The Bunker Group
What's the story behind that and PT SSE's P8 light tank program?

One Indonesian Enthusiasts X shown this couple days ago. This guy either present or got info from insider. Seems there's delegation from Parliament coming to PT. SSE facility where the company shown their products. The star of their attraction is this P8, which seems they sloted as recon armoured track vehicle.
It is only build with Stagnag 2 protection standard, which in my opinion shown this is build for recon on jungle but also close quarters environment. The weight being told below 10 ton possible around 7-8.
Thus as concept it is can be said as enlarge German Wiesel AWC. TNI-AD in 90's shown interest to Wiesel, but then seems choose to keep their wheeled recon armoured vehicles. So as this private company already build this prototype, indicating there's enough interest from MinDef and TNI-AD brass to relook this concept.