Well I suppose I should have clarified that a bit more, although I am kind of more interested in whether they are actually going to be building it regardless of whether it is useless or not.
The design came from a local privately owned shipyard which until this moment their products that being used by military are RHIB's and Small Twill Hull patrol boats.
I put the design in the thread to asked whether this's aviable design or not. Still personally, since this's not comming from state owned PAL shipyard, I have big doubt if this design can attract attentions from the brass in here.
Also historically the naval brass in here are bunch of conservatives guys. They will not really interested on new and unproven concepts. In the late 80's the then ministry of technology BJ Habibie put Jetfoil designs for coastal FAC's. Due his politicall clout it gain momentarily attentions but not enthuthiastic ones from the navy. The project fell down the favor due to the demise of Soeharto's era.
I'd also kind of question whether it would be in Indonesia's interests to be telling Australia exactly what it wants from its navy, so perhaps the real aims may be somewhat different to the ones you suggest?
Well I think at this moment the current administrations in here wants to have good and trusty relationships with Australia since a lot off suspicions still exsists on both countries. Off course both countries will still trying to maintain some cards to each respective chests, but will open the attentions to each other.
I believe part of the Australians Aus$ 25 billions for 12 new capable (and very expensives if I might say) submarines procurement plan comming from the realisations that We intend to have 8 Submarines by 2020, and off course the Vietnammese 6 Kilo's plan, and Chinese increasingly modern underwaters fleets.
Under current conditions the navy (and the rest of the armed forces) are more open on their developments plan.
By 2024 we still plan to have Green Water Navy with 274 ships (mostly coastal partrol boats), 137 Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing Naval Air Arm. 3 Marines Div., and 59 Naval Bases.
ANTARA :: TNI AL Siap Kandangkan Alutsista Tua Sorry in Indonesian).
This look big but considering our geographical conditions and present infrastructures, it's still a Navy with Minimum Deterences capability.
Could it be build ??
Well with USD 500 bio economy, our current military budgets is less than 1% of GDP (only USD 3.8 bio). Current administrations more interested on poverty reductions programs and other economics and infrastructures projects.
But with presidential ellections looming all three candidates ( Incumbent President, Incumbent VP..yeah they're facing each other now

, and an ex female president)..all promissing to increase significantly military budgets next year.
They're under pressure now..since popular view demand increased in the defences spending especially afther three Military transports crashses..
Honestly, we will be lucky if can maintain 2% GDP for the deffences budgets though...If the next Oil Price Hike happening, whoever in the administrations will be force to spend much money for the subsidies..if they want their political futures secures..

Well that Indonesia politics...

nfloorl: All much promisses but no real actions..