The Indonesian Army

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
View attachment 51679

Above the screenshot that I take from TNI-AD Cavalry Command FB (Pussenkav), on their visit to Pindad (0:20 in video). In there Pindad shown family of track armoured vehicle base on their Harimau Medium Tank (FNSS Kaplan MT). The line up also basically base on FNSS line of Kaplan MT derivatives.

Politically the traction for TNI on using what Pindad already prepared with their FNSS partner will be big. Thus I will be 'bit' surprised if they (TNI) somehow still got permission to procure other type of tracked armoured vehicle after this.

Enough talk in Indonesian defense forums and media on getting additional Leo 2 for next MBT batch. However after the Ukrainian war, seems died down as no other 2nd hand Leo 2 available. The talk now is to upgrade batch of current unmodified Leo 2 A4 in inventory to similar standard of modified Leo 2 RI.
Hopefully the government support the development of this new IFV, so Pindad can develop it in a proper way until the new IFV is fully operational (like the Anoa and Maung) and not suddenly cancel it just before the end of the development/serial production starts, like many other Indonesian defence programs.

After all TNI-AD and -AL need a lot of new IFVs to replace the BTR-50, AMX-VCI and PT-76, and thanks to CAATSA Korps Marinir can not add more BMP-3Fs or order the BT-3F.


The Bunker Group

This clearer photo circulating in Indonesian online forums, shown Pindad try to (off course with FNSS) developing two platforms base on Kaplan/Harimau MT; the left side more conventional ground base and right side more amphibious base.

Seems they want to cover all Army and Marines requirements.


Well-Known Member
That's sensible. Of course, logically we should have started with an APC base and make variations based on that, but oh well, FNSS basically did that anyway, we just pretended that it started with the 105 mm cannon version first.


The Bunker Group
Yes, so far indication from that slide shown Kaplan-10 will be the base for that Amphibious version and Kaplan NG-AFV seems will become base for ground APC version. So it is not like Pindad going to develop from scratch. The base design already there, they just need to make some "customisation" for local "taste".


Active Member
If it is indeed a licensed Caracal 816, it would be a more modern design, and superior in terms of reliability, accurancy etc to the SS2, which an updated FN FNC.
I took apart numerous SS2's, so I think I can confidently shed some light on this subject.

The SS2's issues is really the fault of the design of it's upper receiver group. For example, the piston itself is for whatever reason a three piece rod detachable from the bolt carrier instead of a one piece rod affixed to the bolt that is present on most piston operated firearms, like its predecessor the FNC. Furthermore, the barrel and piston block isn't free floated, and is relatively thin compared to other 5.56mm contemporaries. These issues are easily fixable if Pindad would actually take time and invest in R&D of a new upper receiver group instead of rushing off into the next project.

But of course that won't make them much money.

Seems Ukrainian and Russian war do open the horizon within our MinDef on importance of ground surveillance sensors.
You'd be surprised at how much of the war is being absorbed by professionals here. The upcoming Army wide individual personal protection suite that's currently being developed is based on lessons from the Russo-Ukraine war as well as modern body armor evolution. Currently no soft armor protection, which is sorely needed when you're dealing with massive fragmentation threats, but fortunately the suite is designed to be scalable as time goes on.

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Active Member
This clearer photo circulating in Indonesian online forums, shown Pindad try to (off course with FNSS) developing two platforms base on Kaplan/Harimau MT; the left side more conventional ground base and right side more amphibious base.

Seems they want to cover all Army and Marines requirements.
Makes the most sense to be honest. First time I've actually seen Pindad pushing something that isn't a complete gimmick since the Anoa. On a related note, I've heard talks about plans for creating a 120mm turret for the Harimau in order to share ammo with the Leo 2's. This would also be an interesting development.


The Bunker Group
@ChestnutTree what are you heard on Anoa 3 ? Is they (Pindad) are going to still basing on French design or are they going with Anoa 2 derivative? Cause I heard conflicting info on this.

On a related note, I've heard talks about plans for creating a 120mm turret for the Harimau in order to share ammo with the Leo 2's. This would also be an interesting development.
Perhaps why the current Harimau 105mm is hold on limited batch. I also heard the 'lobby' whether using 120mm from Belgium or Italian. Hope they go with Italian gun, just from what I heard will give better production deal the Cockeril.


Active Member
@ChestnutTree what are you heard on Anoa 3 ? Is they (Pindad) are going to still basing on French design or are they going with Anoa 2 derivative? Cause I heard conflicting info on this.
AIUI it's being marketed as a replacement to the Anoa but the TNI isn't interested in 6x6 designs anymore. Which I understand considering the limitations of future proofing a largely old design.

@ChestnutTree what are you heard on Anoa 3 ? Is they (Pindad) are going to still basing on French design or are they going with Anoa 2 derivative? Cause I heard conflicting info on this.

Perhaps why the current Harimau 105mm is hold on limited batch. I also heard the 'lobby' whether using 120mm from Belgium or Italian. Hope they go with Italian gun, just from what I heard will give better production deal the Cockeril.
I hope so as well. It's always funny to me seeing people attempting to promote Cockerill products when their entire business plan is to sell mediocre turret modules that get rebranded as "locally made" by their clients in return for royalties. Meanwhile the HITFACT is definitely a leap over the CM105.


The Bunker Group

Found this yesterday, but only got time to link it today in here. This video put by one of Indonesian enthusiasts in his X account. Shown how Army outpost in West Papua mountain being supplied for equipment with Russian made KA-32.

This helicopter if not mistaken belong to charter company that usually catered mining operations in West Papua. I'm bit different then some Indonesian enthusiasts that talk Army should get US made heavy helicopter.

For me, this shown even private companies still can maintain their Russian made helicopters even with the talks on sanctions. This shown that despite all the sanctions on financial market for Russian transactions, the flow of Russian parts can still happen, even with bit higher transactions costs. Getting Russian transactions through non western related financial market like in China, HK, India, or Dubai still run as ussual.

So this talk on difficulty servicing Russian equipments usually being talk by those defense insiders aka salesman that are Western OEM sales agents. Yes it's costlier now to source Russian parts or equipment due to higher transactions costs. However has to be seen more balance whether maintaining Rusian vs US equipment now more related to Politics or Economical sense.


Well-Known Member
I hope so as well. It's always funny to me seeing people attempting to promote Cockerill products when their entire business plan is to sell mediocre turret modules that get rebranded as "locally made" by their clients in return for royalties. Meanwhile the HITFACT is definitely a leap over the CM105.
There are photos floating around of a so called domestic 105mm turret that is supposed to be an unlicensed copy of the Cockerill turret.

What's the story behind that and PT SSE's P8 light tank program?

Seems like small private sector projects in search of official endorsement.