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- #10,901
Kupyansk area.
Kruglyakovka is now under full Russian control and Russian forces are expanding north and south from the village. Russia has forced a Ukrainian withdrawal from the salient near Berestovoe by threatening encirclement by pushing south out of Kruglaykovka and west towards Lozovoe. Russian forces also took Petroshavne, it appears the three-prongs of the offensive in this area are aimed at Borovoe. Lastly Russian forces continue to expand northwarth near Tabaevka. Near Sin'kovka Russian forces have taken new areas inside Petropavlovka and pushed west and east of Sin'kovka.
Helmet camera footage of Russian SpN assaulting a Ukrainian strong point near Petropavlovka. We get very short clips. One of the soldiers has a VSS variant rifle.
Russia is using UAV-dropped munitions to clear Ukrainian mines. Personally I wonder how they know they're there, I certainly can't see them, though the explosion illustrates that they got one.
Russian Kub strike on a building near Kupyansk. I suspect this is Petropavlovka. It's questionable how effective the relatively small munition is against a structure.
Russian bomb strike on Petropavlovka and strikes on Kupyansk including a bridge strike near Kupyansk-Uzlovoy.
Russian T-90A doing indirect fires near Kupyansk. We don't see the type often. It's not known if Russia is remanufacturing T-90As into T-90Ms like they did with older T-90 variants from the '90s.
An up-armored BM-27 on the Kupyansk area.
Oskol front.
Russian forces are now attacking Terny from the north, and are inside the village. They've also grabbed a foothold in Torskoe but Ukrainian forces counter-attacked and and expelled them.
Ukrainian T-64 in the Liman area takes up positions to fire but gets spooked by a Russian drone and artillery near-miss.
Seversk salient.
Serebryanka is still under Ukrainian control despite some reports to the contrary.
Russian stikes on Ukrainian positions.
Chasov Yar.
Russian forces are expanding the area of control south of Chasov Yar. Despite the substantial gain in the last update, the front here remains relatively static with rare interruptions.
Russian drones strikes on a Ukrainian M113 near Chasov Yar.
Russian TOS-1 fires, Chasov Yar.
Toretsk area.
Ukraine carried out a successful counter-attack in the southern part of Toretsk, pushing Russian forces back to the tree-line. The main question is the state of the mine complex next to downtown. Without capturing that Russia can't finish Toretsk.
A Russian soldier drops a mine-bundle through a hole in the roof of a building in Toretsk. This is a risky proposition at best, given the state of the building.
A series of Russian strikes on Ukrainian armored cars in Toretsk.
Russian wire-guided drone strikes on Ukrainian armored cars in Toretsk. Note they're often being used to finish off immobilized and abandoned vehicles. Ukraine tends to be pretty diligent about evacuating knocked out vehicles so finishing them off if they can't be captured is important for Russia.
Russian FPV drone strike hits a Ukrainian tank and causes the ammo to cook off.
Russian forces take out an M113 in Toretsk.
Ukrainian forces blowing up a multi-story building after retreating in Toretsk, reminiscent of fighting in Artemovsk/Bakhmut.
Russian forces evacuating civilians from Novgorodskoe. While the village is firmly in Russian hands, it's very much on the front lines still.
Kruglyakovka is now under full Russian control and Russian forces are expanding north and south from the village. Russia has forced a Ukrainian withdrawal from the salient near Berestovoe by threatening encirclement by pushing south out of Kruglaykovka and west towards Lozovoe. Russian forces also took Petroshavne, it appears the three-prongs of the offensive in this area are aimed at Borovoe. Lastly Russian forces continue to expand northwarth near Tabaevka. Near Sin'kovka Russian forces have taken new areas inside Petropavlovka and pushed west and east of Sin'kovka.

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 982: Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army completely captured the area west of Berestove and south of Pishchane after Ukrainian Army withdrawal. In addition, Russian forces made significant advance at the border between Luhansk & Kharkov oblast taking control...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 981: Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army took control over new positions at the border between Luhansk & Kharkov oblast. Due to the risk of encirclement, Ukrainian Army withdrew from positions west of Berestove and south of Pishchane. Map: [...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 979: Situation on northeastern front: - In Kupyanks district Russian Army advanced south of Stepova Novoselivka along the railway. - In Kolomychikh district, during the last eight days Russian forces took control over new areas between the oblasts of Luhansk & Kharkov...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 980: Situation on northeastern front: During the last four days Russian Army was able to take full control of the forest between the Oskil River and Syn'kivka after Ukrainian Army retreated south of the Hnylytsya River. In addition Russian forces took control of new...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 978: Situation on northeastern front: Following the end of the combing operations west of the railway Russian Army took full control over the locality of Kruhlyakivka. Clashes with Ukrainian Army are taking place at the northern part of Zahryzove. Map: [...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 977: Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army captured the southern part of Kruhlyakivka & entered in the nearby locality of Zahryzove. Map: [ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1V8NzjQkzMOhpuLhkktbiKgodOQ27X6IV&ll=49.53209280387542%2C37.789751505815495&z=12 ]

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 976: Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army made new advances in Kruhlyakivka & slowly are aproaching to Zahryzove. In addition, Russian forces captured new parts of Kolisnykivka. On the other hand, images appeared that the Russian flag was raised in...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 975: Situation on northeastern front: Russian Army took full control over Vyshneve & expanded the buffer zone around the locality. In addition, Russian forces made new advances at the southern part of Kruhlyakivka. Map: [...
Военный Осведомитель
Российский флаг над селом Кругляковка в Харьковской области, об освобождении которого вчера заявило Минобороны. Военный Осведомитель
Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
‼️ Флаг России развевается над Кругляковкой в Харьковской области ▪️Минобороны вчера заявило о полном освобождении населенного пункта группировкой войск "Запад"; ▪️Российские войска прорываются к Купянску, угрожая взять город в клещи. t.me/RVvoenkor
Helmet camera footage of Russian SpN assaulting a Ukrainian strong point near Petropavlovka. We get very short clips. One of the soldiers has a VSS variant rifle.
Штурм опорника противника от первого лица. Снято на камеру GoPro бойца 16-й бригады спецназа в районе Петропавловки (недалеко от Купянска) Сообщения Безуглой о 2,5 км до Купянска пока несколько опережают события, основные бои идут в лесном массиве к юго-западу от Синьковке и ближе к окраинам...
Russia is using UAV-dropped munitions to clear Ukrainian mines. Personally I wonder how they know they're there, I certainly can't see them, though the explosion illustrates that they got one.
Воздушное разминирование ВОГ-25 против ТМ. Купянский участок фронта. Работают операторы одной из штурмовых рот 1-й танковой армии. @brussinf
Russian Kub strike on a building near Kupyansk. I suspect this is Petropavlovka. It's questionable how effective the relatively small munition is against a structure.
Военный Осведомитель
Нечасто встречающийся БПЛА "КУБ" поразил здание с личным составом ВСУ в районе Купянска Харьковской области. Военный Осведомитель
Russian bomb strike on Petropavlovka and strikes on Kupyansk including a bridge strike near Kupyansk-Uzlovoy.
Авиаудары по ключевым объектам ВСУ в Купянске Вчера, 24 октября 2024 года, российские войска нанесли несколько авиаударов по объектам ВСУ в Купянске и окрестностях, направленных на разрушение критической инфраструктуры противника и нейтрализацию его командных пунктов на данном направлении...
VK.com | VK
Ударом авиации уничтожен пункт временной дислокации 14 омбр в Петропавловке. 49°43'53"N 37°42'08"E 49°43'46"N 37°42'10"E Противник располагался в здании технического назначения и в здании аграрного типа. Из строя выведено до 20 боевиков и четыре единицы техники. @ukrainian_guide
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Russian T-90A doing indirect fires near Kupyansk. We don't see the type often. It's not known if Russia is remanufacturing T-90As into T-90Ms like they did with older T-90 variants from the '90s.
Экипаж танка Т-90А группировки войск «Запад» огнем с закрытой огневой позиции уничтожил опорный пункт ВСУ на Купянском направлении. @mod_russia
An up-armored BM-27 on the Kupyansk area.

Военный Осведомитель
Экранированная РСЗО 9К57 «Ураган» группировки войск «Запад» на Купянском направлении. Военный Осведомитель
Oskol front.
Russian forces are now attacking Terny from the north, and are inside the village. They've also grabbed a foothold in Torskoe but Ukrainian forces counter-attacked and and expelled them.

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 982: Situation north of Donetsk: Russian Army continue taking positions at the northern outskirts of Terny & restarted the advances east of Yampolivka. On the other hand, Ukrainian Army expelled Russian forces from the urban area of Tors'ke following new...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 979: Situation north of Donetsk: Ukrainian Army launched a counterattack & recaptured most of the locality of Terny. Meanwhile, Russian Army secured new areas at the northeastern outskirts. Map: [...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 978: Situation north of Donetsk: Russian Army made new advances inside Terny, taking control over 40% of the locality. Map: [ https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1V8NzjQkzMOhpuLhkktbiKgodOQ27X6IV&ll=49.10495348393209%2C37.969246470726965&z=13 ]

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 977: Situation north of Donetsk: After seven days of intense clashes Russian Army was able to establish itself in several houses in the northeastern part of Torske. Map: [...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 975: Situation north of Donetsk: Russian Army entered in the locality of Terny from the north. Meanwhile, clashes with Ukrainian Army continue at the northeastern part of Tors'ke. Map: [...
Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
⚔️Армия России ворвалась в Терны, активно взламывая один из главных центров обороны ВСУ ▪️ На Краснолиманском направлении 20 гвардейская армия зашла в посёлок Терны, долгое время являвшийся одним из главных центров обороны ВСУ на этом участке. ▪️Артиллерия, авиация, штурмовики смоленской...
Ukrainian T-64 in the Liman area takes up positions to fire but gets spooked by a Russian drone and artillery near-miss.
VK.com | VK
Seversk salient.
Serebryanka is still under Ukrainian control despite some reports to the contrary.

Противник продемонстрировал флаг в Серебрянке (Северский выступ). Ранее проходили сообщения о ее освобождении, но по факту противник до сих пор в н.п. (сам поселок практически полностью разрушен), поэтому как и говорилось ранее, прорывы к Северску через Серебрянку мягко говоря опережают события...
Russian stikes on Ukrainian positions.
Северский выступ. Выковыривание ВСУшников из опорников. В данном случае накрыли пулеметчика в доте. Видео https://t.me/+-QmsrO6Y5_RmYzk6
Chasov Yar.
Russian forces are expanding the area of control south of Chasov Yar. Despite the substantial gain in the last update, the front here remains relatively static with rare interruptions.

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 979: Situation on Chasov Yar front: Russian Army made new advances along H-32 road trying to surpass Mine Nº9. In addition, new trench systems were taken at the forest adjacent to the water canal. Map: [...
Russian drones strikes on a Ukrainian M113 near Chasov Yar.
Иксоводы 98 ВДД ланцетом сожгли американскую М113 в окрестностях Часов Яра. Очередная западная техника в копилке у наших десантников 98 дивизии ВДВ. Расчётом баражируешего боеприпаса Ланцет был обнаружен и уничтожен бронетранспартер М113. @EnotHersonVDV
Russian TOS-1 fires, Chasov Yar.
Кадры ночной работы ТОС-1А "Солнцепёк" в н.п. Часов Яре. В ходе ведения разведки «Ночными охотниками» 98 дивизии ВДВ был обнаружен пункт временной дислокации ВСУ в населенном пункте Часов Яр. Было принято решение нанести огневое поражение тяжелой огнеметной системой "Солнцепёк". @EnotHersonVDV
Toretsk area.
Ukraine carried out a successful counter-attack in the southern part of Toretsk, pushing Russian forces back to the tree-line. The main question is the state of the mine complex next to downtown. Without capturing that Russia can't finish Toretsk.

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 976: Situation on Toretsk front: As a result of the successful counterattacks Ukrainian Army recaptured completely the district of Zabalka on the southern part of Toretsk city. Map: [...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 973: Situation on Toretsk front: Russian Army made new advances in Scherbynivka slowly approaching to the center of the town. On the other hand, the situation south of Toretsk city was clarified: in the last days Ukrainian Army launched a series of successful...
A Russian soldier drops a mine-bundle through a hole in the roof of a building in Toretsk. This is a risky proposition at best, given the state of the building.
VK.com | VK
A series of Russian strikes on Ukrainian armored cars in Toretsk.
Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
‼️☠Штурм Торецка: охота 51-й армии на бронеавтомобили «Козак» ▪️51-я гвардейская общевойсковая армия ведет успешную охоту на машины «Козак» боевиков ВСУ. В районе Дзержинска (Торецка) 1 Славянская бригада 51 ОА и 132 бригада уничтожили бронеавтомобили с помощью БМ-21 «Град» и FPV-дронов...
Russian wire-guided drone strikes on Ukrainian armored cars in Toretsk. Note they're often being used to finish off immobilized and abandoned vehicles. Ukraine tends to be pretty diligent about evacuating knocked out vehicles so finishing them off if they can't be captured is important for Russia.
VK.com | VK
Russian FPV drone strike hits a Ukrainian tank and causes the ammo to cook off.
VK.com | VK
Russian forces take out an M113 in Toretsk.
Забой западной техники в Торецке продолжается - на этот раз «Ястребы» уничтожили вражеский М113 @zparabellummd
Ukrainian forces blowing up a multi-story building after retreating in Toretsk, reminiscent of fighting in Artemovsk/Bakhmut.
Отступая, противник подрывает многоэтажку в Торецке. 48.399113, 37.874452 - тут. @divannyevoini
Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
‼️ВСУ начали подрывать многоэтажки в Торецке при отходе в Крымское ▪️ Украинские военные подорвали крайние высотные дома в Дзержинске (Торецке), чтобы замедлить продвижение сил группировки войск "Центр". ▪️Ранее такую тактику ВСУ использовали в Артёмовске (Бахмуте) перед сдачей города...
Военный Осведомитель
Кадры подрыва противником многоэтажного дома в Торецке перед своим отступлением. Ранее аналогичную тактику ВСУ применяли в Бахмуте перед падением города. Военный Осведомитель
Russian forces evacuating civilians from Novgorodskoe. While the village is firmly in Russian hands, it's very much on the front lines still.
Эвакуация мирных жителей из Новгородского Силами 56-го отдельного батальона специального назначения 51 гвардейской армии ВС РФ из Новгородского были успешно эвакуированы мирные жители, несмотря на попытки обстрела эвакуационного транспорта со стороны боевиков ВСУ. Эта операция демонстрирует...