The Bunker Group
No that's not LST. I believe they call it LCM. This supposes to be 1000 dwt displacement.This is KRI Dili 583, on in internet its listed as LCU. But isn't it too big to be a LCU, isnt it a LST?
No that's not LST. I believe they call it LCM. This supposes to be 1000 dwt displacement.This is KRI Dili 583, on in internet its listed as LCU. But isn't it too big to be a LCU, isnt it a LST?
This thing already move back and forward so many times, it's now like a broken recordArmy Defense & Transport Focus On Alutsista
JAKARTA - Minister of Defense Juwono Sudarsono said the procurement contracts of two new submarines delayed a year, from the beginning of 2010 to 2011.
"That way, two new submarines will strengthen Indonesia in 2012 or 2013," he said, told AFP in Jakarta, Sunday (4 / 10).
He argues, a limited budget to make it have to do a high priority scale in the procurement alutsista.
Various natural disasters that hit the country, requires the government to focus on infrastructure development and poverty reduction in 2009-2010.
Related to that, despite the increase in defense spending to Rp40, 7 trillion in 2010, the Department of Defense and the TNI had agreed not to hold a weapons system (strike force) but planes, ships, and transport vehicles.
"Aircraft, ships and transport vehicles are needed now not just for mobility of military forces to disaster areas but also to transport logistics soldiers, and social assistance to the disaster site. So, we postpone such alutsista strategic submarines," he said.
Currently, the Department of Defense procurement is still brewing two new submarines for the Navy TNI. Of the five companies from five countries, has now netted two countries, namely Russia and South Korea.
"Despite the signing of the contract on the delay, but all its procurement process continues until the day of determination we also really mature and confident on the choice of products to be used," said Juwono.
In Short (due to rather bad Google translations), Local state Electronics company (PT. LEN) will be responsible to developed system integrations on all sensors on existing TNI AL ships. This will be first step of Local industry to developed integrated CIC.Facilitation Ristek BUMNIS the Combat Management System (CMS)
Development SEWACO [weapon sensors and control] or the Combat Management System [CMS] has been done and installed in Fast Patrol boat [PC] TNI-AL, particularly for submarine detection.
Development of CMS initially being done through installation of PT LEN MFD (Multi Function Display] in 1998 for 10 units for sonar control enhancement in 10 ships of Parchim corvette.
Year 2009 has been carried out coordination between MABESAL, RISTEK and PT LEN Industri for synchronization programs in terms of budgets, phases achievement PT LEN Industri ability and readiness of the ship will be provided by the TNI-AL.
The plan is agreed by each party according to the function, where the stages are applied to the developedment of CMS that can applicate on Parchim corvette, Sigma and Fast Patrol, while the next stage is directed into IWS (Integreted Weapon System) in Van Speejk frigates.
Implementation of these agreements will be realized through design verification of domestic engineering, which will oversee the all realated party together, especially for CMS prototype application that can function in the parchim corvette ship in 2009.
Referring to the question, then, on 15-16 October 2009, has held a visit to Surabaya TNI AL [Disenlekal, Dislitbangal, Asrena Kasal, Asdep PTE and staff, GM PT LEN Industri and staff] to look directly corvette ship conditions for plan CMS installation Console Under Water. The visit followed on the ship Van Speejk typer expected PT LEN Industri can anticipate the needs of the country's plan for the procurement of equipment, especially ships CMS.
Ships former east germany totaling 16 PArchim class corvete with the sonar the completeness of the system, currently only operated as patrol boat, with less optimal functions for detection by the submarine. This condition has been repeatedly sought by the Navy to be returned according to the function, but due to the financial condition of the state, then the realization somewhat hampered. It has been held for the fulfillment of these agreements need to accelerate the program synergies industrial competitiveness as well as the acceleration of the end user needs. Navy efforts to repair the ship had been referred by private sector especially for transducer repairs, while the ability of PT LEN Industri for the development of CMS has been implemented through activities facilitated by RISTEK since 2008 s / d in 2010.
Next CMS Development is directed to the board of Van Speejk, with consideration of the function have the completeness of this ship which is still adequate. Of course, these activities need to stage a gradual achievement of the expected year 2009 was the work of PT LEN Industri can be done on the Parchim corvette.
Welcome Joeragan!
Latest news about the 502 KRI Teluk Bayur.
The KRI Teluk Bayur 502 (ex-LST 616) has been decommissioned on 30 October. Its from the same class as 501 KRI Teluk Langsa (ex-USS Solano County (LST-1128)) and 503 KRI Teluk Amboina. It was in use since 1961.
Here a picture of it and some info about the class.
It is about time to decomm the "work horse" of TNI AL (Indonesian Navy).
LPD and Cat HSV should be the future "work horse" and the "backbone" of TNI AL.
After all Indonesia is an Island Nation of 10,000 islands,scattered between Asia and Australia.
Cat HSVs fitted with helicopter platform and ramp for Amphibious Assault Vehicles will be the best bet for the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL). The Cat HSVs ability to be converted into various mode based on various needs in a short of period of time is a big plus.
Rolled in trailers equipped with Medical instruments/equipments, Medical supplies and trailers that are used as ER,.... the ship now is a Floating Hospitals.
Rolled in trailers equipped with big TV screens, and another trailer as a kitchen,now the ship is a floating R & R.
Rolled in trailers equipped with showers or bathtubs, cafetaria or sleeping quarters, now the ship is a "Mother Ship" for High Speed Patrol ships.
If the CatHSV is equipped with "lifts" to lift up High Speed Patrol ships from the water,now the ship is a floating repair facilities. Or a " Mobile Dry Dock" for small vessels.
Cat HSV can be considered as the future LST and more. Speed of 13 knots upgraded to 30 knots ! Be able to carry Amphbiious Assault Vehicles and Assault Helicopters plus carrying a battalion of soldeirs at the same time is something that never can be imagined 10 years ago.
So, TNI AL....what are you waiting for !.
HSVs are quite expensive, i think the Hospitalship KRI 990 and the 4 new LPDs are more than enough, together with the 14 Frosch I and 6 Semangka Class LSTs.. The last 2 LPDs are also build by PT PALWelcome Joeragan!
Latest news about the 502 KRI Teluk Bayur.
The KRI Teluk Bayur 502 (ex-LST 616) has been decommissioned on 30 October. Its from the same class as 501 KRI Teluk Langsa (ex-USS Solano County (LST-1128)) and 503 KRI Teluk Amboina. It was in use since 1961.
Here a picture of it and some info about the class.
It is about time to decomm the "work horse" of TNI AL (Indonesian Navy).
LPD and Cat HSV should be the future "work horse" and the "backbone" of TNI AL.
After all Indonesia is an Island Nation of 10,000 islands,scattered between Asia and Australia.
Cat HSVs fitted with helicopter platform and ramp for Amphibious Assault Vehicles will be the best bet for the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL). The Cat HSVs ability to be converted into various mode based on various needs in a short of period of time is a big plus.
Rolled in trailers equipped with Medical instruments/equipments, Medical supplies and trailers that are used as ER,.... the ship now is a Floating Hospitals.
Rolled in trailers equipped with big TV screens, and another trailer as a kitchen,now the ship is a floating R & R.
Rolled in trailers equipped with showers or bathtubs, cafetaria or sleeping quarters, now the ship is a "Mother Ship" for High Speed Patrol ships.
If the CatHSV is equipped with "lifts" to lift up High Speed Patrol ships from the water,now the ship is a floating repair facilities. Or a " Mobile Dry Dock" for small vessels.
Cat HSV can be considered as the future LST and more. Speed of 13 knots upgraded to 30 knots ! Be able to carry Amphbiious Assault Vehicles and Assault Helicopters plus carrying a battalion of soldeirs at the same time is something that never can be imagined 10 years ago.
So, TNI AL....what are you waiting for !.
====HSVs are quite expensive,
Yes expensive. But may be if scaled down, such as..instead of aluminum hull, may be steel hull to be used. Speed lowered to 25 knots - 30 knots instead of 45 knots. So that diesel electric as the main propulsion instead of water-jets with big diesel engines. Savings in fuel cost. Or maybe instead of diesel electric, to generate electric power, high powered steam turbine could be used.
Also. Cat HSVs, are suitable for civilian use. During peace time, these ships can be chartered out to be used as a regular liner between major ports in Indonesia, carrying passengers and cargo (Ro-Ro). I understand that LPD are designed primary as military use.
Eventhough the Cat HSVs are expensive to build, but being able to be chartered out to Shipping Co. will produce some revenue to compensate the high price. Also it will serve not only for defence use but also for the benefit of the people. The ability to be used as military and civilian use alone will be justified in purchasing these ships eventhough with a higher price tag.
TNI ( Tentara Nasional Indonesia-- Indonesian Defence Force) belong to the people of Indonesia. Therefore, serving the people by providing mass transportation between the Islands by ships built and paid for to defend the Nation ( Navy ships) is a natural option.
Using Google Translation.Jakarta, Kompas - With the experience there so far, PT PAL Indonesia can make sure destroyer escort warship missiles within 4 years. Making warships armed with missiles is a big step to independence procurement main tool or weapon systems/alutsista.
This was said by the Director of PT PAL Indonesia Harsusanto told Kompas, Wednesday (2 / 12). According to Harsusanto, since this is the first ship, the institute works with other parties. "We've been able to make the structure of the ship, but for our electronic systems must work together with those who have experience. So, we need sharing contract (contract with), "said Harsusanto.
Cooperation with foreign parties are also targeted for the transfer of technology. Workmanship ship should be done in PT PAL Indonesia has also made the local component will be used.
According to Harsusanto, it takes about 4 years to make a destroyer escort warship missile (PKR) first. The price of a ship to reach 170 million euros. After that, with an interval of each of 6 months can be launched again PKR ship the second and third.
Currently, according to Harsusanto, the contract was not signed. However, as part of the 100-day program Yusgiantoro Defense Minister, he expects the contract to be signed in January 2010. "Four years later, we are able to launch PKR," said Harsusanto.
Ship LST
In addition to PKR boat, PT PAL is also planning to produce a tank assault landing craft or landing ship tanks (LST) in the next two years. According Harsusanto, it had received the draft of the TNI LST Navy. Length along the 117 meters is a modern ship.
Separately, Army Chief of Staff of the Navy Vice Admiral Agus Suhartono committed to supporting the development of the domestic defense industry. According to him, Army Navy is committed to choosing to make the ship in the country if the domestic industry has been able to.
Navy Chief of Staff is optimistic look at the domestic industry for the manufacture of these weaponsystem. "We have launched last week LPD ship HMS Banjarmasin," said Agus Suhartono the platform deck landing ship (LPD) TNI's newest Navy.
Harsusanto states, after HMS Banjarmasin, PT PAL will launch another LPD ships, HMS Banda Aceh, in June 2010. (Edn / BUR)
Quantity are more important. Relatively cheap but patrol cappable boats (price around USD 4 mio or IDR 40 bio) are the priority on getting sufficient boats for archipelagos/litoral patrol. Despite the building of Light Frigates and submarines, these patrol boats will be the back bones on patrolling duties.Procurement effort worth $ 634.8 million to support Indonesia's border security
The Defense Minister of Indonesia, Purnomo Yusgiantoro, today confirmed that the Ministry is following the plan to increase the Navy's (Indonesian: Indonesian National Army Navy, TNI-AL) inventory of patrol vessels by the purchase of 96 Additionally boats. The Navy needs these vessels to strengthen border security and to prevent illegal fishing and piracy in Indonesian waters, a Ministry spokesman confirmed.
According to the fleet expansion plans of 2005, the Indonesian Navy already introduces some 23 PC-40-type patrol craft built by Fasharkan Mentigi. The 40-meter vessel is armed with one 20mm cannon and two 12.7mm heavy machine guns. Achieving top speeds of 20 knots (37km / h) the craft is especially built for maritime security patrol duties such as anti-piracy, prevention of illegal fishing, and border protection operations.
However, the plan needs the support of the House of Representatives which have to approve the Rp 6 trillion ($ 634.8 million) proposed by the Ministry for the purchase the patrol vessels. "We need Rp 6 trillion to buy those patrol boats," Purnomo said during a hearing with members of House Commission I, which oversees defense, intelligence and foreign affairs.
Navy spokesman, Commodore Iskandar Sitompul, confirmed to a national newspaper that Indonesia already had the capability to manufacture the vessels at the Surabaya yards of the domestic ship-maker PT PAL Indonesia. He also confirmed that a minimum of 120 patrol vessels, each worth some Rp40 billion, were required to sufficiently strengthen border security. The spokesman's assessment is in a line with the national director for resource general supervision and control at the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, Aji Sularso, who last month confirmed that more such vessels are urgently required.
Illegal fishing is a major problem in Indonesia. According to experts, the Southeast Asian state loses at least 50 per cent of the total revenue through illegal fishing activities, reaching an annual value of up to $ 2 billion. Those activities are rampant in regions such as the eastern coast of North Sumatra and the waters of North Maluku and West Kalimantan.
A second key task will be to improve border security efforts. "We also need the vessels to strengthen our defense in border areas," General Djoko Santoso. Indonesian Military (TNI) commander explained. Therefore, the vessels would also be deployed along the Malacca Strait, which separates Indonesia and Peninsular Malaysia, as well as in the Sulawesi Sea, which is the Indonesian / Philippine border. Particularly the Malacca Strait is Renowned for being one of the world's hot spots of piracy, particularly in the late 1990s and during the first years of the new century. A combined effort of the Malaysian, Indonesian and Singaporean navies, significantly increasing patrols since July 2004, considerably reduced the number of pirate attacks.
Djoko Santoso said one of the main border problems was the 15.235-square kilometers Ambalat block in the Makassar Strait near the land border between Sabah in Malaysia and East Kalimantan in Indonesia, where border disputes have been going on since 1969. "Malaysia often breaches into Indonesian territory, because of Indonesia's weak primary weaponry system," Djoko Santoso said.
Besides the plan to purchase new patrol vessels, Purnomo also informed the Commission of his intention to raise the allowance for 400 soldiers deployed on twelve remote islands as well as for 9.000 soldiers stationed to guard the land border between Indonesia and East Timor, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. The Minister mentioned that allowances would amount from 50 to 100 percent of the basic Salaries. "The increase has been approved by the Finance Minister and will begin starting January," he told the Commission.
Accordingly, the Indonesian defense budget will be increased from Rp 33.67 trillion ($ 3.56 billion) in 2009 to Rp 42.3 trillion ($ 4.47 billion) in 2010.
==========================Attach is the photo of LPD Banjarmasin from Angkasa readers community. This LPD build by PT. PAL underlicense from South Korea, with some modifications resulted slightly longger dimenssions of 125 m vs 122 m on South Korean's build LPD. The Modifications mostly on Electronics (the LPD' build by PAL will be fitted by command fuctions) and larger guns (Still being decided on choices of 100 mm French or 57 mm Bofors) against 40 mm Bofors on South Korean build sister LPD.
This LPD schedulled be turn to the Navy in end of November after several delays from original schedulle of June this year. PAL hopes that this 'value for money' LPD's will eventually replaced all 20 South Korean and East German build LST now in the inventory of Military Sea Lift Command (Kolinlamil).
Well certaintly Makasar is no way near that capacity...but hey I even wondered if somewhere in this region outside Japan, someone else can afford that kind of capacity on an LPD. Even South Korean Dokdo is not as complete as this one==========================
The SAN ANTONIO (LPD 17) Class of amphibious transport dock ships represents the Navy and Marine Corps' future in amphibious warfare, and is one of the cornerstones in the strategic plan known as "Forward...from the sea". The San Antonio class will be the first designed, from the keel up, to execute Operational Maneuver From The Sea [OMFTS] and Ship to Objective Maneuver. It is designed to support embarking, transporting, and landing elements of a Marine landing force in an assault by helicopters, landing craft, amphibious vehicles, and by a combination of these methods to conduct primary amphibious warfare missions.
Specifications Return to Top
DIMENSIONS Length, LBP 200.0m 661 ft
Length, Overall 208.5m 684 ft
Beam, Extreme 31.9m 105 ft
Draft, FL 7.0m 23 ft
Displacement Full Load: approx. 25000
PERFORMANCE Sustained Speed, kts ~22
CREW Configuration
Total Ship Troops Surge Transient
Officers 109 32 66 11 0
CPO/SNCO 82 34 42 6 0
Enlisted 1005 330 591 84 0
Total 1202 396 699 101 6
MISSION SYSTEMS Vehicles/Carg (Net):
•Three Vehicle Decks (2229 sq m)
•Two Cargo/Ammo Magazines (963 cu m)
•Cargo Fuel, JP-5 (1190 cu m)
•Cargo Fuel, MOGAS (38 cu m)
•Two LCACs
Medical and Dental:
•Two Operating Rooms
•24 Person Hospital Ward
•Two Dental Operating Rooms
AVIATION FACILITIES Hangar: "O" Level Maintenance Facilities for:
•One CH-53E, or Two CH-46s, or One MV-22, or Three UH/AH-1s Landing:
•Two CH-53s, or Four AH/UH-1s, or Four CH-46s, or Two MV-22s, or One AV-8B Harrier
MAIN PROPULSION 4 - Medium Speed Sequentially Turbocharged Marine Diesels
2 - Shafts
2 - Single Reversing Reduction Gears
2 - Inboard Rotating (top) Controllable Pitch Propellers
ELECTRIC PLANT 5 - 2500 KW Ship Service Marine Diesel Generators
5 - Main Ship Service 60 Hz SWBS
3 - Ship Service 400 Hz SWBS
3 - 60 to 400 Hz solid State Frequency changers
Zonal 60 Hz Power distribution system
Magnetic Signature Control System
AUXILIARIES 7 - 200 ton A/C plants
3 - 24000 GPD Reverse Osmosis Desalination Units
10 - 1000 GPM Navy Standard Firepumps
2 - MP Air Compressors
3 - LP Air Compressors
3 - Deballast Air Compressors
Navigation Digital Flux Gate Magnetic Compass
An/WSN-7(V)1 Inertial Navigation System
AN/WQN-2 Doppler Sonar Velocity Log Sys
AN/UQN-4A Sonar Sounding Set
Dead Reckoning System
Voyage Management System
Ships Weapons 2 - Mk 31 Mod 1 RAM Guided Missile Weapon System
2 - Mk 46 Mod 1 30mm Gun (Ship version of Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle Gun)
4 - MK 26 Mod 17 .50 Cal Machine Guns
Command & Control: AN/SPQ-14 (V) - Advanced Sensor Distribution System (ASDS)
AN/USQ-119E (V) 27 - Global Command and Control System – Maritime (GCCS-M)
AN/KSQ-1 Amphibious Assault Direction System
MK 91, 2 Channel MFCS
Radar Systems AN/SPS-48E
EW & Decoy Systems AN/SLQ-25A NIXIE
Makasar is less than half the tonnage of San Antonio, as well as being far more modestly equipped & more cheaply built. Dokdo is also smaller than San Antonio, although not by as much, & conceptually rather different.Well certaintly Makasar is no way near that capacity...but hey I even wondered if somewhere in this region outside Japan, someone else can afford that kind of capacity on an LPD. Even South Korean Dokdo is not as complete as this one![]()
Agree Swerve, however on Dokdo as much as she's a cappable amphibious assets and of course have different concept and usage than San Antonio, still from the info that i can get, she's not build as excessive as San Antonio.Makasar is less than half the tonnage of San Antonio, as well as being far more modestly equipped & more cheaply built. Dokdo is also smaller than San Antonio, although not by as much, & conceptually rather different.
There are other countries with LPD, LPH and LHD's bigger then or the same size as the San Antonio class. Do you want examples?Only US and Us alone can afford to build and maintain such LPD as big as everything else in Texas. There is high price to pay to stay on top. The Military Industrial Complex will keep it at the top at any price !!!. Poor US Taxpayers !
Hi Steve, I know your comment is for Joe Ragan, however since his comment also to repply mine, perhaps some clarifications needed.There are other countries with LPD, LPH and LHD's bigger then or the same size as the San Antonio class. Do you want examples?
From "Detik News" with Google TranslateJAKARTA - TNI Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL) will modernize the equipment of war in 2010. Including one of them is tall sailing ship KRI Dewaruci which is owned by legendary trainer ship TNI AL, will also be replaced.
"To KRI Dewaruci we also think about his successor in 2010," said Navy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Agus Suhartono in a news conference at TNI AL, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Tuesday (29/12).
KRI Dewaruci a ship for cadets training academy TNI AL. Many times the ship has been used since 1957 has been around the world in diplomatic missions and exercises.