The Indonesian Army


The Bunker Group

This is the deal that officialy signed during Eurosatory:

Pindad and KNDS for large caliber ammo production especially 155mm. Other is Indonesian land vehicle fabrication PT. SSE with Texelis for cooperation in developing 4×4, 6×6 and 8×8 platforms.

The most important one will be ammo development production lime for 155mm and 105mm. It is bit late, but better then never.


The Bunker Group

Indonesian MinDef put pictures of prototype MLRS for Indonesian Ballistic Missile build by Roketsan. This type of ballistic missile MLRS prototype basically use Roketsan KHAN short range ballistic missiles, with Czech build Trucks.
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The Bunker Group

New Assault Riffle from Pindad which shown indication will be the next standard riffle for TNI, replacing SS-2 (bellow Image from Pindad Website).


Eventough there's talk from Indonesian defense enthusiasts the AM-1 Assault Riffle base on M-4, however looking on the image of SS-2 above, for me shown indication that the AM-1 is derive from SS-2. It's basically progressive development from their previous assault riffle.

Later video shown Pindad milling facilities for riffle barrel. The question that being ask by many Indonesian defense enthusiasts, like my self, is who provides basic materials for the riffle barrels. Pindad actually already have their own milling capabilities for weapons barrels for sometime. However seems raw barrels material still outsource from steel or metal manufacturing outside Pindad.

As I don't believe there's steel or metal fabricators or foundries in Indonesia that specialized on barrel materials, this which I see still imported from outside Indonesia. Many defense enthusiasts seems still mistaken milling facilities as capabilities to build barrels. It is part of finishing the barrels, but not manufacturing the barrels from basic steel or metal materials. Milling is different with foundries.


Well-Known Member
Eventough there's talk from Indonesian defense enthusiasts the AM-1 Assault Riffle base on M-4, however looking on the image of SS-2 above, for me shown indication that the AM-1 is derive from SS-2. It's basically progressive development from their previous assault riffle.
Without looking at the internals, it is hard to say for certain, just by the ergonomic. However, there is a very obvious, forward assist mechanism on the other side of the rifle, which is typical for a AR-15 platform.

The video seems to show billet machining during the milling process. Pindad also has forging capabilities for a long time, although I have no idea if they have cold hammer forge.
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The Bunker Group
However, there is a very obvious, forward assist mechanism on the other side of the rifle, which is typical for a AR-15 platform.
There's talk within Indonesian Defense enthusiasts and forumers that this AM-1 is effort by Pindad CEO to subdue potential domestic private sector competition like from Komodo Armament.

Komodo Armament assault riffle is clearly base on AR-15 design. I agree that only using pictures will not be sufficient to determine how much this AM-1 using base AR-15 design if any. My amateurs eyes perhaps see this more progressive development from previous SS-2 design. However I agree also not hindering possibilities they are combining it with AR-15.

They have forging capabilities which some of that actually inherited from previous Dutch East Indies Armament Workshops. The milling process and forging from what I gather is part of same Division/Business Unit. However they don't have metal or steel foundries on processing raw materials. That part still imported from my understanding, as no existing Metal and Steel foundries in Indonesia that specialized in weapon or mining grade barrels and pipes.

This is part of Indonesian MIC weaknesses, no enough supply chain that handle basic materials and metallurgical development. They are still doing back end and some middle part however not enough chain in Front end.

Video on Pindad milling and forging capabilities. They are more to cater solid metal like railroad and bridges. Thus not for specialized weapon grade barrels and mining pipes.

There's talk from what I gather for POSCO and Krakatau Steel JV (Krakatau Posco Steel) on branching toward weapons and mining grade materials. So far I don't see they are moving to there yet. Perhaps as this is very specialized materials foundries, which means not assess provide enough volume yet.

However for Indonesia MIC, means they are still facing weaknesses on building end to end supply chain domestically.
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Active Member
AM-1 is derive from SS-2
I can confidently tell you it is not. It is quite literally just an AR pattern rifle, rebranded from the Caracal 816 that Pindad bought the license for a few years back. Don't be fooled by Pindad touting any innovation when it comes to the AM-1.

Many defense enthusiasts seems still mistaken milling facilities as capabilities to build barrels.
AM-1 is effort by Pindad CEO to subdue potential domestic private sector competition like from Komodo Armament.
Here's the funny part, Komodo builds their barrels in house. However since they're such a small operation (and Pindad makes sure they aren't able to grow through the usual Indonesian government bureaucracy games), they aren't able to get much work here.

Just another day in Indonesia.


The Bunker Group
can confidently tell you it is not. It is quite literally just an AR pattern rifle, rebranded from the Caracal 816 that Pindad bought the license for a few years back.
Thanks for the clarification. Bit questionable move in my opinion as from what I gather (at least officialy) SS2 shown good performance.

However since they're such a small operation (and Pindad makes sure they aren't able to grow through the usual Indonesian government bureaucracy games), they aren't able to get much work here.
Then perhaps the AM-1 really being device to stop Komodo Armament. I suspect using similar design with their assault riffle, aim to do that. As for Komodo build their barrels in house, this is more to the milling capabilities (just like Pindad done). The raw barrels materials, just like with Pindad will come mostly from imported suppliers. Again simply because so far no foundries in Indonesia able to produce military grades barrels. There's going to be done by foundries with bigger resources then even Pindad.

Krakatau Posco should be the one that's been design to do that, however so far from what I heard they are not moving toward that direction yet. From what I gather from Krakatau Steel management, they don't see yet enough constant domestic demand to justify the investment. They are already providing some military grade steel for Pindad and PAL, but not yet for barrels. That's need higher grade metallurgical specialized facilities.
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Well-Known Member
Bit questionable move in my opinion as from what I gather (at least officialy) SS2 shown good performance.
If it is indeed a licensed Caracal 816, it would be a more modern design, and superior in terms of reliability, accurancy etc to the SS2, which an updated FN FNC.

You might well be right that the SS2 is sufficient for general use, but I would imagine formations like KOSTRAD would be key markets as they would have the budget as well as the influence to justify better equipment.


The Bunker Group

US Maritime Transport Ro-Ro shop MV Cape Hudson arrive in Surabaya Port to transport US ARMY equipment. This is part of US ARMY contingent on annual Super Garuda Shield combine exercise. This year session will be participate by 19 armed forces.

Some already disembark, and being transported to the exercise ground at East Java Army and Marines training grounds.



The Bunker Group

Pindad shown their anti drone equipment that consists of personal one and mobile one. The personal basically use their SS2 assault riffle base with jammer that claim good for 500 meter (soft kill), and optics to shoot down drone for 150 meter (hard kill).

The mobile, use jammer claim good for 3 km soft kill and their 12.5mm machine gun for 1.8km hard kill. The equipment attached on their Maung light 4x4, and both jammer source from local company specialise as electronics equipment call SCM. The equipment being shown protecting yesterday independence day ceremony on New Capital city Nusantara site in East Kalimantan (Borneo).

Ukraine-Russia war really create momentum for weapons manufacturer on developing this kind of equipment.


The Bunker Group

Turkiye and Indonesia defense co-op continue on increasing momentum. Sometimes I can hear hear the scream from some defense 'consultants' aka Salesman. As this Turkiye development seems taking direct channel to MinDef and bypassing those middle man.

Either way this agreement between Roketsan and Aselsan with local company Repubikorp more on agreement to use Republikorp as assemble license and MRO partner for some of their products. The missiles products mostly something that's being contracted before like Atmaca, HISAR. However also like Cakir surface to surface cruise missile and Sungur Shorad.

What bit difference with other missiles procurement, is that Turkiye agree to give MRO facilities in Indonesia, which also can be developed toward license assemble. Seems at least in paper that's what giving Turkiye edge over traditional missiles suppliers to TNI like MBDA, and Raytheon.

This is why Euro/Frenchie salesman getting increasingly sour and cynical toward Turkiye.


The Bunker Group

MinDef website shown prototype of mobile ground surveillance radar being contracted by MinDef RnD bureau with local radar company call Radar Telekomunikasi Indonesia (RTI). This company if not mistaken have main business as microwave telcom vendors, and branching out Radar development.


Seems Ukrainian and Russian war do open the horizon within our MinDef on importance of ground surveillance sensors. This prototype aim for mobile placement within Company-Batallion structure, base from my understanding.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
It seems that recently the Indonesian Ministry of Defence has donated an unknown amount of Pindad SS2-V5 assault rifles and ammunition to Cambodia. They used a C-130J-30 for the transport from SkU.31.



Well-Known Member
It seems that recently the Indonesian Ministry of Defence has donated an unknown amount of Pindad SS2-V5 assault rifles and ammunition to Cambodia. They used a C-130J-30 for the transport from SkU.31.
According to the Khmer Times, the donation consists of 150 SS2-V5 A1 rifles, 20 G2 Elite pistols, 500,000 rounds of 5.56x45mm ammunition (M16) and 500,000 rounds of 9x19mm ammunition (small arms) with a total value of $500,000.

Cost-wise this is cheap, but the diplomatic value is likely several times over simply handing the same amount in cash.


The Bunker Group

Indonesian MinDef channel put series of video on Super Garuda Shield exercise. This video shown US personal showcase HIMARS MLRS that US bring to exercise. As this is Indonesian MinDef official channel, will this means they are having serious talk on HIMARS with US?

2025 Defense Budget approve to USD 10.6 bio (with 1 USD = IDR 10.5K). This even slightly increase with MinDef initial proposal of USD 10 bio. The budget is divided into 5 allotment, for MinDef, TNI HQ, Army, Navy and Air Force. Most of procurement will use MinDef allotment which mostly include annual instalment of credit line. While the other allotments mostly use for operational budget of each TNI branches and HQ.


The Bunker Group
Thanks for that correction, yes 1 USD = IDR 15.5K and the calculations base on that. My understanding it is also next year budget base rate. IDR 10.5K = 1 AUD, got bit missed up when typing that.

USD 10.6 bio basically around USD 1.0 bio higher then this year, but still slightly less then 0.8 % of GDP, around only 0.75% of projected GDP this year. So I don't know how Prabowo's going to get his promise to get defense budget up to 1.5 %. Unles the budget actually Defense and Internal Security (which basically Police and other Constabulary Agencies), then it is closing to that.


The Bunker Group

Above the screenshot that I take from TNI-AD Cavalry Command FB (Pussenkav), on their visit to Pindad (0:20 in video). In there Pindad shown family of track armoured vehicle base on their Harimau Medium Tank (FNSS Kaplan MT). The line up also basically base on FNSS line of Kaplan MT derivatives.

Politically the traction for TNI on using what Pindad already prepared with their FNSS partner will be big. Thus I will be 'bit' surprised if they (TNI) somehow still got permission to procure other type of tracked armoured vehicle after this.

Enough talk in Indonesian defense forums and media on getting additional Leo 2 for next MBT batch. However after the Ukrainian war, seems died down as no other 2nd hand Leo 2 available. The talk now is to upgrade batch of current unmodified Leo 2 A4 in inventory to similar standard of modified Leo 2 RI.
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