I'd suggest that they do. This blokes Op Area does work with RAAF - and liaison with RAAF is quite close in a number of areas. A lot of the A-10 upgrade and WIP announcements have only really been announced in the last few months or so.Occum said:GF -
How is it that our people don't seem to know about what is (and has been happening) with the A-10C program? This all started as a number of smaller programs some 4-5 years ago.
But, that in itself is a moving feast. Esp when you consider that the USAF is looking at "blurred and merged" competencies across the delivery spectrum. Whereas in the past an anti-tanking mission might be a combination of A-10s and rotors, they now consider that the new munitions capabilities allow them to use everything else suitably certified and railed for that weapons solution. ie, what was the sole province of fixed wing slow moving air has now been expanded across the platform group. eg B-52's have successfully trialled against moving vehicles from 50 miles. If you can kill a moving truck at 50 miles and 40,000ft a lot safer than sending in an A-10 WVR of the target - then you'd probably do it. There are however instances where using A-10's for anti-tanking circle work are better. I'm sure that if they owned the battle airspace, then an AC-130 would be a higher preferred alternative.Occum said:Maybe you can help me out with the question on how many JSFs will be required to replace one A-10C in the CAS/BAI mission?
In short, its an issue of flexible response. As each new generation solution matures in competency, then blurr and merge and then replacement take place. To me, the fact that the USAF sees a 20+ year blur and merge window indicates a considered approach.
Thus, I think the pertinent issue is that the A-10/JSF are seen as complimentary roles out until 2028 - and the thing that will heavily influence platform relevancy is the current development in standoff/PGM weapons.
From my readings of various USAF docs, they spend a lot of the time getting frustrated with dealing with and countering the concept that its a 1 for 1 replacement - when for their needs this will not be so for at least the 20-22 years.