With the economy the way it is now, everyone is trying to sell to Indonesia. They are attracted by the smell of money like flies toThe Dutch but also the German parliaments may block the deal. Netherlands has a very special relation with Indonesia, of course, but even Germany could say 'no' if they see the situation in Papua as too critical. German government one or two months ago okay'ed the sale of Leopard 2 to Saudi Arabia, but that doesn't mean anything. They could okay the deal with the Saudis, but block the deal with Indonesia, even though the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia is much graver than in Indonesia. That's the way politics works, it has nothing to do with common sense, but political gains. And the Saudi Arabian gov'ment is much more important to the Germans than the Indonesian gov'ment.
In another matter, the Ukraine threw their hat into the ring as well a couple of days ago. A Ukrainian sales manager gave an interview to a big Indonesian magazine and said his company was offering the T-64BM Bulat to Indonesia (price would be slightly cheaper than the 2nd-hand Leopard 2's).
This might be plan C if every Leopard 2 seller says no.
I don't see them going for the T-64B. At the beginning of this thread, it was mentioned that TNI-AD had their minds set of Leopards for a long time. I don't think it has changed.