It’s clear to see that NATO is a threat to Russia, I mean Ukraine is not yet a member and Russians are already dying.. why does Ukraine need to join NATO so badly? The Russians will be asking that question
Be very careful because you are sailing very close to being political. This could be construed as a political post and you are already skating on thin ice.
I hope Ukraine know exactly what they are doing because this whole taking back territory thing could be tricky, if the Russians bounce back and cut off them off from the rear, we are talking about hundreds of POWs
The Russians can't cut them off from the rear because they don't have the capability to mount a pincer attack large enough to envelope the Ukrainians. That's the standard Russian tactic for dealing with such a situation and usually they are very good at it.
The quicker Russia realize that they can never win this war, and pulls out, the better. Russia simply cannot win this war.
And don't even think about going to "tactical nuclear" -- NATO will then bomb Russia out of Ukraine (including Crimea) in less than a week. Those F-35s will be ready to take off on fairly short notice.
Based on what? Get real. If Russia was to use a tactical nuke in Ukraine it is not a given that NATO would intervene. Article V of the NATO Treaty would have to be triggered and Ukraine certainly can't trigger it. NATO would be loathe to start a nuclear war. Why do you think that it isn't directly involved in the war.
You are strongly advised increase the quality of your posts because you are posting some rubbish at the moment. Think seriously about your posts before you hit the send button. Yes it can be difficult to avoid being emotive, but you have to be.
Putin is ready for a very long war, the Russians know exactly what they dealing with and as you can see, they are ready to burn resources, both human and material
Putin isn't at all ready for a long war and the evidence on the battlefield fully supports this. The important thing to is that Russia's lost the momentum on the battlefield and Ukraine has it now almost in droves, but not quite which is good because that means that the Ukrainians will not be tempted to do a Patton and go for bust. They need to consolidate in the east and prepare for the inevitable counter offensive. It will come but I don't think that the Russians have the strength or means to put together what is required to succeed. Maybe in the spring, but definitely not before winter. Putin needs to replace his losses in both men and material and winter gives him time to do both. He needs to rain his men up properly.
If Russian leadership knew what they were dealing with, they wouldn't face massive reverses like these. And Russia is quite unwilling to burn human resources, hence the withdrawal rather then a bloody frontal battle. Russia is actually quite limited on manpower, and this shows.
Sorry Feanor it wasn't a withdrawal; it was a rout pure and simple. If it was a withdrawal they would've taken there equipment with them and destroyed what they couldn't take. Unfortunately for Mother Russia they did neither and ran with their tails between their legs, leaving behind valuable and usable equipment for the enemy including a near perfect
RTU 518-PSM self-protection jamming pod from a crashed VVS Su-30SM, with the serial number RF-81773 and bort number Red 62, shot down near Izyum and not sufficiently recovered by Russian forces. Western intelligence will love that find.
I agree with the rest of your post though.
The US was drafting soldiers for Vietnam, and that did not really help did it. It all comes back to this: how important is it for the general Russian population to keep killing and looting in Ukraine? How many Russian lives are they willing to sacrifice for the lies of "denazification"?
You are delusional if you think that "Ukraine's willingness to fight" will begin to recede. Keep in mind they are fighting for their lives, for their existence. There are no stronger motivations than that.
Perhaps Ukrainians will lose the will to fight when Crimea is all that is left to fight about -- apart from that, they will keep going.
Do you really understand why the US lost the Vietnam war? It wasn't because of the draft. They drafted soldiers for both WW2 and Korea. They lost in Vietnam because they had politician playing at being Generals and Generals playing at being politicians. They underestimated their enemy, and they were arrogant. Most importantly of all, they lost the support of their own people. You actually understand far less than you think you do.
There is no reason to be condescending. I merely repeated what wise and experienced experts like Gen. Hodges have been saying for a long time.
Yes you are parroting but not understanding and that's the problem. You need to learn first and remember this is an international Forum so we have many different nationalities and cultures posting on here and it does extend to Moderators as well. That is one of the benefits of this forum because it gives us a diversity of opinions and thinkings.
@STURM comes from a completely different culture to you and he has a different opinion about most things, but that's good because he backs his thinking up with logic. He also loves a good argument as well. He comes from an Asian Muslim nation and some of the best arguments I have seen on here are between and
@Big_Zucchini who is Israeli and they are all very civil. Thank God both of them aren't Irish, Scots, or Maori (in my case) because all three peoples would be wanting to have fisticuffs probably after the second post.

Then there is my friend
@Ananda I disagree with what he's saying WRT the Russo-Ukrainian War with it being one of the few things that he and I disagree on, but I have a lot of respect for Ananda. He's good people, Indonesian and again someone who is of a different culture. The same I would say about
@Feanor although he's definitely not Indonesian. Last time I looked they didn't have big bears there.
Re the cutting of power to Ukranian cities is Crimea vulnerable to attacks on water supplies in retaliation
It has been suggested that the Russian missile attacks on electricity infrastructure is Russian retaliation for the rout of Russian forces in the Kharkiv Oblast.
Brass tacks. Hypothetically speaking an air arm flying Fulcrums and Frogfoots which are equipped with the right systems and ordnance and are linked to each other and to a AEW platform via data links would be superior to an air arm flying Eagles but at a platform centric level.
I'm aware that NATO air arms operate in a much more systems centric manner compared to the Russians ..
Actually, have the Russians been using their Mainstay AEW platforms at all? Surely they could be flying racetrack circuits inside the Russian border protected by VVS fighters.