Iraqi MiG-25s.

Not anymore.... clapse of SU carried economic dissaster for Russia but now is a different thing. ALL RuAF will be modernizet by 2020 and priority heads to who other than MIG-31M2

We have had all sorts of big talk for years and years now that don't live up. Trying to modernize a Seventies design actually underlines another problem. The constant need to refurbish old fighters is an indication that you have problems designing new ones.

Wrong. Kirov class cruisers where designed with extensive RCS reduction measurments.
Oh please. RCS measures are easy to be seen with the eye if you have some basic understanding of it. What you're saying is like claiming a B747 can be stealthy.

And with Tu-95MS in the air and Tu-22M3 roaming throw the sky with Kh-22 do you thing those RCS will do any help ... dont think so.
The Kh-22 is not a stealthy missile and the Tu-22s, well, both India and China has rejected them after they were offered.

Russia plans to dismentle some 140 subs most of whitch are nuclear and that proces is nearing its end... those where old class subs with old equipment and with expensive maintenence and with no benefits from it... its the only logical thing they could do.... Eventualy all Typhoon and Delta-4 class will be desmenteled as new Borei class enters service ...same thing will hapen to Akula and Oscar-2 class with new Graney atack sub....
Since you are talking about Russian subs take a look at Chinas sub .... designing even Delta-4 standard of 80s pose a great chalange to China engineers even with Russian Rubin design buiro.
That was only speculated but never shown, given how Chinese subs are so much more Western in orientation except for the double hulls. Delta 4 has double screws and double shafts, why would Chinese designers choose that layout? At least they went and tried directly to a single shaft design like in the Xia, rather than a technological dead end with multiple screws and shafts.

LOL what a mean delusive argument....and jet you fly at old soviet Tu-16 LOL LOL suce me ... litle modernised called H-6K .... well suit yourself but I rather fly superconic MACH 2... bomber with grater range and payload passing modernization with 3 Kh-22 400km range MACH 4 antiship missiles.
LOL. A bomber with 3 Kh-22 cannot fly at Mach 2. In fact, what you are describing is nonsense since the bombers you pertain can only carry one of them. Check the pictures here.

besides India operates or will operate 4 Tu-22M3 ... I read the document but can not remember it exactly...
They are not and that has been rejected.

True that China has designed by itself some capable ships I dont intend to question but there are many china project in witch Russia provided theirs tehnical skils and weapons ... specialy in terms of constructing SSBM ( Type 094 = Delta-x) , SSK (YUAN CLASS = Kilo/Amour class) besides lool majority of China SSK makes Kilo class Russian subs. And you dont want me to start writing about Russian air-defence missiles and Chinas copies of them .....
People think simple so you think they're copies.

094 has a single shaft design with skewed 7 bladed propeller. Delta-X uses twin screws and shafts with conventional 4 or six bladed propellers. The propulsion nature already means that the two subs are greatly different from the inside.

The only thing the Yuan and the Kilo has in common is a double hull concept. The Yuan uses a German licensed engine, has diving planes in the sail not in the hull, has flank sonars which the Kilos does not, and a standard cross shaped tail while the Kilo has a T shaped tail.

I've seen picture of HQ-9 and it does not look like any of the S-300. Despite the superficial similarity in layout of Sea Eagle radars to Fregat, and the HH-16 illuminators to the Orehks, the electronics are quite different (Orekhs don't use an RCS reduced housing, nor does the Shtil-1 VLS proposal used hot launched MK-41 style VLS.

Starting from 2009.. RuAF will produce 200 brand new Su-35BM marked Su-35M2 for itself. besides there is great potential that China will by this fighter as none of its fighter in its inventory can not matched it performance , missiles ..etc
The Russians have been talking of making the Su-35 for over a decade now and the plane has gone through multiple iterations. That's what I mean by talk that is not matched in action.

All China has is Russian missiles + PL-12 ... wow .... LOL
23 Hours Ago 10:34 PM
They also have PL-11 which is based on Aspide and approximately equivalent to AIM-7M, and the PL-8 which is based on the Python 3 but has been upgraded with wide off boresight seekers and HMS. And don't give that the PLAAF does not know about R-33, R-37 and other Russian missile signal intelligence, given their espionage efforts.
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