Okay, this will be the last time I try this before I stop wasting my time responding to obtuse or argumentative responses.
I just posted a rather simplistical example that showed that it's not true that a goverment saves anything on diverting ressources to make a "home build". Economy doesn't work like that. It's a question of math. It's not something I have figured out, it's basic economics. That you certainly can find parties of interests that (exactly) has an interest in making things look different, does not surprise me.
It's sympthomatic that you refuse to consider the "Beef side of things" which represent the income that you loose by diverting production ressources (f.ex. workers) away from one industry to, say, yard industry, after all Australia has a good and efficient economy and a skilled guy employed in the yard business, would certainly also be able to get a job in another business (and if this other business is generating a higher revenue, there is a loss if he works in the yard business).
As I mentioned before, drop the whole 'beef' production/export arguments made in the posts. As the saying goes, "You are comparing apples and oranges." Or in this case, literally comparing Australian domestic commercial production and export of beef, with an Australian Government purchase of naval warships. The only relationships between the two are indirect, the first is the potential for a revenue stream to the CoA from sales of Australian beef to assist funding the purchase of warships. The second is the possibility of a loss of exports from Australia due to the SLOC being cut by enemy activity, requiring deployment of RAN warships.
This whole discussion is not, despite what appear to be attempts to turn into, a discussion of whether the CoA should provide funding for Australians to raise beef, or provide funding for the RAN to purchase warships.
When you throw in the economical stimuli part of the equation it becomes a little bit more complicated. Because you are right that a given stimuli often will "accelerate" and create activity on it's own. But my rather simplistic example should also show you, that the Beef worker also represent an economical stimuli (he earns foreign capital from selling beef to danes). One can say that the stimuli created by the beef worker isn't so focused (some of the money will re-invested in beef industry, some into local buisnesses etc) while an investment by the goverment into a specfic product/sector is more focussed.
One thing all can agree upon is that it's not irrelevant whom or what you give a stimuli (you should stimulate the winners, not the loosers), but it's a political discussion who's best at choosing the winners; The free market or the politicians.
A number of key points here, and I will be repeating myself since some of these very important points are either being ignored, or are not sinking in.
Much of the economic discussion has so far, been completely irrelevant to the topic, which is once again, the acquisition of warships for the RAN. Free market economics, not relevant. Stimulus money, again not relevant.
I do not wish to go off track here, but a brief explanation of free market economics is needed to demonstrate why it has no relevance to the topic at hand. I do not wish this to derail any further

fftopic therefore additional discussion on the topic of free market economics will
not be entertained.
Keeping things very simple, free market economics is about getting the best possible purchase prices from a variety of suppliers, while obtaining the best possible sales prices. The idea being that by requiring those who supply a business to compete, the business reduce supply expenses and therefore maximize their profits since the business supply expenses will be lower.
This has no relevance to a CoA purchase, because the CoA is a government, not a business entity. The revenue stream for the CoA is not based off earning from the sales of goods and services. Instead, the revenue stream is based off of taxes upon businesses, business activities and individuals within the CoA. While competition amongst various suppliers to the CoA can potentially reduce the cost the CoA pays for some supplies, any reduction in cost the CoA pays is not going to increase profits for the CoA, because the CoA is not making a profit in the first place, it is a government.
Now, as also mentioned, 'stimulus' is also irrelevant, because a warship purchase for the RAN is not about providing stimulus. It is about getting the RAN a warship. If the RAN has a requirement for a new warship it is going to purchase that warship. It will do so to meet CoA imposed requirements on the RAN. Now if those requirements mean that the RAN needs to spend $100 mil. on a new warship, it will spend $100 mil. because it has to meet those operational requirements. The purchase is not about getting money into the hands of Australian workers, or providing some form of industrial stimulus. It is about getting a new warship for the RAN.
The discussion some of us here have been attempting to have, is what is the most efficient (for the CoA) use of funding the RAN receives to purchase new warships. And this 'most efficient' discussion includes both initial purchase and throughlife support costs, as well as revenues to the CoA resulting from any warship purchases.
In short, if an Australian shipyard and a foreign shipyard are both equally capable of building the exact same warship for RAN service within whatever ship delivery schedule the RAN has, then the CoA has to decide the following in terms of (initial) cost.
Which costs the CoA less? Australian domestic warship build costs less the revenue streams back to the CoA as a result of the Government spending within Australia, or the cost of the foreign warship build.
If the purchase cost to the CoA for a foreign-built warship is less than that of an Australian built warship after adjusting for the CoA revenue stream, then the foreign build has a lower initial price.
As for the paper from 2003 about European naval construction, aside from the paper being rather dated, that is Europe, not Australia. Europe has a common, multi-national economic zone with the various 'local' national economies closely tied to each other. If naval construction were to cease for one country, and instead be sourced to another, there would still be economic returns back to the European country ordering the warship because of how closely linked the various economies are. Australia is not part of any similar mult-national economic zone and there would be no similar revenue streams returning back to the CoA as a result of orders placed with foreign yards.