Germany defenitely apologized as much as possible for everything cruel we did in WWII!
Thats for sure. Greece had about 10% human losses from the Nazis in the WWII but today noone Greek hates or dislike Germans for what is done in the past. My grand grand mother was executed and the house where afterwards my father was born was burned to the ground. Germany accepted mistakes Germany paid compensations accepted with a state to state agreement about 350.000 greeks to work there and feed their families when in Greece jobs were as much valuable and rare like diamonds etc etc..
With Turkey things are pretty much different. Look how Greeks perceive and feel about the city of Constantinople and what Istanbul means for the Turks. The Byzantine Empire an Empire consisting of a panspermy of nations where the greek nation language and culture was the predominent element was conquered by Turks and the Byzantine Empire was replaced by the Ottoman Empire. Christian populations where too much suppressed so many were either forcibly turned to Muslims and kids were taken by force to join the Jannisary armies.
During the wars of independence of the balkan christian states too many Turks were slaugthered and left the areas their ancestors have lived for ages. The same happened to the greeks and other christian nations that had too many persecutions loses casualties etc. In 1912 we had the balcan wars 1st and 2nd and greece and other christian states gained ground against the Ottoman Empire. In 1919 Greece landed forces in western minor asia took over the city of Smyrna /Izmir (160.000 total population at least 80.000 greeks) and trying to take over her sovenreighty in the future an area around this city and its inland. Greeks were a significant minority there (western minor asia) ranging from 10-40% and in some few areas they were the majority.
Turks reacted to protect their land and it was a war for survival for them. Ataturk managed to unite their movement and took advantage of greek stupid strategic choices. Some of retreating Greek forces commited crimes against civilians and same happened in a much more intensified way by advanced turkish forces and paramilitary groups mostly. The result was staggering. According to turkish statistics 1914 in minor asia eastern thrace central turkey and the region of trabzon Pontus there were 2.600.000 greeks and the next census in Greece about the refugees and exchanged populations in 1928 showed the population to 1.300.000..
From the other side turkish populations that had also lived for centuries to central Macedonia Thrace and Crete about 500.000 were sent according to treatment of Lozanne in 1923 to Turkey. Devastation human losses beyond imagination millions lost their homelands from both sides for ever. Today after the Losanne Treaty of 1923 article 15 says "Except where a provision to the contrary is contained in the present Treaty, the islands situated at less than three miles from the Asiatic coast remain under Turkish sovereignty" and Turkey after the Imia crisis expanded her demands to any island of the Aegean that has not been specified and refuces their status.
Let me remind Gavdos an island about 400 miles away from Turkish coast which status was disputed by Turkey. And remembering the Imia (in turkishKardak)crisis the treaty says something about the delineation in french text but everybody can understand the meaning""La ligne frontiere […] passe par les points suivants: […] 30.- a moitie distance entre Kardak (Rks.) et Kato I. (Anatolie)". Our dispute quarrel fight or so ever is concerning the control of Aegean Sea as i see it.
One State has the control of it and about 3500 islands 300 hundred inhabited and the other State is trying to gain as much as it can from this control and embedde this control to itself. A combination of history and todays problems in Aegean a "war" for the control of Aegean (not to mention Cyprus an other problem where to my opinion the turkish invasion was caused by greekcypriot atrocities and greek stupidity against the turkishcypriots). This is my subjective personal opinion. Sorry if i tire you.