Indonesia: 'green water navy'

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

According to this local defense media, TNI-AL Chief stated PPA is not going to be replacement for Van Speijk/Ahmad Yani class. However the replacement will be Arrowhead 140 derivative Red-White Frigate (FMP). The replacement will be done gradually. Thus it means:
  1. Strong indication now they are planning another batches of FMP. As if FMP are for replacing Van Speijk then they need another 4 of them. Could it be the joint statement in UK on Nov Indonesia: 'green water navy' related to Babcock further licensing agreement for FMP ?
  2. It is also means PPA or another Frigate project are for additional capabilities.
This is quite important as throughout period, TNI-AL procurement is for replacement of obsolescence assets, and not additional capabilities.
So the question is, the two SIGMA 10514 frigates (which were originally intended to replace the Van Speijk/Ahmad Yani frigates) are they (still) regarded as the replacement, or will eventually 6 Iver Huitfeldts be build?
Replacing them by one single class is nothing more than logic (instead of 2 SIGMA 10514, 2 FMP and 2 PPA), but that also means that anything outside the FMP/Arrowhead 140 will be additional capabilities.

We will see...everything can change anytime.


The Bunker Group
two SIGMA 10514 frigates (which were originally intended to replace the Van Speijk/Ahmad Yani frigates) are they (still) regarded as the replacement, or will eventually 6 Iver Huitfeldts be build?
If base on TNI-AL Chief talk, then all 6 Van Speijk will be replaced by FMP. Instead previously talk of all 6 Van Speijk will be replace by 2 Sigma 10514, 2 PPA and 2 FMP. If this in held, then it is bit inlining with rumours that Sigma 10514 and Sigma 9113 will be classified as similar class of Corvettes-Light Frigates. Thus not on full size Frigates classification.

should be much, much more capable than the Van Speijk class ever was.
Yes FMP will be much capable then Van Speijk, but what I meant with replacement of obsolescence vs new capabilities more on the enlargement of Frigates number. Van Speijk for sometime can be classified as the only 'real' Frigate of TNI-AL. Others Frigates (like ex USN Claud Jones and ex RN Tribal) being replace by Sigma 9113 and ex Nahkoda Ragam/F2000 Corvettes or Light Frigate.

Thus the TNI-AL Chief talk seems also indicating what Prabowo's presentation a year ago on 12 Frigates plan. FMP and PPA clearly intended for that. Thus they are planning to double the number of Frigates from 6 to 12.

Whether that 12 Frigate coming from rumours of 6 FMP and 6 PPA or another rumours of 4 FMP, 4 PPA and another 4 of undecided Frigate class (which can be French FDI, Turkiye Istanbul or Japanese renew offer of FFM). All depends on consistency of planning, which in Indonesia procurement planning bit chaotic (on consistency).

Well at least the plan so far seems more and more shown indicating that they are serious on this 12 Frigates plan.


Super Moderator
Yes, but those old destroyer escorts & frigates would be called corvettes now.

I don't see the sense of all these different classes. Picking one & buying or building as many as wanted would seem to be better. Taking advantage of the availability of good secondhand ships (especially effectively unused ones such as the Nakhoda Ragam/Bung Tomos) is fine, a way to add capability cheaply, even if one can only obtain a few, but that logic doesn't apply to buying new ships built to order.

If Italy's offered a good enough deal on the PPAs - well, OK. But apart from that, just building more FMPs seems to be the obvious thing to do. More efficient logistically.


The Bunker Group
2 or 3 type of Frigates for Indonesia is not a new situation. Basically in the 80's through 90's, Van Speijk, Claud Jones and Tribal were 3 types of Frigates in Inventory. So by TNI mind set, they are so far not shown big support on simplification of types as Politics situation deemed that.

Politics always matter more in Indonesian Defense procurement then matter of logistics commonalities. I don't see that changing much on recent trend. So if they in the end settle on 3 types of Frigates as before, it is already much better then they go with 4 or even 5 types of Frigates.

What's more important is commonalities in SEWACO then types of Frigates in my opinion for TNI-AL situation. So far Euro systems like Thales, Leonardo, Terma or even Havelsan do shares some commonalities and abilities to interact with each other as Euro NATO standards.

Chinese and Russian system will do have potential to be procure occasionally. Again balancing politics will take matter on that decisions. Still it will not take majority toward Euro systems.