Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates

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sorry i should have said, i know the RAN is not putting fixed wing aircraft on the LHDs, however has anyone in the RAN said they want to put them one there?
None that I'm aware of, no. If you go back through the thread you'll find quite a bit of discussion on the topic, otherwise you could probably google up some RAN statements about the LHDs and the way they're intended to be used, I seem to recall some talk where it was clarified as to what the ships were and were not intended to do, aircraft carrier capabilities being among the latter.

I know you're new but the topic got done to death here and ended up getting shut down due to the behaviour of certain individuals, so there's not much discussion to be had on the topic any longer. Feel free to have a poke through the thread though, there's a lot on it. :)


New Member
None that I'm aware of, no. If you go back through the thread you'll find quite a bit of discussion on the topic, otherwise you could probably google up some RAN statements about the LHDs and the way they're intended to be used, I seem to recall some talk where it was clarified as to what the ships were and were not intended to do, aircraft carrier capabilities being among the latter.

I know you're new but the topic got done to death here and ended up getting shut down due to the behaviour of certain individuals, so there's not much discussion to be had on the topic any longer. Feel free to have a poke through the thread though, there's a lot on it. :)
I know a former Chief of Navy had a wishlist for a fourth AWD, Tomahawks and a third LHD for fixed wing F-35B operations. I think it was Vice Admiral Russ Shalders
if I recall correctly. Although I don't think the government was too pleased.


The Bunker Group
Yes, but teekay were the primary contractor for the inspection, not Lloyds which is who I would have expected.

As for the funnel, the ships are built to the functional, not to look pretty, as long as it works, who cares.

Besides, they arent exactly the best looking class of ships....

Abraham Gubler

Defense Professional
Verified Defense Pro
Here's a picture set post refit. I would imagine the new funnels would look a lot better when painted grey rather than beige. But this should free up a lot of internal space without all that trunking. Can't imagine why they ducted the exhausts aft in the first place.

: Ship Photos


The Bunker Group
I know a former Chief of Navy had a wishlist for a fourth AWD, Tomahawks and a third LHD for fixed wing F-35B operations. I think it was Vice Admiral Russ Shalders
if I recall correctly. Although I don't think the government was too pleased.
It was an article in the Australian from memory. There were no references to back up the 'facts' that they leaked, so the truth could be anything.

However, the Canberra's have never been planned to accomodate and likely never will be tasked with supporting 'Australian' STOVL aircraft.


The Bunker Group
They don't look too bad, only issue I can see, is that it massively narrows the gap between the posts of the gantry.

Any idea how much room there is between those two stacks?

I'm assuming they wont produce enough carbon to majorly affect visibility for flight ops?


New Member
Good find on the pics.

But this should free up a lot of internal space without all that trunking. Can't imagine why they ducted the exhausts aft in the first place.
Because that's where the engines are! Having the exhausts on the quarters meant a less obstructed flight, vehicle and container deck. Placing them where they are now is just another little thing in the way of upper deck vehicle stowage. I had thought the same thing about freeing up internal space, but apparently not. Most of the original trunking (including the exhaust cooling system?) is still in place, but now there is more, running through the vehicle deck.

I should have added that repositioning the exhausts has been on the cards since at least the build and fitting out.


New Member
Any idea how much room there is between those two stacks?
15-18m at a guess.

I'm assuming they wont produce enough carbon to majorly affect visibility for flight ops?
With the exhausts in the old position they were only conspicuously dirty for a few seconds when a generator starts. Regardless of any change, it can't be worse than the old position for aviation ops, that was really "in your face", though I am not aware of any pilots complaining.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
This is exactly what we need in a Democracy.
Highlight the problems, and put those in the spotlight if they are incompetent.
Replace them them with smeone who can do the job.
Well there are incompetents on both sides of politics where the subs are concerned. It was intended that only one sub would be in a full cycle docking at any given time leaving five available to be cycled through operational deployments, training and more limited maintenance availabilities. However it was decided several years ago as we didn't have enough crews for all available submarines, or the spare cash to maintain them in service, that an extra submarine or two would be laid up at ASC in advance of their full cycle docking.

Long story short both Sheean and Rankin were pulled out of the water preserved and parked in the shed with no work being undertaken while Dechaineux completed her FCD.

Flash forward to today, the crewing situation has improved but the hull situation has deteriorated through three hulls being expected to do the work of five while the FEG and SPO have been starved of funding and the maintainer has been bullied abused harrassed and forced to lay off a sizable chunk of the people needed to do the work of maintaining the subs.

Blame the puppet master not the puppets.


New Member
It was an article in the Australian from memory. There were no references to back up the 'facts' that they leaked, so the truth could be anything.

However, the Canberra's have never been planned to accomodate and likely never will be tasked with supporting 'Australian' STOVL aircraft.
Keyword here is in bold :p


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Sorry mate, not good enough for The Australian..

'Urgent' sub defects shame navy | The Australian

They are still saying that none are operational and they have then given a quote from the opposite defence spokesman, calling the class a broken fleet. They have blown this way out of proportion, why? To make their political buddies look good.
So the Coalition are now saying they didn't fix the Collins class even though they invested huge sums of money over a decade do so and claimed to have done precisely that in 2007? Can't have it both ways, if the subs are broken and government missmanagement is to blame then they have to wear most of the blame as they managed the program for longer than the current mob.


New Member
We really need the Australian Journalists Code of Ethics to be enforced.. I am tired of seeing this BS from both sides of political newspapers. (greens left and the Oz are just filled with misinformation) Newspapers need to do what their job is.. get the facts correct, look at the story from all angles, let the reader decide their own opinion and report the news!


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
We really need the Australian Journalists Code of Ethics to be enforced.. I am tired of seeing this BS from both sides of political newspapers. (greens left and the Oz are just filled with misinformation) Newspapers need to do what their job is.. get the facts correct, look at the story from all angles, let the reader decide their own opinion and report the news!
The hacks at the dailies don't like the taste of their own medicine but above all exageration and outrage is the staple diet of cashed up bogans, blue rinse facists and smelly whale molesters so there is no incentive to change


Super Moderator
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
The hacks at the dailies don't like the taste of their own medicine but above all exageration and outrage is the staple diet of cashed up bogans, blue rinse facists and smelly whale molesters so there is no incentive to change
First rule of journalism and politics (and sailors :)). Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story. IMHO that is part of the reason why NZDF lost the ACF in 2002.
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Active Member
Sorry , didn't mean to be disjointed , I was referring to the discussion re speculation of proposed names.

I like the odds of the Jervis Bay name. I guess we'll all hear soon enough. What I love is the relative excitement of seeing new/newly acquired ships entering service shortly. The Australian Navy will soon enter a new era in terms of capability.
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