The Russian-Ukrainian War Thread


Well-Known Member
The thing with Nato delivering lethal aid is that this will not change the outcome of the war but will greatly enhance the chance of russia escalating the conflict.
Hard disagree. Putin is a nasty piece of work, but he has limited options to escalate. Russia's threats towards NATO are usual bully boy tactics, relying on fear rather than backing words up with force.

So far Russia has cut off its airspace to the UK, no doubt because they hoped to make other countries scared of following suit. But now pretty much all of Eastern Europe and the Baltics are rushing to cutting off access to their airspace to Russian flights, so that's a failure.

Sending lethal aid to Ukraine is important for the following reasons.

1. Even if it will be hard for Ukraine to win outright, it may be able to suck Russia into bloody urban combat that forces Putin to agree to achieving far less than he wanted - e.g. the Ukrainian government staying in office under control of a majority of their pre-bellum territory.

2. It shows that NATO will not cave in to Russian threats. Just as Ukraine is a sovereign nation, NATO states are sovereign and have the absolute right to arm a nation that is neither under UN sanctions nor has committed any morally reprehensible crime. This strengthens NATO, because it shows we're all in this together, rather than ready to cut a deal with an aggressor and leave the periphery in the lurch.

3. It shatters the belief amongst Russian hawks that they can just walk into somewhere like the Baltics and win in a matter of hours. They could expect the same bloody fighting in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. That also strengthens NATO.

4. Somewhat more cynically it prolongs Russian military misery and increases the chances of rising Russian sentiment against Putin.

Capt. Ironpants

Active Member
Or their fuel trucks got destroyed. Some of the engineers vehicles we saw hit were fuel trucks.

There are many options including having Ukraine provide the trucks or at least the drivers, or signalling to Russia in advance that there is a corridor where foreign military aid will travel in unarmed and clearly marked trucks, and any strikes against them would be unwelcome. When Poland said they were sending aid to Ukraine, it came with footage of a truck column.
Given the huge refugee backlog/jam/logjam leading to border crossings (still visible on Google maps), I assume Ukraine has personnel keeping lanes open for inbound trucks (military and humanitarian aid) and, if using Ukrainian trucks to haul it in, outbound as well. I can't picture any Russian strikes on such convoys in the far west, and certainly certainly not in Lvov area, but how far east can these trucks go before being taken out by the Russians? And would they give a hoot about NATO statements such attacks would be "unwelcome"? I get the impression that, as far as the West and NATO are concerned, Putin has figured he might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. Again, I apologize for my ignorance in these matters, and hoping to learn.

(Edit for minor typos)

FD 3.14

New Member
Even in the middle of a war you can get some people who have a sense of humor.
Though the press needs to learn the difference between an armored fighting vehicle of various types and a tank.
^^^^^^ The smallest piece of information can he a gold mine for a analyst.

That tank was one tank of a unit that was scrounging the town for fuel.

Invasion forces shouldn’t run out of gas in three days.

In just about everything I’ve read logistics are Russia’s Achilles’ heel.


Active Member
^^^^^^ The smallest piece of information can he a gold mine for a analyst.

That tank was one tank of a unit that was scrounging the town for fuel.

Invasion forces shouldn’t run out of gas in three days.

In just about everything I’ve read logistics are Russia’s Achilles’ heel.
If logistics, in this case fuel for armoured vehicles, are your achilles heel....why would you try and go as far from your source as you can or uncoil as fast as you can? the contrary would be true


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Hard disagree. Putin is a nasty piece of work, but he has limited options to escalate. Russia's threats towards NATO are usual bully boy tactics, relying on fear rather than backing words up with force.

So far Russia has cut off its airspace to the UK, no doubt because they hoped to make other countries scared of following suit. But now pretty much all of Eastern Europe and the Baltics are rushing to cutting off access to their airspace to Russian flights, so that's a failure.

Sending lethal aid to Ukraine is important for the following reasons.

1. Even if it will be hard for Ukraine to win outright, it may be able to suck Russia into bloody urban combat that forces Putin to agree to achieving far less than he wanted - e.g. the Ukrainian government staying in office under control of a majority of their pre-bellum territory.

2. It shows that NATO will not cave in to Russian threats. Just as Ukraine is a sovereign nation, NATO states are sovereign and have the absolute right to arm a nation that is neither under UN sanctions nor has committed any morally reprehensible crime. This strengthens NATO, because it shows we're all in this together, rather than ready to cut a deal with an aggressor and leave the periphery in the lurch.

3. It shatters the belief amongst Russian hawks that they can just walk into somewhere like the Baltics and win in a matter of hours. They could expect the same bloody fighting in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. That also strengthens NATO.

4. Somewhat more cynically it prolongs Russian military misery and increases the chances of rising Russian sentiment against Putin.
It's the logic of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Except... if it won't change the outcome for Ukraine, merely lead to widespread destruction and misery, one might take issue with that approach. Bloody urban combat means large scale civilian casualties.


Active Member
Regarding fuel - there is message in Telegram channel (I dont know whether it is more true than the rest of info now) - The tank group (or something mechanized) went through Sumy oblast, and the 2 refuel vehicles followed them. These 2 vehicles got into ambush, 1 was destroyed, another one was stopped by local armed civillians. I assume something like it happens here and there, more like guerrilla war.


Defense Professional
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2. More interestingly is the open call for drones by Ukraine as they dig into fight within the city centres. Using Molotov cocktails, is a sign of desperation — it’s a very short ranged weapon — a whole bunch of Ukrainian throwers can be machine gunned down. My preference is to make command wire triggered IEDs, or lay anti-tank mines when fighting armour. This is a tactically superior solution to the last ditch use of Molotov cocktails.
Genuinely shocked I haven't seen more videos of Ukrainian forces distributing IED making materials, especially EFPs. Granted, absence of evidence and all, but it's still very surprising for me


Active Member
Genuinely shocked I haven't seen more videos of Ukrainian forces distributing IED making materials, especially EFPs. Granted, absence of evidence and all, but it's still very surprising for me
to be fair one area it seems Ukraine has been doing very well is opsec, and people not filming their forces, positions, maneuvering etc.

I am inclined to believe that if media had got hints at it and were asked not to report, they wouldnt.

FD 3.14

New Member
If logistics, in this case fuel for armoured vehicles, are your achilles heel....why would you try and go as far from your source as you can or uncoil as fast as you can? the contrary would be true
Because you’re using main battle tanks .......advance ......advance advance blitzkrieg style.

during an armored invasion there’s only two ways you don’t get your resupply.

either youv out run your supply lines or they they don’t have the ability to resupply you .


Active Member
Because you’re using main battle tanks .......advance ......advance advance blitzkrieg style.

during an armored invasion there’s only two ways you don’t get your resupply.

either youv out run your supply lines or they they don’t have the ability to resupply you .
right, the thing is, advancing blitzkrieg style isnt a thing. Armored invasion is also not a thing. So I am very unclear as to what you mean here.

These formations, and not just groups of MBTs, operate in a manner determined in part by the need to be supplied by their own supply lines and units at specific time, event, or geography determined intervals, and other logistical needs. I dont believe for one second that anyone is seriously suggesting this is just a dash of MBTs, and that they are being held back by fuel trucks being held up by armed civilians (are they civilians still then???)

I also have to ask what the difference is, re "either youv out run your supply lines or they they don’t have the ability to resupply you"?


Defense Professional
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Russia seems to have launched some very ambitious air-assault operations at Gostomel' and now Vasilkov airfields to cut off Kiev from the west. The first failed to secure a landing for larger troop formations, the second apparently looked secure enough, and then didn't work out quite as planned.
I have commented on Twitter that some of the Russian ops feel a lot like Operation JUST CAUSE and URGENT FURY, where every elite units gets a chance to do Their Thing because we have to let them have a chance.


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This map looks about right to me. The blue circles are towns where Ukrainian forces are surrounded. Please take with a grain of salt, reliability of information is inherently limited, plus there's a time delay.


A large building in Zhulyany, Kiev was by a Ukrainian SAM missile, according to Russian sources it was a Buk. When positioning SAMs between high-rises, this is to be expected.

Russian helos flying towards Kiev.

Missiles over Kiev. The Zhulyany airfield was hit. It's possible the missile that hit the house above was trying to intercept one of these inbounds.

The Arsenal factory was also hit.

The Kiev subway has switched to being a fulltime bomb shelter. Trains are no longer running.

A Ukrainian National Guard column was shot up in Kiev by Ukrainian Army forces.

Sporadic firing in the center of Kiev, likely local unrest.

More "Russian infiltrators" in Kiev.

The now famous Strela-10 was shot at by a machinegun off of a Ukrainian armored car.

Two robbers have been arrested in Kiev, they were looting stores

More footage of unrest in Kiev, allegedly the National Guard is arresting some citizens who earlier received weapons and decided to use them poorly.

Another group of "Russian diversants" captured in Kiev.

There is unconfirmed info that Ukrainian National Guard went checking basements, found civilians, with weapons, and is arresting them as Russian infiltrators. Except... Ukraine just handed out weapons, en masse.

There's unconfirmed information that Zelenskiy fled to L'vov and his videos from Kiev and pre-recorded.

Around Kiev.

There is unconfirmed information of strikes at Uman' and another Russian airborne landing.

At the Vasilek airfield, footage of Azov btln fighters and Ukrainian jets. Date is unclear. It's possible the attack on the airport failed, it's possible there was no attack, and it's possible these are old photos being passed of as new.

A Russian Pantsyr in Ivankov village, Kiev region.

Captured Ukrainian weapons near Kiev. The circumstances of capture are unclear.

A BTR-3 and what looks like US-provided equipment (counter-battery radar?) captured at Gostomel'.

Chechen soldiers in Gostomel'.



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  • #733
The North.

Near Chernigov, one Russian T-72B3 destroyed, one abandoned.

A brief Russian news report from Chernobyl. Reportedly Ukrainian National Guard at the powerplant is cooperating with Russia to ensure the safety of the facility, right down to joint watches.

Russian soldiers and press arriving at Chernobyl NPP.

Strikes landing around Chernigov, indicating that there are still Ukrainian units there, possibly surrounded.

Kharkov-Sumy Area.

Fighting can be heard around Kharkov.

Fighting near Bakaleya, Kharkov region.

Unconfirmed info that Ukrainian forces are still in Sumy.

A destroyed BMP-1, in Sumy. The commentator claims it's Russian, but this is extremely unlikely.

There is unconfirmed info that Russian troops are encircling Kharkov from the south-east.

A BTR-4 from allegedly the 92nd Mech Bde in Kharkov hiding next to an apartment building.

Ukrainian troops near Kharkov.

Russian positions in Gamalivka, Sumy region.

A molotov cocktail was thrown at a Russian fuel truck column. No indication of the follow-up.

A Russian SAM column in Kalinovka, Sumy region.

Russian helos overflew, and two explosions were heard around Konotop. The town was previously reported under Russian control.

A Ukrainian tank stalled in Kharkov, and locals are all over it.

A destroyed tank near Kharkov, allegedly a T-64 which would make it Ukrainian I can't make out what it is.

A destroyed Russian truck in Sumy. Apparently it lost it's way, and the driver has been stopped by locals.

A store has been looted in Kharkov.

A dam at the Pechenega water reservoir was blown up to slow the advance of Russian troops.

A line to buy bread in Kharkov, reportedly they're limiting it to two loaves per customer.

The South.

An Su-25 got hit by a MANPADS, identification is unclear, but just statistically it's likely to be Russian, though the video descriptions claims it's Ukrainian.

A helo went down in Kherson region, not clear whose yet. Likely Russia.

A video from Tsuryupinsk, a city across the river from Kherson, of what appears to be a Russian troop column.

A firefight at the cancer ward in a hospital in Melitopol', where allegedly Ukrainian soldiers took shelter.

Combat footage out of Melitopol', allegedly at least a day old.

Russian troops clearing Melitopol'.

In Melitopol', Russian National Guard has taken over the local police station.

Footage of Russian troops near Berdyansk, heading towards Mariupol'.

Fighting north of Kherson, on the right shore of the Dnepr, a destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1.

Russian troops inside Melitopol'.

There are reports of looting by locals in Melitopol'.

A Russian engineers column at Kherson was hit.

Destroyed Ukrainian vehicles and arty near Kherson.

Unconfirmed reports that an S-300 unit has set up inside the town of Vygoda, Odessa region, hiding between residential buildings.

Battle damage at the Nikolaev fuel dump that was hit last night.



Active Member
I might mistake, but I cant see a reason why they dont try fast advance style. It is not some middle east country, that has no actual relations with West and it borders NATO member. The longer the operation takes the more economic and political pressure will be. I assume, that even heavy casualities among civillians and their own army will be acceptable, as they, as a winner, can start saying it were Ukrainians who shoot there.

I think the tactics of guerrilla war to cut logistics is probably quite good approach for Ukraine - they might be outnumbered in direct combat, but the lack of fuel / food might be painful for the Russian soldiers there. The morale factor should not be put out too - not all of them are actually wanted to participate in it (accroding to the interviews with captured ones) and the lack of basic stuff will not contribute to their performance
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Zaporozhye-Dnepropetrvosk Area.

A Russian troop column is headed towards Zaporozhye. The BMP-3s are likely the same we saw in Melitopol'.

Russian troops rolling through Tokamak, one tank is on fire, and missing an ERA tile, it likely took a hit but survived. The fact that they're still advancing after that suggest a certain tempo.

Russian troops in Tokamak, Zaporozhye region.

A destroyed Ukrainian humvee, Zaporozhye area.

Russian troops in Chernigovka village 35 kms east of Tokamak, Zaporozhye region. Some appear to be towing away captured Ukrainian vehicles.

On the Zaporozhye-Dnepr highway, unknown individuals tried to rob a truck.

A news crew was arrested, on suspicion of being Russian infiltrators.

More "Russian infiltrators" in Krivoy Rog.

The West.

There are, so far completely unsubstantiated, reports of Russian airborne landing near Brody.

There is also footage of an Mi-24 firing at something near Brody. Initial reports had it as a Russian helo supporting a Russian landing, but follow-on reports identified the helo as Ukrainian. It's still not clear whether there was a landing, Ukrainian sources deny. Which raises the question, who was the helo firing at? Another friendly fire incident?

Ukrainian air defense shot down a cruise missile in Brody, Khmelnitskaya region.

Air raid sirens went off in L'vov.

Unconfirmed reports of Russian strikes against the airfield in Ternopol'.

LDNR Front.

A Ukrainian position near Volnovakha was overrun by rebel forces.

Unconfirmed info that a rebel recon team was engaged by Azov btln near Mariupol'.

In Severo-Donetsk a Ukrainian howitzer battery has set up positions in a school yard. It's likely that any damage to the school will be used for PR purposes. Another howitzer position is seen among civilian houses. It's unclear if this is the same battery shot from different sides. Geolocation of one of the positions places it between a school and a kindergarten.

There are reports of fighting around Severo-Donetsk. If it falls, two Ukrainian mech bdes could end up surrounded.

Ukrainian positions in Severo-Donetsk.

More Ukrainian vehicles hiding next to apartment buildings in Severo-Donetsk.

There is unconfirmed info that Ukrainian forces in Severo-Donetsk are preventing civilians from evacuating. Reliability of the claim is low.

Ukrainian forces have apparently left Starobel'sk and Krymskoe. Confirmation pending.

Rebel forces have entered Stanitsa Luganskaya and are taking down government signage.

Rebel forces in Andreevka village near Volnovakha.

Pavlopol' and Pishevik towns were allegedly taken by DNR forces. If true, this would place them 15 kms from Mariupol'.

Rebel forces have cut the road to Volnovakha north of Mariupol'. Russian troops have repotedly bypassed Berdyansk and are headed towards Mariupol' from the west. The town is almost surrounded.

The rebels report Ukraine has launched 4 Tochka missiles at them in the past 24 hours.

LDNR forces displaying trophies, and patches of Ukrainian soldiers. The quantities, so far, are small.

Reports out of Mariupol' indicating that most of local police have fled the city.

A Ukrainian troop column in Slavyansk, it looks like artillery, BM-27s and munitions.

Some footage of rebel forces near Mariupol'.


Allegedly Ukrainian mortars landed inside Russia, hitting a local settlement. Details are pending.

Missiles strikes heading towards Ukraine out of Belgorod region.

A Ukranian MANPADS firing on allegedly a Ukrainian MiG-29.

A Russian BMP-2 abandoned, location unknown. Ammo and ATGM tubes are inside.

Oryx blog is updating their casualty tracker, and backing it up with photos. Same with lostarmour. For lostarmour, filter by date for Ukraine as the conflict.


Assorted footage from Ukraine.

A summary of Russian losses from Altyn73. I don't have time to type them all out, but google translate should get you the numbers, and the vehicle types, if not obvious from the photos.

Leaked screens of Ukrainian PsyOps chats, where they discuss internet rumors to spread about Russia, aimed at talking about a lack of fuel, lack of ammunition, and targeting Russian officers with claims that they will be put on trial for warcrimes.

A Ukrainian BTR-4 getting hit by a Russian strike, filmed from the air. Munition, and source of filming unknown.

A Russian T-72B and Ural truck abandoned, location unknown.

A destroyed Osa, likely Ukrainian, location unknown.

Paranoia over Russian infiltrators is spreading. In Poltava a man that stabbed someone in the back was accused of being a Russian infiltrator. Russian infiltrators were captured in Odessa. In Yuzhnoukrainsk a man was confronted by random locals and accused of putting up paint markings for Russian airstrikes.

More "Russian infiltrators". Neither the weapons nor the uniforms look Russian to me.

Ukrainian police arrest someone who turns out to be an SBU officer, they think he's a Russian infiltrator, meanwhile he was hunting for Russian infiltrators.

Russian artillery unit in Belgorod region.

Some footage of the resurrected border guards from Zmeiniy Island.


Slovakia is declaring a state of emergency due to Ukrainian refugees.

Hungarian army units are headed towards the Ukrainian border.


Capt. Ironpants

Active Member
US and UK media afire with "missile strike" on Kiev apartment building. I am posting this source, not because I like or trust it (I don't!) but because it has the most photos and videos (headline was just changed from "Ukrainian tower block is hit by MISSILE: Building is ripped apart by Russian strike"):

It looks like a SAM to me, but I'm hardly an expert.

Pravda claiming it was from a Ukrainian Strela-10:

EDIT: Feanor posted previous post while I was composing this one. I can't see how to delete this one. Apologies for repeating info already posted.
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Active Member
In looking through the thread, and elsewhere, I see various estimates as to proportion of forces committed by Russia, but I see no reference or guess as to the proportion of Ukrainian forces committed? Given the auto handout and molotov cocktail calls, etc, this seems rather an obvious question?

FD 3.14

New Member
Regarding fuel - there is message in Telegram channel (I dont know whether it is more true than the rest of info now) - The tank group (or something mechanized) went through Sumy oblast, and the 2 refuel vehicles followed them. These 2 vehicles got into ambush, 1 was destroyed, another one was stopped by local armed civillians. I assume something like it happens here and there, more like guerrilla war.
right, the thing is, advancing blitzkrieg style isnt a thing. Armored invasion is also not a thing. So I am very unclear as to what you mean here.

These formations, and not just groups of MBTs, operate in a manner determined in part by the need to be supplied by their own supply lines and units at specific time, event, or geography determined intervals, and other logistical needs. I dont believe for one second that anyone is seriously suggesting this is just a dash of MBTs, and that they are being held back by fuel trucks being held up by armed civilians (are they civilians still then???)

I also have to ask what the difference is, re "either youv out run your supply lines or they they don’t have the ability to resupply you"?
right, the thing is, advancing blitzkrieg style isnt a thing. Armored invasion is also not a thing. So I am very unclear as to what you mean here

I was generalizing. You knew that but you’re just trying to be a jerk.

These formations, and not just groups of MBTs, operate in a manner determined in part by the need to be supplied by their own supply lines and units at specific time, event, or geography determined intervals, and other logistical needs.
and they missed their supply.

. I dont believe for one second that anyone is seriously suggesting this is just a dash of MBTs, and that they are being held back by fuel trucks being held up by armed civilians (are they civilians still then???)
Believe what you want.

no one is suggesting it’s an isolated dash . Lol

Putin like everyone else believed it would be over by now.

but since you’re going to pick every term apart in a game of semantics.

Let’s be precise

do you think the Russia’s strategy was to advance as quickly as possible and over run the country?

Yes or No ?


Active Member
Regarding Zmeiniy - there was a photo of the same guy presented as a captured Ukrainian soldier both in DNR and Zmeiniy 1645906277423.png