I had left them off the list as I was under the impression that for all practical purposes, they had ceased to function as a concern capable of constructing large ocean-going vessels.
With 'level' builds, is that where different modules are constructed at different yards/locations, and then assembled at one location where the vessel is then launched into the water? Or does it mean something different?
Where I was going in my thinking, is that if a Australian yard can, build schedule permitting, construct both vessels for the RAN, as well as commercial shipping, then the various yard workers, engineers, trades, etc can be retained and kept occupied and skilled doing commercial work between RAN programmes. Essentially enabling the yard to get away from the whole boom/bust cycle which seems to have afflicted the various yards. Also, by being able to construct large commercial vessels, the yard would (should?) have sufficient space to build any type of vessel the RAN might need, ranging in size from a small vessel like an OPV or corvette, up to a multi-store tanker or additional amphib.
As I understand it, part of the reason why the South Korean yards are so inexpensive is that by maintaining a constant volume of work, the trades and yardworkers are constantly working and utilizing their skills. I am just trying to see if I can think of a way that an Australian yard could achieve a similar result.