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- #5,481
Update. Oct 15th-16th
Russian Pantsyr firing on allegedly a Ukrainian HARM in Kherson region.
Russian LMUR strikes against the crossing in Kherson region. Note the sunken Kipri in the footage? We've seen this crossing before. So this leads to some interesting conclusions. Russia clearly has no difficulty hitting the crossing with PGMs and often even with vehicles on the pontoons. We have plenty of footage to support this. This suggests that it's relatively easy for Ukraine to restore the crossing after a strike.
A smashed Ukrainian column near Davydov Brod. Note the 2 destroyed VABs, and 2 Husky TSV, also the many unarmored trucks/cars. The Huskys reportedly hit land mines.
Strikes on the Nikolaev port have led to major fires. The target is allegedly a munition storage facility. Shahed-136 were involved.
Traces of Russian jets over Kherson region after strikes.
Zaporozhye region, it appears a Russian loitering munition struck a Buk decoy.
Geo-location of the recent destruction of Ukrainian S-300 TELs. Note the Russian UAV filming the strike from above, and the third TEL parked neatly next to them, clearly visible. Why wasn't it also hit? We've seen Lancets used on unarmored SUVs carrying infantry. None were available for this? And why strike the TELs but not the radars? The latter are far more valuable.
Russian strikes in Sumy region.
Oskol Front.
Russian artillery strikes near Torskoe. We see an allegedly Ukrainian T-64 destroyed.
Russian strikes on Khorotich airfield, Kharkov region, on Oct 14th.
Two more destroyed Bushmasters and a civilian car(1st), and a knocked out BTR-4 (2nd) Kharkov region.
LDNR Front.
A rebel Ural carrying an artillery battery commander hit a land mine, driver is reportedly KIA, the officer WIA.
Heavily shelled Ukrainian positions near Artemovsk/Bakhmut. Note the destroyed trees, this was likely a tree-line.
Battle damage in Artemovsk/Bakhmut.
Shellings of Donetsk continue.
Rebel forces operating S-60 guntrucks near Lisichansk. We've seen these before from both sides, looking awfully similar. There's a chance these were captured from Ukrainian forces.
Wagner line defenses being built near Lisichansk.
Wagner fighters digging in, likely part of the new defense line near Lisichansk.
Missile launches in Sevastopol', either air defenses, or a strike. Russian officialdom claims this is air defense exercises. I have my doubts.
Air defenses firing, Belgorod region.
HARM fragments, Belgorod region. It appears Ukraine has shifted their SEAD/DEAD efforts to here.
Razumnoe village, Belgorod region, smoke rising after a Ukrainian strike. There is reportedly a fuel storage facility there.
Strikes reported near the Belgorod airport.
A captured BTR-4 being transported, inside Russia.
Iranian cargo flights to Russia continue.
New Wagner fighters training for deployment to Ukraine.
Ukrainian forces using the Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 recoilless rifle in combat.
Russian MBT taking out a Ukrainian technical. Location and context unclear. Note the thermals.
Russian SpN blowing up a crossing somewhere in Ukraine.
Ukrainian Mastiff MRAP hit a landmine, location and context unclear.
Ukrainian improvised MLRS, destroyed.
Ukrainian improvised MLRS, likely using S-8 rockets.
Smoke rising from a Russian T-90M, hatches open. It appears to be knocked out. Location and context unclear.
A ex-Danish M113G3DK, in Ukraine.
Ukraine's prototype Uragan upgrade, the Burviy, on a Tatra chassis, was recently spotted. This follows the trend of prototype systems being used in combat.
Reportedly Russia will be deploying troops to Belarus to form a joint grouping of 9000.
Ukrainian service members training on unmanned submersibles in the UK.
More advanced AGM-88Bs have been spotted in Ukraine.
A British Ferret Mk 1 allegedly being operated by Azov in Ukraine.
Russian Pantsyr firing on allegedly a Ukrainian HARM in Kherson region.
Работа Панцирь-С1 по уничтожению противолокационной ракеты Херсонском направлении. Архангел Спецназа. Подписаться.
Russian LMUR strikes against the crossing in Kherson region. Note the sunken Kipri in the footage? We've seen this crossing before. So this leads to some interesting conclusions. Russia clearly has no difficulty hitting the crossing with PGMs and often even with vehicles on the pontoons. We have plenty of footage to support this. This suggests that it's relatively easy for Ukraine to restore the crossing after a strike.
VK.com | VK
A smashed Ukrainian column near Davydov Brod. Note the 2 destroyed VABs, and 2 Husky TSV, also the many unarmored trucks/cars. The Huskys reportedly hit land mines.
VK.com | VK
Strikes on the Nikolaev port have led to major fires. The target is allegedly a munition storage facility. Shahed-136 were involved.
Видео прилетов по Николаевскому порту. Сообщают о как минимум 5 попаданиях, после которых в двух местах была слышна детонация. Можно отметить, что на первом видео "Герань" идет на цель под звуки хаотичного огня из автоматического стрелкового оружия.

Пожар в Николаеве не могут потушить до сих пор. Также сообщается о нескольких десятках погибших ВСУшников при ударах по порту и последующих детонациях боеприпасов.
В Николаеве сильный пожар после взрыва склада боеприпасов успешно сбившего собой "Герань".
Moscow calling
Удар ВС по Николаеву с использованием, предположительно, БПЛА "Шахид-136". Пожар хороший, хотя и без детонаций.
VK.com | VK
VK.com | VK
VK.com | VK
Traces of Russian jets over Kherson region after strikes.
VK.com | VK
Zaporozhye region, it appears a Russian loitering munition struck a Buk decoy.

Moscow calling
Geo-location of the recent destruction of Ukrainian S-300 TELs. Note the Russian UAV filming the strike from above, and the third TEL parked neatly next to them, clearly visible. Why wasn't it also hit? We've seen Lancets used on unarmored SUVs carrying infantry. None were available for this? And why strike the TELs but not the radars? The latter are far more valuable.
VK.com | VK

Moscow calling
Штош, вынужден признать свою неправоту - южнее села Новостепнянское Запорожской области (47.809542, 35.420950) действительно были уничтожены две поставленные рядом пусковые установки С-300 ВСУ. Данное село расположено в 30 км от линии фронта и находится под контролем ВСУ, так что постановка...
Russian strikes in Sumy region.
Донбасс Россия
⚡️⚡️⚡️Сумская область. Отработка Авиацией позиций нацистов: скопления тяжëлой бронированной техники, РСЗО, складов БК. С первого захода уничтожили позиции, со второго захода цель была полностью поражена! @donbassrussiazvo Подпишись на канал!
Oskol Front.
Russian artillery strikes near Torskoe. We see an allegedly Ukrainian T-64 destroyed.
VK.com | VK
Russian strikes on Khorotich airfield, Kharkov region, on Oct 14th.
Прилет по аэродрому Коротич (Харьковская область) 14 октября во время серии ударов в Харьковской области.
Two more destroyed Bushmasters and a civilian car(1st), and a knocked out BTR-4 (2nd) Kharkov region.
Еще 2 уничтоженныx австралийских бронеавтомобиля "Бушмастер" в Харьковской области. Источник: https://t.me/Z_BOEV_LIST_Z
LDNR Front.
A rebel Ural carrying an artillery battery commander hit a land mine, driver is reportedly KIA, the officer WIA.
На войне как на войне.
Помните Прохора? Комадира артиллерийской батареи, которому мы связь делаем. Позавчера он в Камазе подорвался на противотанковой мине. Водитель погиб, Прохор контужен. Вторая ТМка, которая была в колее со стороны Прохора не сработала Второй День рождения, реально. "Урал" - два метра жизни.

Heavily shelled Ukrainian positions near Artemovsk/Bakhmut. Note the destroyed trees, this was likely a tree-line.
Battle damage in Artemovsk/Bakhmut.
Shellings of Donetsk continue.

Moscow calling
Последствия сегодняшнего (прилёт в 7:40) обстрела здания Донецкой администрации со стороны ВСУ.
VK.com | VK
Rebel forces operating S-60 guntrucks near Lisichansk. We've seen these before from both sides, looking awfully similar. There's a chance these were captured from Ukrainian forces.
VK.com | VK
VK.com | VK
Wagner line defenses being built near Lisichansk.
VK.com | VK
Wagner fighters digging in, likely part of the new defense line near Lisichansk.
Missile launches in Sevastopol', either air defenses, or a strike. Russian officialdom claims this is air defense exercises. I have my doubts.

Moscow calling
В Севастополе какой-то движ. По одним данным - работа ПВО и слышны взрывы, по другим - пуск противокорабельной ракеты берегового базирования "Бастион", оснащенный сверхзвуковыми ракетами "Оникс", способными работать и по наземным целям.
VK.com | VK
Air defenses firing, Belgorod region.

Moscow calling
В Белгородской области тоже весело - работа ПВО, местные сообщают о пожаре на нефтебазе в районе села Разумное (50.591283, 36.670308).
VK.com | VK
HARM fragments, Belgorod region. It appears Ukraine has shifted their SEAD/DEAD efforts to here.

⚔Обломки сбитой американской противорадиолокационной ракеты AGM-88 HARM в одном из белгородских сёл Украинские ВВС при помощи ударов с истребителей МиГ-29 и Су-27 с данными ракетами, а также при поддержке разведчиков Су-24МР, пытаются проредить российское ПВО в Белгородской области.
VK.com | VK
VK.com | VK
Razumnoe village, Belgorod region, smoke rising after a Ukrainian strike. There is reportedly a fuel storage facility there.
VK.com | VK
Strikes reported near the Belgorod airport.
VK.com | VK
A captured BTR-4 being transported, inside Russia.
Iranian cargo flights to Russia continue.
VK.com | VK
New Wagner fighters training for deployment to Ukraine.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian forces using the Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 recoilless rifle in combat.
Центр Рубеж
В боевых действиях у ВСУ засветилась такая экзотика как 90-мм безоткатное орудие Pansarvärnspjäs 1110 шведского производства и разработки 1950-х гг.
VK.com | VK
Russian MBT taking out a Ukrainian technical. Location and context unclear. Note the thermals.
Moscow calling
Украинская тачанка против теплака на танке в ВС РФ. Кто кого? Ваши ставки, уважаемые подписчики.
Russian SpN blowing up a crossing somewhere in Ukraine.
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian Mastiff MRAP hit a landmine, location and context unclear.

Ukrainian improvised MLRS, destroyed.
Ukrainian improvised MLRS, likely using S-8 rockets.
По ИГИЛовским заветам (7).
Красиво и грамотно сделанная украинскими боевиками РСЗО под НУР С-8.
Smoke rising from a Russian T-90M, hatches open. It appears to be knocked out. Location and context unclear.
Moscow calling
ВСУ опубликовали дымящий Т-90М ВС РФ Это третий танк такого типа (новейшая модификация Т-90), потеря которой в Z-операции документально зафиксирована.

ВС РФ потеряли еще один Т-90М в Украине
A ex-Danish M113G3DK, in Ukraine.
VK.com | VK
Ukraine's prototype Uragan upgrade, the Burviy, on a Tatra chassis, was recently spotted. This follows the trend of prototype systems being used in combat.
VK.com | VK
Reportedly Russia will be deploying troops to Belarus to form a joint grouping of 9000.
Согласно заявлению белорусского оборонного ведомства, общая численность российской группировки в Белоруссии будет составлять чуть менее 9 000 человек. Основную часть группировки составят белорусские войска. Тем временем переброска личного состава и техники российских частей, которые войдут в...
VK.com | VK
Ukrainian service members training on unmanned submersibles in the UK.
Moscow calling
Украинские военные в Великобритании проходят обучение по применению подводных беспилотников. Казалось бы, при чём тут "Северные потоки" и Крымский мост?
More advanced AGM-88Bs have been spotted in Ukraine.
VK.com | VK
A British Ferret Mk 1 allegedly being operated by Azov in Ukraine.