There have been some assumptions that NZ would acquire the CAMM(A) if it was available because we already have Sea Ceptor. However when NZ stands up the ACF Mk 2, it will be with US aircraft simply because of ease of support and logistics, and that it gives compatibility with our ally and coalition partners. That being the case, US weapons will be chosen because they're already integrated onto the aircraft, and like the aircraft for logistics reasons. So you can kiss any Euro-weapons goodbye.
Because of the changing circumstances in the world because of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic depression, as well as the deterioration of relations between China and western nations, especially around the cause of the global pandemic and China's suppression of information about the pandemic, we don't have the luxury of acquiring used aircraft rebuilding and upgrading them. The time simply isn't available, so we have to buy new build aircraft.
Now if I was Minister of Defence and Finance, I would acquire the F15EX simply because of the range and weapons load out of the aircraft. I'd probably have to put the taxes up to pay for it, but I am sure that
@MrConservative wouldn't mind paying extra tax - waits for the explosion

However I am not either Minister so MrCs taxes are safe from me raising them.
What we need to remember is what we are going to use the ACF for and it's always been in my view maritime strike as its main role. This is something that it doesn't do on its own, but as part of a system - the mailed first. It's eyes, ears and brains could be hundreds of miles away, providing the targeting data. Maybe a P-8A is providing the targeting data or acting as strike controller. That's the whole point, the ACF are the mailed first at the end of a very long muscular arm. They're just not tooling around above the oggy looking for something to hit using their Mk 1 eyeball.
So my platform of choice would be the latest F-18F with conformal fuel tanks, IRST, everything including Link 16 / 22. Jeez CEC if it'd work on them and the P-8A. The USN, USMC & RAAF are operating the F-18E/F, so we'd be in good company.
For the LIFT I would go with the T-7A because it has capabilities that would be of more benefit to us than what other LIFT on the market can offer and would be a better long term investment.
As I said at the start, the world has become a more dangerous place in the last 3 months, not just because of the COVID-19 pandemic health implications, but because of the actions of the PRC in suppressing the information on the outbreak until it was to late, then minimizing the effects of it so it's citizens could still travel, as well as buying up massive amounts of PPE worldwide, creating a shortage and then lying to the world about the virus. These actions have exacerbated the already tense relationship between the PRC and the US, as well as creating tensions between the PRC and nations (incl. NZ) who have called for an independent investigation into the cause of the pandemic. The PRC have gone quite septic about this and are threatening retaliation.
The US has upset some of its allies and friends over its actions in recent times, and Germany is not happy at all with it. The US also has lost its moral leadership role in the world because of its apparent lack of domestic leadership during the current crisis, and nature abhors a vacuum. Countries in the last 2 months have been more nationalistic as they deal with the crisis; if you look at the EU it wasn't an EU response at all, but individual national responses with closed borders. Economies worldwide are taking a massive hit, some more than others and this will lead to even more unrest and international tensions and turmoil.
It's my belief that because of the reasons I have suggested the NZG will stand up the ACF Mk 2 sooner rather than later and that pollies are coming around to the idea. There will always be holdouts, but I think that the number is reducing as the older left wing Clark holdouts and both left and right wing neoliberalist diehards leave parliament.
That's my take on it.