It indeed may achieve nothing in Sabah but it might be politically beneficial in some ways for certain polticians in Mindanao or the Sulu area, who in turn might have the backing of a more powerful polticians up north in Luzon or elsewhere. It will also not make any of the Predidential candidates look good, the Sulu area and Mindanao are supposed to be more stable after the signing of the Bangsamoro agreement.
Or maybe I'm just looking too deep into things. This so called invasion might be intended by certain Tausug figures to bring the Sabah issue in the limelight again, to embarrass both the Malaysian and Philippines government or maybe merely for some measure of revenge for 2013.
Or maybe I'm just looking too deep into things. This so called invasion might be intended by certain Tausug figures to bring the Sabah issue in the limelight again, to embarrass both the Malaysian and Philippines government or maybe merely for some measure of revenge for 2013.