Now that Saudi Arabia has them, do you feel that you'll never go up against one of them?Glider said:The F22 is rightly regarded as being the best plane in the world and the Typhoon the second best. Assuming we don't get into a shooting war with the USA we will still have better planes that anyone we are likely to go up against.
I think we must look at this from an extremely logical point of view. The USA needs the Raptor. Why? Because it could come under potential attack from any country in the world. We don't need to discuss the whos and whys, lets just leave them out of this.
The only country where an F-22 presence would be essential to the well being of the US would be Japan. Given that Japan operates -15's, which as far as we know are the dominant fighter in the region, I highly doubt that they'll be investing the money in the Raptor. It just wouldn't make sense to at this point. Maybe further down the road, but not anytime soon.
The UK. Man I love you guys alot. You pride yourself on using the planes that you build at home, and you should receive a big pat on the back for doing that. The Tornado, Typhoon, Harrier, guys made and still make some great airplanes. Your involvement in the JSF program shows that you're still interested in keeping yourselves ahead of many other countries in the game. Do you need the Raptor? Nope. Your pilots are exceptional, and with a fleet of Typhoons and a fleet of JSF's you'll have more than enough firepower to shoot anything that dares attack your islands.
The Raptor is American - built in the US, systems designed/created in the US and it shall be flown only by the US at the expense of the US taxpayers. Should they complain? No. Air Superiority belongs to the country who makes the best plane for the job and who has the best combat proven pilots in the world. All this political posturing is stupid. Everyone knows that you need the plane eventually, so why argue about cost when it'll never really go down?Enjoy your Raptor. I know I would if I were in your shoes.