As about this who is the author? Could you provide me the link so i can read it too. My personal and general view here is that Turkey is at a very difficult political and paradox situation. From the one side the Kemalists, Generals, who conform the westerners but from time to time (once in a decade they make a coup a la Tourca) and from the Islamists whose today in the eyes of Europeans Americans seem to be more moderate from Kemalists and a power of changing things.If Greece lack money whats next? Definitely not PUMA if money is the issue? We can sell you guys some ACV-300s if you really need something.
thanks for your gratitude belegnfloorl:
nfloorl: To be honest here i really do not know what in the hell these people who are in charge have their heads filled with...brain substance i doubt, shit is the most profound. I totally agree with what Waylander has said right above. The Marder case was a cheap and trully reliable solution. Except they want to pay billions of euros and invest in Puma or other armoured vehicle and they save the money for it. I just wonder why they want to put so much amount of money on an armoured vehicle when a mixture of solution could save much money to be directed to other crucial needs. If they dont want to spent any eurocent the other case is to remain with the reliable
nfloorl: M-113 to accompany the Leo 2A6..
Fantasma , today i have read an article which claimed Turkey may open a war to Greece this summer ( lmao ) in balkanalysis site.. Written by a Greek author.. I wonder if this has found its way to general media and audience or is it just the blind perspective of the author himself.
Islamists want more ties with Europe and from the other side they bring the scarf. Kemalists who control justice, army, economy feel threatened. Islamists are trying to gain ground and gradually are founding enterprices with capital from the middle east. In this battle for power in Turkey there is also the case of the PKK rebels who make assaults inside Turkey and then retreat to northern Iraq. Kurds of northern Iraq are planning with the help of the Americans Israelis etc to establish in the near future an independent state.
Turkey considers it a mortal danger that it could lead in the future the Kurds of Turkey who are the majority in the southeastern areas of Turkey to follow the model of Kossovo, and final unite these area with northern Iraq. Turkey would love to invade to fight PKK but the trully reason is the fear of an independent Northern Iraq. Americans do not let them so and because of their refusal might "create" a mini crisis on their "western front" towards Cyprus (see the oil case in southern Cyprus) or to Aegean create a crisis like the Imia/Kardak.
As i see it the rift between Kemalists/ Islamists grows and a mini crisis in the west or in the east could unify the country against a common enemy. A mini crisis yes maybe is to easy to be created in the Aegean front. The question is will the Generals try it in order to gain political advantage for the Kemalist parties against Islamists. And if this crisis may happen could this time remain under control without leading to a direct conflict? These scenarios play and from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Greek Generals are watching carefully these issues.
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