Indian Navy (IN) News and Discussion

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Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

Those mysterious SS-N-19 granat missiles. Not many pictures available but they're believed to be OTH, supersonic (Mach 1.6 to 2.5?), possibly equipped with jamming systems. I'd imagine the russians would prefer to keep those sort of goodies to themselves. Also, it probably works with a satelite network for guidance.

But to the point, does any of India's regional neighbors possess enough ASW capabilities to deal with the likes of a project 971? Witness the effect the HMS Conqueror had during the falklands war

The conqueror didn't need cruise missiles, just WW2 era torpedoes.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

KGB said:
Those mysterious SS-N-19 granat missiles. Not many pictures available but they're believed to be OTH, supersonic (Mach 1.6 to 2.5?), possibly equipped with jamming systems. I'd imagine the russians would prefer to keep those sort of goodies to themselves. Also, it probably works with a satelite network for guidance.

But to the point, does any of India's regional neighbors possess enough ASW capabilities to deal with the likes of a project 971? Witness the effect the HMS Conqueror had during the falklands war

The conqueror didn't need cruise missiles, just WW2 era torpedoes.
no with the exception of china i dont think any country with which india shares its borders possesses the requisite level of asw capability to take on these submarines,these attack submarines have long range sensors and missile systems which meens that they can strike pakistani naval bases from within indian territorial waters pakistan can use its p3c orions to counter them but then they will have to enter indian territorial waters which would make them vulnerable to indian land based combat aircrafts.the pakistani navy agosta90 is capable of carrying abou16 missiles and torpedoes while the akula is capable of carrying 40 missiles and torpedoes as well as 16 long range cruise missiles.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

well here is some latest news on the admiral gorshkov:

NAVYAcquired Russian aircraft carrier to arrive in 2008MUMBAI, DEC 1 (PTI)
India's second aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov, acquired from Russian Navy, was expected to arrive in Mumbai in the first half of 2008, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Western Naval command, Vice-Admiral Madanjit Singh said here today.
The carrier has undergone several modifications and has been fitted with some Indian equipment, Singh said.
After a year's trials in Russia, the carrier is expected to arrive here in first half of 2008, he said.
"The India's first indigenous aircraft carrier was expected to be ready within eight years. By then, we expect the naval version of LCA to be ready," he added.
The Navy was creating an operational base for UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) near Porbunder in Gujarat, he said adding, land has already been acquired for the project.
The Navy was also evaluating ship-launched version of UAVs, he said.
Asked about China building a new aircraft carrier, Singh said the neighbouring country had improved shipbuilding capabilities.
"Their nuclear submarine programme is a cause of worry for the US," he added.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

by the way guys does anone know if any country has a naval base dedicated to the use of uav's.
iam interested in this because i have just come across an article which states that indian navy will be setting up a base at porbunder for the deployment of uav's,i find it strange that a new base is being created specifically for the deployment of uav's.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

hey guys check out the indian navy's massive expansion plans:

27 warships (of various tonnge ranging from the size of small patrol vessels to the destroyers)on order,36 more likey to be acquired,3 more krival class stealth frigates to be acquired from russia,2 dsrv's to be acquired and operationalised in the next 3 years,more uav's ,surveillance helicopters and maritime patrol aircrafts and all this not including the coast guard's acquisitions.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

KGB said:
How much of these aquisitions have ASW capabilities, are these purchases being done with the PLAN's perceived emphasis on submarine development?
india has acquired russian stealth corvette design(project ms20382 steregusshiy) for their p28 stealth missile corvettes ,these vessels are considered to have top class asw warfare capabilities and are primarily considered as multi role vessels with asw capability ,these 2500 ton corvettes are being built at grse kolkatta.
also indian navy will be acquiring the russian amur class of submarines ,these will be built in india by larsen and toubro and kirloskar marine engines limited at hazira in west bengal.
india is upgrading its kilo calss submarines to type 636 level and giving them ability to fire missiles,however india found that the indigenously designed sonar ushus was superior to the sonar on the original type 636 kilos and hence chose this sonar over the russians one as well as the indian amara raja batteries.
so india is working heavily on all aspects of its navy not just the asw in order to counter the chinese.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

The amurs india is acquiring; will these be equipped with AIP? And if so, what AIP system will they be getting? Sweden and Germany offer AIP retrofits, while Russia hasn't come out with a proven AIP system yet.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

KGB said:
How much of these aquisitions have ASW capabilities, are these purchases being done with the PLAN's perceived emphasis on submarine development?

hey man check out this article it will give you some info on the extent which india is going to find out about the chinese submarine capability:
can you believe it guys,the tu142 has an endurance of 16 hours.


Banned Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

By 2012 india will have two aicraftcariers in their side ,but according to navy chief :they must have atlest 3 cariers to satisfy their needs. Before the begining indigenous carier ,their was proposal to build two 20,000 tone (approx) carriers .Is their any info about india building their third carrier.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

the second one is to b built after this first ads and will also be of 37000-40000 ton displacement,governement sanctioned in principle 3 aircraft carriers(the third one to replace gorshkov).all of them will be built at the cochin shipyards limited.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

KGB said:
The amurs india is acquiring; will these be equipped with AIP? And if so, what AIP system will they be getting? Sweden and Germany offer AIP retrofits, while Russia hasn't come out with a proven AIP system yet.
the russians have an aip known as the kristal which will be offered later but most likely the first batch will deisel powered since india is not confident about the concept of aip,that is the reason why they chose the conventional version of the scorpene with the option of installing the mesma or any other aip at a later date as part of a refit.
the kristal is believed to be comparable in terms of technology to the german fuel cells.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

aaaditya said:
the russians have an aip known as the kristal which will be offered later but most likely the first batch will deisel powered since india is not confident about the concept of aip,that is the reason why they chose the conventional version of the scorpene with the option of installing the mesma or any other aip at a later date as part of a refit.
the kristal is believed to be comparable in terms of technology to the german fuel cells.
but a very imp point to note is that russians market the technologies even before their development is complete. is there any russian sub/russian delivery of kristal.. as that would determine the extent at which kristal has been developed..


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

The russians were actually one of the first to explore AIP technology, they comissioned a few boats in the 50's. The boats were so dangerous that they were abandoned. It would take a lot for the soviets to abandon a sub - the K-19 for example was refitted and sent back to sea AFTER the near nuclear meltdown which killed some of its crew. The tough hombres in the soviet navy took their risks in some rather dangerous boats but backed down from their initial AIP experiments.

The website of the company that makes the AIP units for the Gottland class actually claims that they can retrofit most diesel subs with their AIP system.


Banned Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

aaaditya said:
the second one is to b built after this first ads and will also be of 37000-40000 ton displacement,governement sanctioned in principle 3 aircraft carriers(the third one to replace gorshkov).all of them will be built at the cochin shipyards limited.
can you please give me some links to that.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

dronzer said:
can you please give me some links to that.
iam sorry but it is a pretty old news ,however i will try to search for the news article,but the problem is that these news articles are posted in other forums and iam not permitted to post the links of other forums.


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

dronzer said:
can you please give me some links to that.
i read the same news in TOI delhi edition more than a year ago. apparently they will start the second ship after one is complete


Banned Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

Indian Aircraft Carriers are just extra and they are Just spending a lot of money on then in the maintainance and in the purchases.What do India wants to do with them do they want to use them againt their neighbours.Lol they cant be used against neighbours because they would only need the Air and Army to attack them and a bit of Navy (In case of Bangladesh and Pakistan) but if they would use the carrier then it is gonna sink very surely.There are no such enemies of India other then its neighbours, China (on which they cant attack ) and Pakistan ( they cant attack now Pakistan is not nuts) Bangladesh ( what they will get there only they will spend a lot of menoy there nothing else).
All i can understand that India just want to show the world that they are the rising superpower.
Still trying to fly:fly


New Member
Re: Indian Navy News and Discussion

kashifshahzad said:
Indian Aircraft Carriers are just extra and they are Just spending a lot of money on then in the maintainance and in the purchases.What do India wants to do with them do they want to use them againt their neighbours.Lol they cant be used against neighbours because they would only need the Air and Army to attack them and a bit of Navy (In case of Bangladesh and Pakistan) but if they would use the carrier then it is gonna sink very surely.There are no such enemies of India other then its neighbours, China (on which they cant attack ) and Pakistan ( they cant attack now Pakistan is not nuts) Bangladesh ( what they will get there only they will spend a lot of menoy there nothing else).
All i can understand that India just want to show the world that they are the rising superpower.
Still trying to fly:fly
india is growing fast. and by 2050 it will be amongst the top 3 economies of the world. We need to plan our power keeping the future growth in mind. our military should project our economic strength.
India will play a dominant role in at least indian ocean. and so we need a navy that projects power and commands respect from other navies. Aircraft carriers are more of a power projection than just use. And thats why india needs it.
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