Indonesian Aero News


Well-Known Member
Buying the Mirage 2000 from Qatar and UAE can be seen as a sudden panic move, because for almost a decade nothing is done to keep the airforce on a certain level, but if the airframes still have enough hours left over, than these Mirage 2000-5/-9 can be useful as F-5/Hawk replacement until 2040 or something.
If having enough to fill up 3 - 4 sqd is the main consideration, did TNI ever consider the latest variant of the FA-50s?

While they are not exactly in the F-16/M2000 level, neither is all the missions require something at this end all the time. (e.g while they have higher speeds, service ceilings, takeoff weights but you are not exactly maxing out all the time). With the latest Block 20 variant, they are already better than the F-5/Hawks and can be acquired in reasonable numbers with a longer life span and likely lower total operating cost. From Philippines/Malaysian contracts, we know a 12 - 18 fleet acquisition is around the USD 600 - 700 million, so a 2 sqd fleet is likely come in around USD 1.1 - 1.2 billion.


The Bunker Group
The underlying point is "interim". Thus they are looking what's available soon with relativity good condition with ample parts inventories support. That's why they're looking to Gulf Kingdoms Mirage 2K and US Refurbished F-16 options.

Gulf 2K seems getting traction due to their relative low flying hours (for their close to 3 decade age), good conditions and parts inventories, and present owners willingness to include all supporting infrastructures as part of packages. Not to mention presently Indonesian MinDef and UAE and Qatar counterparts have good political relationships. Also Frenchie and Dasault seems so far shown indication to support the deal (despite some info on previous negative responds from them).

Getting equal #of FA-50 now has to get into waiting line, as FA-50 like Rafale currently enjoy quite marketing sucess in exports. Potentially FA-50 already in the TNI-AU radar due to commonalities with their TA-50, but seems not for this interim fighters need. For LCA as Hawk 209 replacement, they are seems still in the options.


Well-Known Member
Well, the M2000 make sense from a political perspective and Dassault will have a vested interest to support TNI given the larger Rafale deal. I would be skeptical if it is was just a M2000 purchase for the sake of some interim requirements. Despite the supposed "good" condition and spare parts, it would be hard to tell. It would be similar to the Douglas A-4 purchase, which operated from 1983 to 2003 (operational available was steadily going down in the 90s)

On the FA-50, if KAI double the production lines as planned, I expect the Koreans to be able to meet the schedule. However, they don't seem to have strong lobby in Indonesia. After a period of interest during SBY time, seems to have faded.


The Bunker Group
A-4 supposedly use for a decade to decade and half before new aircraft replace them. In sense yes it is also interim fighters. They are supposedly replace by newly build Hawk 200, but Indonesian political and economic crisis in 98 create some delay on Hawk 200 to full operational status.

Whether this Mirage 2K will be interim for 10-15 years or being used more, depends on how much the airframes being get and subsequent parts and supporting infrastructure being get. However the plan is for interim until mid of next decade at least. Until newly build assets (whether Rafale, KF-21 or F-15EX/F-16V) come to operational status.

TNI-AU plan to increase fighters sq from 6 (excluding COIN and LIFT) to 10 can also be factor for how long this interims will be operating. The changes of both economics and politics always can be a factor on prolonging older airframes operational in TNI-AU inventories. Still by planning they are classified as interims.


Active Member
Form an external point of view the deal looks amazing.
You get your financing on the rafale
You get quality planes with still years and years of life in them and the infrastructure
Just one supplier to keep things easy.
10-15 years to see what happens with all the programs going right now.

In Italian we say "Were do i sign for a deal like this" in a jokingly way when someone is describing you a good deal they are getting.

Pretty envious that the French were able to set it all up.


The Bunker Group

Just like any second hand export, the builder country send people to inspect the assets and certified for reexport. This progress shown Paris most probable already give green light for reexport.

French media also reported that the deal being package as one part with overall Rafale deals.


The Bunker Group
here we have a better look on the new 737NG from POLRI.

TNI-AU now also use similar 737-800 type for their VIP Sq (Sq 17th), As National Police airwing (as Sandhi posted before). Seems this is going to replace their older 737 (possibly the 737-200 passanger version that's being phase out recently).

Previous Dasault Falcon 7 and 8 being talk replacing their F-28.


Seems TNI-AU now besides new fighters assets and potentially new special purpose assets, also got budget to replace some of their VIP assets.


The Bunker Group

This morning Kompas Daily put article that 12 Mirage 2K from Qatar already been signed by Indonesian MinDef for procurement. The amount is around USD 745 mio. Later on this evening this blogger (which usually have good connections with TNI-AU) put exert from MinDef Press Release in regards of Mirage 2K.

In Summary:
  • MinDef already sign procurement contracts for 12 ex Qatar AF Mirage 2K.
  • Asside procure those Mirage 2K, MinDef also already got financing green light for upgrade and maintenance of existing fleet of Su-27/30, F-16, and Hawk 200/100.
  • All this because the first batch of Rafale will not come until 2026 at fastest.
  • Asside Rafale, the other new fighter will be F-15, However it is still under negotiations.
  • Because all the factor above, MinDef see TNI-AU need fighters as interim not only to cover existing fleet that under upgrade, but also new procurement.
  • Qatar Mirage 2K being chosen as readily available to be use immediately, and the package includes Spares engines, Engine Test Cell, Supporting Parts and infrastructure and 3 years sustainment contract, also Weapon packages.
The Mirage 2K and all supporting infrastructure will be put in Supadio AB in Pontianak West Kalimantan (Borneo) . That sq now hold one of Hawk 100/200 sq.

So far the press release still in line with previous info and "rumours". They're seems continued the track for F-15, and I just hope this can be supported by next admin commitment for increase on operating and support budget. Rumours also still circulating that Hawk 200/100, Flankers and eventually F-16 and Mirage 2K one by one by next decade will be replace by KF-21.

Thus by "plan", next decade TNI-AU inventories make up will be consist on Rafale, F-15 and KF-21. All off course depending on how fast they can get new assets to replace existing fleet and this Mirage 2K. Which by Indonesian track record, is not a guaranteed one.


The Bunker Group

I put it again this old 2009 article, as I see in Indonesian forums, online media even comments that come even frm parliament members, that question why MinDef procured those Qatar Mirage 2K, when Qatar offers them in 2009 free of charge.

I don't know what happen to this "milenials" generations that supposedly growing up in Internet age. Just doing simple googling, you can find 2009 articles that shown it is Mirage F-1 that Qatar offer for free (Hibah in Indonesian). Perhaps those "milenials" did not understand the difference between Mirage F-1 and Mirage 2K.

I understand that getting this Mirage 2K for "interim" fighters is not a desirable solution. Personally I also don't see it as the most effective solution for interim needs. Perhaps better packages that include training, parts, maintenance infrastructure and services packages make it worthwhile? Well I can't entirely sure.

Negative effect on side business on this deal ? Well this is Indonesia, no government procurement on any administration from Soekarno era to present Jokowi ones can be said "clean". Do I see this another political smeer campaign ? Very potentially as those who talk negative on this procurement in media (online or mainstream ones), are coming from opposite sides from Prabowo political campaigns.

Still making negative campaign base on mistaken information? Well knowing how misslead online information (even the ones easily debunk) is simply believe as truth in every corners on this world, it is not surprising happen. Just shown how online information that supposedly improve information openess, most time also improve information stupidity. Different perception is one thing, but increasingly different perception also fuel by misslead information.

Influencers really big business. Every info is part of propaganda campaigns, Self Images campaigns and more importantly people for most times is simply gullible.
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Active Member

There's an article in (I don't have the subscription, fortunately someone quote it) that may explained as to why the choice is made to buy Mirage instead of used F-16. Prabowo claims that he had pursue used F-16 from a number of countries including Greece, Egypt, and the US, but none seems interested in selling their fleet. Greece and US in particular might prefer to send theirs to Ukraine with the US starting to train Ukrainian pilot on used F-16s.

Considering our neighbor seems to be struggling to find an interim aircraft too, his reasoning seems reasonable to me. Shame it had to be a new model, but I guess there's not much viable choice.



This morning Kompas Daily put article that 12 Mirage 2K from Qatar already been signed by Indonesian MinDef for procurement. The amount is around USD 745 mio. Later on this evening this blogger (which usually have good connections with TNI-AU) put exert from MinDef Press Release in regards of Mirage 2K.

In Summary:
  • MinDef already sign procurement contracts for 12 ex Qatar AF Mirage 2K.
  • Asside procure those Mirage 2K, MinDef also already got financing green light for upgrade and maintenance of existing fleet of Su-27/30, F-16, and Hawk 200/100.
  • All this because the first batch of Rafale will not come until 2026 at fastest.
  • Asside Rafale, the other new fighter will be F-15, However it is still under negotiations.
  • Because all the factor above, MinDef see TNI-AU need fighters as interim not only to cover existing fleet that under upgrade, but also new procurement.
  • Qatar Mirage 2K being chosen as readily available to be use immediately, and the package includes Spares engines, Engine Test Cell, Supporting Parts and infrastructure and 3 years sustainment contract, also Weapon packages.
The Mirage 2K and all supporting infrastructure will be put in Supadio AB in Pontianak West Kalimantan (Borneo) . That sq now hold one of Hawk 100/200 sq.

So far the press release still in line with previous info and "rumours". They're seems continued the track for F-15, and I just hope this can be supported by next admin commitment for increase on operating and support budget. Rumours also still circulating that Hawk 200/100, Flankers and eventually F-16 and Mirage 2K one by one by next decade will be replace by KF-21.

Thus by "plan", next decade TNI-AU inventories make up will be consist on Rafale, F-15 and KF-21. All off course depending on how fast they can get new assets to replace existing fleet and this Mirage 2K. Which by Indonesian track record, is not a guaranteed one.
The aircraft are scheduled to be delivered after 24 months? Do I read that correctly? Why 24 months? That seems awfully long wait time for a dozen airframe, that are for all intents and purposes, are ready to be flown over in country.

The AF also better do a proper inventory of the ordnance that come with the purchase. There are 2 episodes (1 in Italy, 1 in Florida) where local authorities discover live missiles w/o explanations.

Overall, quite excited about this. Yes, logistically, this will add more layer of complexity, but any new hardware bring new possibility. It's an extreme long shot, perhaps even rarer than once-in-a-blue-moon, but what are the odds of the AF conduct a joint exercise with ROCAF, sharing operational doctrine/tactics on employing these dash 5?


Active Member
The aircraft are scheduled to be delivered after 24 months? Do I read that correctly? Why 24 months?
I believe the real quote is 24 months at the latest, so it can be earlier than that. There are rumors that it will start arriving this year.


The Bunker Group

Just watch this video from Kompas, come on, even the 'so call' defense anaylst still talk on 2009 Mirage 2000 grant/Hibah from Qatar. Is this quality of so call defense analysts in Indonesia? Again simple googling knows that Mirage F1 that's being offer by Qatar as grant in 2009. Logically also no country will offer to transfer their decade old assets.

The ones who talk negatives from parliament are coming from opposing political camps then Prabowo. Understandable as closing to ellection times, and more likely Prabowo will goes on tickets against their candidates. However the qualities on those defense analysts? Come on even my amateur understanding also know the deals packages is not just for the aircraft only. How depressing the qualities of this so call Indonesian Defense analysts. Still knowing those defense analysts/Insiders mostly also salesman, not surprising.

believe the real quote is 24 months at the latest
The way I see it, 24 mo at most for all packages come, install and operating in Pontianak Supadio AB. This is that many even those so call defense "analysts" conveniently forgot that the packages seems quite extensive. The packages as includes spare parts, and supporting infrastructure also trainings regimes plus weaponry, need times to be settled in Supadio. I'm quite sure that the facilities in Supadio AB also need to be adjusted.

The packages use third parties contractors which I believe not only making sure all the packages come, but also asses the conditions and how to operate them in Supadio. So in 'paper' seems this packages already answer all the negative comments on this deal.

Personally I don't support using Mirage 2K as the need to build suporting infrastructures from scratch. While F-16 more or less can just add on existing ones. However if the packages basically transfer all Qatar AF supporting infrastructure on Mirage 2K plus their weaponry packages, then it is more or lesd relative complete packages.

Prabowo claims that he had pursue used F-16 from a number of countries including Greece, Egypt, and the US, but none seems interested in selling their fleet.
Greece and Egypt will not going to sell their F-16, as it is part of their back bone assets and they're keep upgrading them. Base on news, if Ukranian will got any F-16, more likely will come from Netherlands and Norway phase out inventories.

US inventories need to be upgraded first, and USAF will not parted from their operational ones. Rumours say that Prabowo ask US from their Blk 40 or Blk 50 operational assets, which understandable US refuse. US willing to provide upgrades program from mothballs inventories, just like they are doing for those 24 F-16 C/D on Peace Bimasena 2 packages.

However seems if that the choices available, MinDef decide to upgrade those F-16C/D as they already done with F-16 A/B on EMLU program. LM already provide license for TNI-AU maintenance facilities doing EMLU. Rumours (again) talk the upgrade on F-16 C/D will be more extensive then F-16A/B as they will be giving Blk 70 standard avionics and sensors.

Whether if there will be other F-16 assets, seems it is still negotiating. Personally I do still hope they are ditch F-15ID for F-16V, although most indicators shown they're still pursuing this F-15ID. Do remember if they are doing it, most probable (even with next administration support) they are going to get by end of decades at most.

Got sense if they go with F-16V, they can get sooner. LM already have F-16V line running for export customers. While F-15ID will piggyback USAF F-15EX lines, in which at this moment still facing delay. So better with F-16V then pursuing this F-15ID.

Well, that's just my personal opinion as amateur defense enthusiasts.


The Bunker Group

Twitter guy, as Frenchie salesman tweet that by next decade all current fighter inventories will be phase down when Rafale and F-15 come and operational. He is now trying to justify Mirage 2K procurement as part of interim solution.

In Indonesian TV One, MinDef spokesman give interview as part of MinDef campaigns to answer critics on Mirage 2K procurement. Some points he make:
  1. Mirage 2K from Qatar procured as the need arise for interim fighters to fell gap cause by maintenance and upgrade of existing fleet and new procurement. They envisage 5-6 years gap.
  2. The packages is part of Rafale procurement, thus asside geeting all Qatar Mirage 2K inventories with parts, also included life time sustainment from Dasault.
  3. Average flying hrs of Qatar Mirage 2K still below 1800 hrs, thus much below design life cycles of 7000 hrs.
  4. Qatar Mirage 2K is available soon.
On other media it is talk that MinDef also negotiate with UAE on their Mirage 2000-9. Thus clearly Dasault play big part on this, as guarantor that any Gulf's Mirage 2K being procured by Indonesia will get their manufacturers support.

In sense Dasault now try to sell whole packages of not just new assets, but also interim ones. This basically confirm what's the overall deal being speculate before. Quite a turnaround fortune for Dasault against LM, considering they are loosing out on MRCA rivalry with F-16 before.

Personally I suspect (looking to the extend of modifications works), Hawk 200/100 and Sukhoi 27/30 will be phase down first by early next decade, while Mirage 2K and F-16 will soldier on by at least second half of next decade.
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Well-Known Member
The contract finally signed. It had been in discussions with PT Len for a couple of year.



The Bunker Group
Some screen shoot that I made from Kompas TV on Prabowo's presentation. This is done in Friday during his speech at National Police Leadership Course.

The extend of his video on a Kompas TV is close to 2 hrs. Anyone that interested can look it up on Kompas TV video on You Tube. He's basically shown the extent of TNI procurement and Upgrade project on existing assets.

Just shown the screen shoot on some new fighters assets on TNI-AU, including 24 Mirage 2000, 24 IF-21 (Indonesian version of KF-21), and 42 Rafale and 36 F-15. Well guess my hope for MinDef to ditch F-15 and replace it with F-16V, not happening so far.

The AEWC clearly shown Erieye on some carrier plane. Which still the illustration still not committing on any type of carrier plane. Illustration shown either Erieye on Business Jet type, or 737 type but with turboprop engine.
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The Bunker Group

Yomiuri Shimbun talk on potential transfer spares engines of 100 F-15J that are sloted not to be upgraded. Indonesian F-16 is the potential receiver, as Indonesian F-16 and Japan F-15J both use PW F-100-220e.


Super Moderator
Some screen shoot that I made from Kompas TV on Prabowo's presentation. This is done in Friday during his speech at National Police Leadership Course. ...
View attachment 50595
The AEWC clearly shown Erieye on some carrier plane. Which still the illustration still not committing on any type of carrier plane. Illustration shown either Erieye on Business Jet type, or 737 type but with turboprop engine.
The Erieye on a business jet appears to be a Globaleye, as sold to the UAE & on order for the Swedish Air Force - Erieye ER on a Bombardier Global 6000 or 6500. Could be just that a picture was available, rather than meant to signify it was actively being pursued. Could be a good choice for Indonesia, though.


The Bunker Group
Could be just that a picture was available, rather than meant to signify it was actively being pursued.
Agree on that, which is why I believe they use also that funny animation illustration of 737 type aircraft with Turboprop (it shown more in the video). So far it's just indicates that they're negotiate on Erieye as prime candidate, but not yet on the carrier platform.

Rumours on Indonesian defense bloggers few years back even talk on SAAB discussion with DI for matting Erieye with CN-235.

This is the illustration in video on usage of this AEWC with shipborne system and ground system for supposedly integrated network environment.
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