There is at least one other, Magoo - Iran!
Don't you think that is the biggy?
Possibly, but I'm not going to try to guess what may or may not happen politically. If Iran were to blow up, (literally and figuratively), then I'm sure the F-22s would be involved in some capacity, although I suspect they'd be deployed on the Q-T to a more out of the way base than one in Kuwait...Diego possibly?
Occum said:
However, even if your assessment of the F-22 were to be true, according to Dr Alan Stephens in his recent testimony before a parliamentary committee, in response to the question as to what budget change would be required to give the F-22 the ISR capabilities of the JSF, his response was, "Very small".
Ahh, but did you read the context in which that was asked? The question was asked "what sort of price jump" over the $68bn already spent would it be to put a transmit-receive ISR capability onto the jet. Dr Stephens elaborated by saying "
I cannot give you a precise number. In that setting, it is small change, but I think it is indicative of the pressure the US Air Force have been under to keep the F22 program from even greater congressional cuts that they have needed to look for savings wherever they could find them."
I take this to mean, the USAF has been told by Congress, "if you drop the spiral upgrades, we'll approve the final multi-year procurement request which will take the numbers up to 183 and production through to 2008/09."
Occum said:
While on the subject of the JSF, what war fighting capabilities does the JSF have today?
You obviously know the answer to this. Zero, zip, nadda! What's your point? We're not talking about needing the capability now - we're talking about needing it when the F/A-18s are gone.
Occum said:
More precisely, when do you expect the JSF will be fully operational, complete with the war fighting capabilities many who post on this forum seem to think it has, today?
OK, firstly, I think we'll see a Block 2, networked and weaponised F-35A from late 2014. But secondly, who's suggested it has it today? I'd be interested in any clarification you can make on that statement.
Occum said:
Please excuse my apparent cynical tone, but the more I read into these matters the more sceptical I become.
Please don't think that I have anything against the F-22. I think it's an awesome fighter, and that the USAF should order many more of them. The pundits out there who claim the F-22 is too expensive for even the USAF to buy any more are living in a realm of unreality. Almost all of the development money has already been spent, so whether you buy 183 or 700 F-22s, almost all of the development money has already been spent on the jet and is gobne forever, so why not amortise it out over more aiframes?. That's why aircraft are cheaper towards the end of their production cycle then at the beginning.
I was told by LockMart execs in December that, if the USAF were to order another batch of 40 F-22s beyond the 183 already budgeted for, they could get them for about US$130-$140m each, and if they were to get the 380 they were hoping for, the per unit cost would drop below US$100m after about aircraft 320.
The problem the F-22 has right now is, because only 183 are on order, the USAF can't really justify spending more money on spiral development for the integration of two-way datalinks, SDB, SAR/GMTI and other enhancements for such a small fleet. Apart from the integration efforts, the aircraft also needs software and hardware upgrades to allow for these to commence, so instead they're now thinking they'll just use the F-22A in the air-supremecy role with a secondary JDAM-based strike capability, and perhaps upgrade or order more F-15E+s.