Another 22800 has been launched. There are now quite a few of these sitting in the water, with the question of engines unresolved. Nonetheless production on these is continuing at excellent pace, by Russian standards.
В Феодосии спущен на воду малый ракетный корабль «Вихрь» проекта 22800
The 9th and 10th Boreys (955A) are to be laid down in May 2020. Two more 885Ms are also planned. In my opinion the smart choice would be to continue production of both until the complete replacement of Soviet era vessels for both nuke attack subs and SLBM carriers.
Девятый и десятый атомные подводные ракетоносцы типа «Борей» будут заложены в мае 2020 года
The second 23550 icebreaker patrol vessel has been laid down.
Заложен второй патрульный корабль ледового класса «Николай Зубов» проекта 23550
The first 20385 is undergoing trials. There is information that new corvettes are to be laid down, of unspecified type. Given the delays and complication of the 20386 program, perhaps more 20380 or 20385 are planned.
Корвет «Гремящий» будет проходить Государственные испытания в Белом море
EDIT: Work is proceeding on the combination of two smaller dry-docks into one larger one for the Admiral Kuznetsov refit.
На 35-м судоремонтном заводе ведутся активные работы по реконструкции сухого дока
Another 22800 has been launched. There are now quite a few of these sitting in the water, with the question of engines unresolved. Nonetheless production on these is continuing at excellent pace, by Russian standards.
В Феодосии спущен на воду малый ракетный корабль «Вихрь» проекта 22800
The 9th and 10th Boreys (955A) are to be laid down in May 2020. Two more 885Ms are also planned. In my opinion the smart choice would be to continue production of both until the complete replacement of Soviet era vessels for both nuke attack subs and SLBM carriers.
Девятый и десятый атомные подводные ракетоносцы типа «Борей» будут заложены в мае 2020 года
The second 23550 icebreaker patrol vessel has been laid down.
Заложен второй патрульный корабль ледового класса «Николай Зубов» проекта 23550
The first 20385 is undergoing trials. There is information that new corvettes are to be laid down, of unspecified type. Given the delays and complication of the 20386 program, perhaps more 20380 or 20385 are planned.
Корвет «Гремящий» будет проходить Государственные испытания в Белом море
EDIT: Work is proceeding on the combination of two smaller dry-docks into one larger one for the Admiral Kuznetsov refit.
На 35-м судоремонтном заводе ведутся активные работы по реконструкции сухого дока